Anywhere in the world both tactical and strategic nuclear forces need to have a central command channel to ensure that nuclear forces that necessarily...
IntroductionDr. Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938) does not need any introduction to the Muslims of world in general and the Indian sub-continent in particular. Today he...
Russia and Pakistan are once again being engaged through series of meaningful dialogues from defence cooperation to gas supply and from investment conference to...
During his recent address to the UN General Assembly, PM Nawaz Sharif had said: South Asia needs strategic stability and this requires serious dialogue...
H.E. Ali Santel Ambassador of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) in Pakistan is an experienced diplomat. He has vast experience in international relations....
For a president who wanted to leave the Middle East behind so that he could focus on other pressing issues—such as the much-publicised ‘rebalancing’...