Saturday, February 22, 2025

Claude Rakisits

Dr Claude Rakisits is a Director of Strategic Initiatives at PoliTact. He is also an Honorary Associate Professor at the Australian National University and a Visiting Research Fellow at the Brussels-based Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy.

The Climate Change Agreement and the Mixed US Reaction

The Paris agreement on climate change is a big win for President Obama, particularly given that he's invested a lot of political capital in...

Russia, Syria and America’s feeble response

For a president who wanted to leave the Middle East behind so that he could focus on other pressing issues—such as the much-publicised ‘rebalancing’...

What to Make of the Xi–Obama Washington Summit?

This was never going to be an easy meeting between the leaders of one of the oldest democracies and the world’s largest dictatorship. The...

Pakistan – the Pivot to China

In the last few months a number of decisions have been taken by the Government of Pakistan which have entrenched that country even further...

Pakistan’s Yemen Decision

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif must be extremely relieved that Pakistan’s parliament voted unanimously on Friday 10 April not to send troops in support of...


The four-month old military operation in North Waziristan - Operation Zarb-e-Azb - and the smaller, more recent one in the Khyber Agency - Operation...
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