Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Mumtaz Hussain

He is Chief Editor of The Environ Monitor (Leading Environmental Journal of Pakistan) striving for Environmental Excellence.

WED 2021 Eco System Management in Islam

1. BACKGROUND 1.1 World Environment Day (WED) is held every year on 05 June under the auspicious of United Nation Environment Program (UNEP) at global...

Environmental Terrorism in Palestine

1. Significance of QIBLA 1.1 QIBLA is the direction towards which The Muslims pray to Almighty Allah ...

Religions and Environment

1. DIVINE RELIGIONS 1.1 The humankind had witnessed variety of ideologies, religious thoughts & philosophies and theologies through various cultures and civilizations. These beliefs and practices had...

Engineer’s Role for Developing

ABSTRACT An efficient, effective, and operational communication is the pre-requisite for progress and prosperity. The goal of sustainable development remains a dream if the...

COVID-19: Momentous Perception

COVID-19 PROLIFERATION Corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) had caught the whole humanity unprepared, it had first engulfed Italy but this country did not publicize it. This unprecedented...

Aviation Operations: Implications and Management

PROLOGUE Aviation is one of the leading industries of the world comprising of manufacturing and operation of a variety of aircrafts and aeroplanes employed for...

Adherence to Patience and Anger Control

PROLOGUE 1.1    Definitions of Patience 1.1.1  Two things define you: Your patience when you have nothing & your attitude when you have everything (unknown scholar). 1.1.2  The...

Climate Change and Health Risks

PROLOGUE Climate change has become a global phenomenon. The United Nations (UN) has constituted Inter Governmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) and 155 countries have...
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