Saturday, February 22, 2025
Home Exclusive for the DJ

Exclusive for the DJ

Three prongs to make geo-economics a success

"I have a dream: cried Martin Luther King as he visualised a socially-knitted mosaic in the United States in the heydays of racism. So do...

General Yahya Khan

This scribe's earliest memories of Yahya Khan are from the early 1960s when he arrived in Dacca as GOC 14th Division. Our dwelling then...

Talk on Pakistan-Bangladesh Relations

Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Rahim. I can deliver this talk in Urdu language as the people here understand this but the target of my talk...

Iran, Pakistan Regional Amalgamation is a Non-Starter

Pakistan-Iran relations have remained mired in half-hearted initiatives, coupled with misgivings and suspicions. Notwithstanding the fact that they share more than a 1000-kilometre border,...

United States and India should get real with Pakistan

Mark Twain, the greatest American humorist, said, “God created war so that Americans would learn geography.” Though he lived and died before World War-I,...

Time for Pakistan to Exhibit Geo-Strategic Muscles

The revulsion-cum-revolution, though peaceful in essence, on Pakistan’s western frontiers and the Taliban set-up has pitched Pakistan in a leadership role in the region...

Iran’s new President and Policy Challenges

The least that Ebrahim Raisi should do is to curtail the powers of the unelected strata, reform the financial sector, and open up the...

Resist Influx 2.0 and stay Aloof from Afghan Mess

Pakistan is once again seized with the Afghan fall-out equation as the United States exited the war-devastated country in a nightmarish mode. Washington has...
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