ContextPoliTact has previously noted that since 9/11 the threat perception of the Middle Eastern nations have transferred from being fixated on Israel to dealing...
As the Afghan peace process is learning the ropes, attendant issues keep surfacing time and again. However, despite fragility, the process is poised to...
Uzbekistan’s commercial banks do not attract the speculative banking capital. Also its banks do not participate in any speculative banking operations due to which...
Karachi is the largest and most thickly populated city of Pakistan. It houses 60% of country’s Industry therefore known as major trade and commercial...
Terrorist Activities in Pakistan
Suicide AttacksAt least two Policemen were killed and six others were injured in the morning of June 11 when a suicide...
Pakistan and China have been enjoying extremely close and mutually beneficial relations since 1951 when diplomatic ties were established between the two. During Beijing's...
The National Accountability Bureau Ordinance (NABO) under Section 5 describes a “public office holder’ as an individual holding, or have held, an office or...