Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Saudi Arabia’s Resolve against ISIS

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has made great strides against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). It has already initiated legal, political,...

The Principle of Movement in the Structure of Islam

IntroductionThis is the most important lecture by Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, sixth in the book “Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam”. In fact the idea...

The New Silk Road and the Sea

The tales of the old Silk Road have captured the imagination of people across the world for centuries. A network of trade routes connecting...

Turkish Northern Republic of Cyprus

"The ongoing efforts to reunite Cyprus is the best chance in decades" US Secretary of State ...

The Spirit of Muslim Culture

IntroductionIn “The Spirit of Muslim Culture”, the fifth lecture being explored, Iqbal differentiates the psychological difference between the prophetic and mystic type on consciousness....

Uzbekistan’s Socio-Economic Achievements & Targets (2015-16)

H.E. Islam Karimov the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan delivered a keynote speech at the extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers on...

Afghanistan’s fog of talks

The politico-military situation in Afghanistan is quite complex. As regards military balance of power, James R Clapper, the US director of national intelligence, recently...

China vs America

IntroductionAccording to the renowned structural realist, John J Mearsheimer, the Chinese economic and military rise in the 21st century would not be peaceful; the...

Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah [rta]

Abu Ubaidah (rta) is one of the ten companions to whom the prophet (saw) publicly promised Paradise. Born in the tribe of Quraish, he...

Intericacies Of Spying via third Country

The use of neighbouring soils as launching pads for hostile intelligence agencies for disruptive and subversive purposes is not uncommon. The cardinal question is...