Friday, March 14, 2025
Home Articles by the Chief Editor

Articles by the Chief Editor

From The Editorial Desk (Aug-2015)

Dear Readers, Having just celebrated the 68th anniversary of its independence in grand style, some soul searching is still in order to evaluate where Pakistan...

Strengthening NAB’s Financial Crime Wing

When NAB was established in 1999 the initial target was to go after those who had done bank fraud and/or did not return the...

From the Editorial Desk (July – 2015)

Pakistan and China have been enjoying extremely close and mutually beneficial relations since 1951 when diplomatic ties were established between the two. During Beijing's...

Charting the Future

Under treatment presently in a UK hospital, PTI’s Chief Counsel, Abdul Hafeez Pirzada tried his best to prove before the Judicial Commission (JC) that...

Disappointment in Expectations

Having raised the hopes of the country by apprehending a large number of target killers and subsequently going after those in the bureaucracy whose...

White Collar Crimes

The National Accountability Bureau Ordinance (NABO) under Section 5 describes a “public office holder’ as an individual holding, or have held, an office or...

From the Editorial Desk (June-2015)

Dear Readers, The many ceasefire violations by Indian security forces on the Line of Control (LoC) over the last few months have caused at least...

Achieving National Security through Democratic Dispensation

“Without governance and development in democracy, National Security will face more daunting problems and herculean challenges.”Dr. Ahmed Adam Okene. Talk at College of Arts...
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