Saturday, March 29, 2025

Haya Sehgal

The writer is known for covering articles on topics, which have a socio-cultural impact.

Pakistan at Davos

The hashtag #PakistanatDavos2020 trended at the top at number one in Pakistan. PM Imran Khan has attended the World Economic Forum 2020 (WEF). The...

Water for a Sustainable Future

The dialogue and research-based 4th Karachi International Water Conference focused on the Water, Energy, Food Nexus for a Sustainable Future in Pakistan. Hosted by the Hisaar...

Accelerating the Pace to a Fairer World

The World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap Report 2020 came out recently; sending many of us into a flurry of despair. It stated that...

Keyboard Warriors

In recent news, the European External Action Service’s East StratCom (the EU Disinformation Task Force) revealed that the website,, apparently a self-proclaimed magazine...

For Jinnah—the Dream of an Educated and Prosperous Pakistan

Courtesy Daily Times The Jinnah Foundation (Memorial) Trust (JF) recently inaugurated a state of the art auditorium. The event recalled days of past, present as...

Loving Islamabad

I have always loved Islamabad. A picturesque haven of bliss with a scenic backdrop of lush mountains, green valleys and beautiful planning, it was...

En Route to Jinnah’s Pakistan

With the ardent patriotic zeal that sprouts up with each gazetted national holiday portrayed by ad campaigns and arbitrary quotes in mass media which...

Mothers of the Motherless

We have seen them working tirelessly in Pakistan, adopting a country which they call their own these brave women provide a service to mankind....
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