Saturday, March 29, 2025

Defining National Interest

The national interest definition has been evolving since centuries and was self-derived by societies, rulers, empires, and alliances to serve their best interests. The...

Muslim Believes

Muslims believe in One God, One Messenger, and One Book (Quran) which discusses most subjects, yet sects exist. One major reason for sectarianism is...

DPS: Pakistan’s Conundrum – Trump, Trade, Tight-Rope

Say what you may about Donald Trump, he keeps things interesting! From signing a plethora of executive orders to planning to take over countries...

Bangladesh’s Second Liberation

It is rightly said that Bengalis have a tipping point of endurance, especially when it comes to deviation from democratic norms, and beyond that...

World Economic Forum – 2025

VCast interviewed Ikram Sehgal, Co-Chairman of Pathfinder Group at the World Economic Forum 2025, in the special segment, Walk Down the Davos Promenade. He...

Balochistan Breakfast

Pathfinder Group hosted the Balochistan Breakfast Event on 23rd January 2025, at the Pakistan Pavilion during the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting in...

Stop Balkanization of Syria

Al Jazeera, on a lean day, in November 2012 quoted Syrian President Bashar Al Assad as saying, “I am Syrian, I was made in...

Special Emphasis on Terrorism (February 2025)

Suicide Attacks At least six people, including five Frontier Corps (FC) personnel, were killed while 56 others, including children, suffered injuries when a suicide bomber...

Pakistan The Search For Stability

“Pakistan: Search for Stability” is an insightful account of various arguments concerning Pakistan’s quest for managing its political, social, and economic stability while examining...

Sahabzada Yaqub Khan

Syed Ali Hamid’s book is a fascinating account of a little-known aspect of the life of Sahabzada Yaqub Khan (SYK) who played a prominent...