Monday, March 10, 2025

From the Editorial Desk (June – 2012)

Dear Readers,The post-World War II period saw many nations gain independence, in Asia that included Burma (Myanmar), Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Laos, Carnbod'a,...

On War

IntroductionA few salient features of the treatise "ON WAR" by Von Clausewitz, one of the greatest philosophers of war, are being mentioned briefly in...

An Epic Mission (1971 Indo Pak War)

Save our Soul (SOS) is a term used world wide when the situation is such that if no corrective action is immediately taken it...

Parenting Military Kids

Children are a priceless gift of Almighty Allah and are the most important aspect of life for parents. Nourishment and upbringing of children is...

Special Emphasis On terrorism (June 2012)

Suicide AttacksA suicide attack targeting Security Forces (SFS) on May 4 killed at least 20 persons, including four Policemen, and injured over 42 others...

Analysis of Tribulation in Muslim World & Future

“If He wills, He can remove you, and substitute whomever He wills in your place,”. "ALLAH would never change a favour that HE has conferred...

Democracy and Pakistan

How does one define democracy? Of the many that can be googled from the internet Google appears to have made reference books redundant my...

Pak-Russia Rapprochement

For over six decades, Pakistan has lived under an uncertainty cum-insecurity syndrome in the context of its relations with Russia, especially in the Soviet...

Name Confusion Two Akbars and two Latifs

In the first decade after independence in 1947, several officers of Pakistan army were given rapid pro-motions. Officers with same names resulted in some...

Indian MMRCA Deal

IntroductionFor some time now, the IAF has been facing an increasing shortage of military hardware (especially fighter aircraft) for a number of reasons. These...