Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Attiq Ur Rehman

Dr Attiq-ur-Rehman is Assistant Professor in the Department of International Relations, NUML. He is a prolific writer and regularly writes for different research journals and magazines. He constantly shares his intellectual insight on various national and international forums.

A State in Denial

The troubled bilateral values cemented in the inflexible national standing and incompatible behaviors of state officials from New Delhi and Islamabad have always remained...

Mahanian Political Doctrine in South Asia

The contesting maritime claims and conflicted sea-lanes along with unyielding clashes over key water paths, main straits, major canals and important ports always remind...

Pakistan at the Crossroads

The application of an appropriate strategy for addressing internal security challenges while dealing adequately with external pressures has become a major problem of Pakistan,...

Modi’s World Expanding India’s Sphere of Influence

Narendra Damodardas Modi, former Chief Minister of Gujrat and 15th Prime Minister of India has calculatedly inaugurated an ambitious era of multidimensional economic growth,...

49th Member of NSG A Global Concern or South Asian Problem?

The questions to effectively counter the proliferation of nuclear weapons and related material alongwith the peaceful promotion of nuclear technology across the globe have...

The Genesis of SouthAsian Nuclear Deterrence:Pakistan’s Perspective

Brigadier retired Naeem Salik is considered an authority on the study of nonproliferation, security and strategic issues. His descriptive style study on 'The Genesis...
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