Terrorist Activities in Pakistan
Bomb/IED BlastsPolice on July 2 foiled a major terrorism bid after it recovered and defused two bombs that weighed 18 kilogrammes...
The bankruptcy of our policies has put us under pressure internationally from disparate forces with vested interest. Domestically this only force-multiplies the effect of...
Historically progressive, Pakistan’s bourgeoisie has compromised with imperialism and feudal/tribal elements, with almost all political parties in Pakistan run like feudal estates. The basic...
A man starts yelling "fire, fire" in a movie theatre, the stampede towards the exits results in injuries (even deaths) among the cinemagoers. Restraining...
The Republic of Uzbekistan, land of light, human wisdom and the custodian of ancient civilization has successfully surpassed all the hardships and achieved high...
‘The desire to gain an immediate selfish advantage always imperils their ultimate interests. If they recognize this fact, they usually recognize it too late’....
IntroductionI treasure the memory of my military life (2nd World War, 1943-45, Kashmir War, 1948, September 1965 War and the December 1971 War). During...
According to latest World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report (September, 2014), United Arab Emirates has tremendously excel in different categories in the world. The...