The Muslim civilization was developed historically (spanning from 7th through the 17th centuries) dominating the world close to millennia. It had transformed the world...
Introduction“Abraham was neither a “Jew” nor a “Christian”, but was one who turned away from all that is false, having surrendered himself unto God;...
Visits of Dignitaries and CommunicationGhaus-e-Azam never stood up to give obedient reception to the Caliph or his ministers. Whenever he was informed about the...
Most Pakistanis, while not oblivious to the country’s multiple challenges, still think that the country, resting on weak foundations of democracy, conservative religious orthodoxy,...
IntroductionThe politically progressive Muslim majority countries such as Indonesia, Turkey and Malaysia, ambiguous state of affairs in Pakistan and ongoing struggles with popular uprisings...
With its waning social gauge, degenerating economy, dividing society on ethnic, sectarian bases and the government's mislaid priorities, Pakistan is emerging as a disturbed...