Thursday, January 23, 2025

DPS – Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way

Circumstances are difficult, the road treacherous and the leadership inept. While this mantra has been mentioned many times in the past, it does bear...

From the Editorial Desk (May – 2023)

Addressing Future Fest, Pakistan’s largest tech conference and expo in Lahore recently, I found myself facing a well informed and technical savvy audience. I...

Have we Blinked at Home, and Failed on the Afghan Front?

Pakistan’s western border has not been serene for almost four decades now. It has been a theatre of revulsion and an immediate threat to...

Special Emphasis on Terrorism (April-2023)

Suicide Attacks On March 6, nine persons, including eight Policemen and one civilian, were killed while 13 other persons were injured in a suicide attack...

Futafut Services (Pvt) Ltd

Q. The concept and inception behind Futafut?Ans. The idea behind the Futafut shopping app provides a digital marketplace (B2B2C) to serve Micro, Small, and...

Hijab for School Girls in AJK

The Hijab Enforcement for school going girls in AJK (Azad Jammu and Kashmir) is an unnecessary doctrine. A circular was released about enforcing Hijab...

Ameena Saiyid – The Mother of Literature & Literature Festivals

The literary world in Pakistan will always speak about Ameena Saiyid with utmost respect. Her contribution has been significant in changing the dynamics for...

Intelligence Realignment

It was in the aftermath of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), predecessor of the Office of Strategic...

Pakistan at Crossroad a Way Forward

Welcome to all the panelists and welcome to everybody. Talking about reshaping Pakistan I want to start with the people on the stage, you’ve...

The Economic Potential of Pakistan Challenges and Opportunities

What should I speak to an audience that is already very informed and very precocious and far more learned or educated than I could...