Sunday, March 9, 2025


The recent Islamabad attack highlights the fact that the TTP either, viz (1) has no control over most of its 30 plus factions (and...

Reviving PIA

To quote my article “Keep PIA flying” (June 20, 2013), “Facing multiple crises simultaneously - most of them man-made - Pakistan’s workforce and institutions...

Stretching the Truth

Besides the recent dastardly attacks on policemen and Rangers in Karachi, the TTP brutally beheaded 23 Frontier Corps (FC) men in their custody in...

Australian Strategic Environment and Significant Challenges

The Australian strategic environment is characterised by its geography and international developments. The West Pacific and Indian Ocean are the major regions which constitute...

Turkey Strives to Stabilize Afghanistan

This is a defining year in Afghanistan’s history. The drawdown of occupation forces by the end of the year will be a watershed event....

Pakistan-China Defence Cooperation

Sino-Pak defence cooperation has an overarching strategic dimension which was incorporated in the joint statement titled “Deepening China-Pakistan Strategic and Economic Cooperation” issued on...

Selection of First Native C-in-C in Pakistan

In 1947 India and Pakistan emerged as new independent states and the Indian army was divided. There were no senior native officers and both...

Is Religion, the main cause of Wars?

“There shall be no coercion in matters of faith. Distinct has now become the right way from error: hence, he who rejects the...

The Paradox of Hidden Human History

The world to this day indeed owes a tremendous amount to the Muslim world for the many groundbreaking scientific and technological advances that were...

Pak-Saudi Arabia’s

Intensity of bilateral relations between two brotherly countries Pakistan and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are getting momentum these days. Islamabad and Riyadh has become...