Sunday, March 16, 2025

UAE’s Operation Restoring Hope

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) mourned. September 5 was the blackest day of its national history when 45 Emirati soldiers lost their lives in...

Pak Navy’s Humanitarian Operation at Yemen

In times of natural disasters and other catastrophes, the officers and men of the Pakistan Navy have been rendering exemplary services both in the...

Revisiting the September War at Sea

“India has aggressed and is waging an all-out war against Pakistan. Our brave comrades in the Pakistan Army and Pakistan Air Force have already...

Special Emphasis on Terrorism (Sept-2015)

Terrorist Activities in Pakistan Bomb/IED BlastsThe chief of a local peace committee, Dilawar Jan, was killed in a bomb blast at Suri Pao village in...

The Spirit of 1965

Launching the unmitigated disaster that was “Operation Gibraltar” in 1965 it was criminal negligence not to anticipate a far wider Indian response than the...

Now or Never!

Former Federal Minister and close aide/confidante of PPP leader Asif Ali Zardari, Dr Asim Hussain was remanded for 90 days by an Anti-Terrorism Court...

China’s Victory Parade

The justice will prevail. The peace will prevail. The people will prevail.Chinese President Xi Jinping Most recently, China held its 15th victory parade since 1949....

Democracy by Stay Order

On an election petition filed by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) alleging poll rigging in NA-125 in Lahore, an election tribunal decided in May this year...

Ghani goes the Karzai way

In an erratic move, the Afghan government has walked away from the second round of the peace talks with mediation of any second country,...

From The Editorial Desk (Sep-2015)

Dear Readers, A quick glance into our short history will show that barring a few honourable exceptions, we were unable to produce a truly capable...