Monday, March 10, 2025

The Struggle forSelf-Reliance in the PAF

IntroductionSelf-reliance in the defence field is a cherished goal for all nations - it is also a very elusive goal to achieve, given the...

From the Desk of the Publisher and chief Editor (October 2012)

Dear Readers, With the next US presidential election to be held on November 6, 2012, the race for the White House has truly heated up....

Letters to the Editor

It will be a Privilege to public letters from readers about article written in previous issue or giving suggestions. No letter will be printed...

InternationalSecurity Issues – II

International Security Issues increasingly involve non-traditional factors, parameters of which "symbolize security from the threat of disease, hunger, unemployment, crime, social conflict, political repression...

International Security Issues-I

In the traditional sense security is considered as freedom from risk or danger of destruction and/or annihilation, national security being freedom of the national...

One Day in the Life of a Soldier

There is nothing complicated about being a soldier. You serve your country with a simple-minded purpose, to die for your country if so required....

Deadly Stroke

The Indian Army had responded vigorously to Pakistani infiltration of irregular forces into Kashmir which had started in August 1965. With a double pincer...

North Waziristan Blues

North Waziristan is under international spotlight due to holing-up of a large number of hardened militants, combatants, criminals and terrorists. It also houses a...

Abolition of Zamidari/Jagidari and Law of Benamionly Solution

Plato has said that the rule of law can never be properly executed in democracy as when the elections are held then several parties...

The Genesis of SouthAsian Nuclear Deterrence:Pakistan’s Perspective

Brigadier retired Naeem Salik is considered an authority on the study of nonproliferation, security and strategic issues. His descriptive style study on 'The Genesis...