Friday, March 28, 2025

Syed Junaid Ahsan


The Political Ad Nauseam

Our forefathers who worked relentlessly to carve out an independent state for the Muslims of the Subcontinent had a vision and they literally believed...

Post COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the course of history in global politics and economy. The lockdowns across the globe and curbs on international transportation...

Iran And US Relation’s

Historical Perspective By the year 1978, western powers considered Iran as a stable and trusted ally in Gulf region. Armed with sophisticated and most modern...


One can perhaps say that history loses its significance in the absence of human diligence and that it is more the reflection of a...

Diplomacy – Origin through History

“The institution of diplomacy is as old as history itself. Oppenheim in his treatise of International Law has stated ‘Legation as an institution for...

Lahore Attacked

On 27 March 2016, Pakistan was again ruthlessly attacked by terrorists at Gulshan Park, Lahore, to the horror of the Pakistani Nation. More than...

The Ukraine Crisis

“There is a general agreement that the world order is changing, but considerable disagreement about how it is changing. Communicators variously locate this change...

Managing Pak-Afghan Security

“…. why Britain had to relinquish its Indian empire in 1947. It argues that imperial policy towards Indian nationalism suffered from a chronically poor...
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