Wednesday, March 26, 2025
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Book Review

The Monsoon War

Lieutenant General Tajindar Shergill and Captain Amarinder Singh’s book The Monsoon war is an encyclopedic work on 1965 India-Pakistan war. It is a detailed...

Escape From Oblivion

Ikram Sehgal, an articulate member of Pakistan's strategic community, has been long time editor of the respected Defence Journal, representing the views principally of...

Escape from Oblivion

This is the story of a young officer hardly four years service, who decided to fight alongside his old unit, raised and commanded by...

The Genesis of SouthAsian Nuclear Deterrence:Pakistan’s Perspective

Brigadier retired Naeem Salik is considered an authority on the study of nonproliferation, security and strategic issues. His descriptive style study on 'The Genesis...

The One That Got Away

Ikram Sehgal's memoir reads more like a racy suspense novel instead of a gritty, soldierly chronicle and in his fore-ward to the book, Air...

Reckoning with the Past

Despite the symbolic references to the fall of Dhaka and secession of East Pakistan in our everyday politics, the tragedy appears to mean little,...
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