Monday, March 10, 2025

From the Editorial Desk (April – 2013)

Dear Readers,Not too long ago, former President Pervez Musharraf was called ‘America's most important ally in the war on terrorism’ by the Bush administration....

Why Break The Relationship?

The US agenda with Pakistan pre-9/11 was, in order of priority viz (1) nuclear non-proliferation (2) terrorism and (3) drugs, with the Taliban government...

An “interesting” crossroads

The phrase "may you live in interesting times" is a Chinese curse heaped on an enemy. Frederic Coudert quotes an unknown British diplomat in...

Surviving March

As opposed to the 15th of March (the Roman "Ides of March"), the entire month of March seems linked with Pakistan's destiny. March 23...

Afghanistan: Land of Transitions

Afghanistan is passing through unfortunate times. Three streams of fragile transition are in progress; all in an indecent haste to meet the 2014 timeline....

Religious Parties in General Elections

During general elections in Pakistan every major political party advocates popular policies and catchy slogans like roti, kapra aur makan (bread, clothing and shelter)...

IRON DOME counter – rocket, artillery and missile (C-RAM) system

Iron Dome is the latest and smallest of Israel's anti missile systems, also known as Iron Cap. It is a mobile all-weather air defense...

Hazrat Musa (Kaleem Ullah)

GenealogyThe family tree of Hazrat Musa as per various Muslim writers and Genesis, Exodus, Numbers and Chronicles 1 of the Old Testament is as...

Lieutenant General Shah Rafi Alam – Addendum

Lieutenant General Shah Rafi Alam was from 5th PMA course. In 1951, relations between India and Pakistan deteriorated and both countries moved troops to...

The Trialogue

"Abraham was neither a "Jew" nor a "Christian", but was one who turned away from all that is false, having surrendered himself unto God;...