Friday, March 7, 2025

Pakistan and Turkey

Recently the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey H.E Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Pakistan accompanied by a high level delegation including the Minister...

Turkey’s Democratic Predicament

In the 18th century, Goethe (1749 – 1832)) had recognized that the “East and the West” were inseparable. Iqbal (1877-1938), an Indo-Pak thinker and...


Pakistan is striving to come out of the worst security crisis in its history that has adversely impacted its economy, especially since 9/11. Under...

Col Patrick C Tierney

Col Patrick C Tierney was under palliative care for the last 15 days in a hospital in Canada; he passed away on 12 December...

From the Editorial Desk (January-2014)

Dear Readers, This DJ issue is dedicated to one of my flying instructors who died recently in Canada. Cal Patrick Tierney was no ordinary individual,...

Letters to the Editor (Dec-2013)

Dear Editor, AOA It is an irony of fate that the most hated man in Pakistan is appointed as AMIR of TTP. Should we consider this...

Special Emphasis on Terrorism (Dec-2013)

Terrorist Activities in Pakistan Bomb BlastA bomb on October 30 killed five Pakistani soldiers in a village near the Afghan border in the South Waziristan...

Smart Power

Power is nothing more than the ability to get others to do what you want. For doing that you require tools of coercion or...

Who is on Trial?

According to both legal opinion and mass public perception, prima facie the case against Gen Pervez Musharraf for treason is legally a “slam dunk”,...

An Imperfect Electoral Process

Democracy is representative of the will of the majority, our major problems stem from experimenting with various models of ‘imperfect’ democracies. A social state...