The Asaan Mobile Account (AMA) scheme is a groundbreaking initiative that allows individuals to open a bank account using their mobile phone, without internet...
Over five years ago – I had written exhaustively on counter insurgency and counter terrorism policies, contextualizing them within the ambit of national security...
Since the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021, women are deprived of educational access because of the Taliban perception and their misinterpretation of...
In contemporary international power politics, the multileveled Beijing-Washington conflicted interaction and the growing US-India strategic partnership have become the critical factors hampering the conventional...
Bomb Blasts/LEDS
On August 10, three pedestrians identified as Sakhi Dad, Rehmatullah and Abdul Rahim, were injured in an incident of a bomb blast in...
This is the story of a courageous girl from a disadvantaged neighborhood in Karachi's Korangi area. Despite facing challenging circumstances, she became the first...