Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Home Exclusive for the DJ

Exclusive for the DJ

Country Strategy Dialogue on Pakistan

In the “Country Strategy Dialogue on Pakistan”, the Prime Minister Mr. Imran Khan presented Pakistan’s case to the global community on a comprehensive basis...

India and Pakistan Should Talk on for a Longer Period

Being the devil’s advocate is not a preferred job. So is the case for those who stand for congenial relations between India and Pakistan....

No Harm in Recognising Israel

From the Balfour Declaration in 1917 to the Abraham Accord in 2020, Israel has come a long way. The Jewish state has gone from...

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Bismillah-ir-Raman-ir-Rahim (In the name of ALLAH, the most gracious and the most merciful) Esteemed Mr. Speaker, Honourable members of the Pakistan National Assembly and Senate, Ladies and gentlemen. I...

Khan and Erdogan

“I consider Pakistan my second home; Turkey stands with Pakistan and will continue to do so”, said Turkish President and strongman Recep Tayyip Erdogan...

Blood Over Different Shades of Green

As a cultural event the Islamabad Literature Festival (ILF) has come to occupy a distinctive position in the cultural, educational, and literary life of...

An Ode to a Soldier

one of the earliest memories I often revere is one being indulged in a labyrinth of stories which my grandfather effortlessly spun as I...

The global village and other examples of wishful thinking

Very bad health, my son’s wedding and shifting of my place of residence took a lot out of me physically and mentally and this...
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