Friday, February 21, 2025
Home Opinion


Pak-China Relationship

Abstract"The founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 was a truly historic event, and so was the independence of Pakistan in 1947."i...

Pak-China Strategic Friendship

Pakistan and China share many similarities on important geo-political affairs and geo-strategic maneuverings. Both countries have also certain plans for regional socio-economic integration. This...

Striving for a Global Fissile Material Regime

The Conference on Disarmament (CD) is a multilateral forum for disarmament diplomacy. It has evolved important treaties banning biological and chemical weapons as well...

Reminiscence-My stay in Somalia

IntroductionSOMALIA is one of the poorest countries of Africa. For centuries it had remained a colony of the Arabs and European Powers. It gained...

Some selected sayings of the Genius SUN TZU-Part-2

CommentsThe well known expert on Asian history, geography and politics JAMES CLAVELL in his foreword to the ART OF WAR (written by SUN TZU)...

Roots of Modern Conspiracy Theories

IntroductionJews are conspiring to take over the world, a very common phrase frequently heard not only in Pakistan but almost all over the world...

Globalization: An Analysis in Islamic and the Western Contexts

Globalization means different things to different people. The term globalization has become part of our vocabulary over the last three decades but the socio-cultural...

UAE Foreign Policy Meaningful Engagements

Abstract Rise of diplomacy, dialogue and development at the regional and international power politics especially after the horrendous events of World War II has changed...
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