Saturday, March 29, 2025

Attiq Ur Rehman

Dr Attiq-ur-Rehman is Assistant Professor in the Department of International Relations, NUML. He is a prolific writer and regularly writes for different research journals and magazines. He constantly shares his intellectual insight on various national and international forums.

Indo – Israel Strategic Interaction

The Republic of India from South Asia and the State of Israel from the Middle East broadly share common strategic interests of fighting against...

The Warrior State Pakistan in the Contemporary World

Terrorism in Pakistan forced Islamabad to join the American-led war on terror and start a fight to prevent religiously motivated violent elements from becoming...

Scope of Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty and Politics of P-Five

The international effort for the creation of a more safe and peaceful world is limiting the spread of nuclear technology by discouraging its non-peaceful...

Shooting for a Century

The conflict ridden South Asian security environment has always posed a difficult question for promoting international non-proliferation campaign and durable peace through diffusing inflexible...

American Perplexing Bilateralism and South Asian Strategic Conundrum

Contemporary geopolitical attributes of South Asia are unambiguously designing a new outlook of the region in which incompatible national standings cemented in various points...

Pakistan’s Role in the Evolving South Asian Maritime Political Order

Pakistan’s nuclear weapons status ranked it first in the Muslim world, second in the South Asian region and seventh in the international system. The...

Perilous Interventions

Questions of peace, security, human rights, justice and development have always been of great concern to the international community. The established global intergovernmental platforms...

Negotiating the Siege of the Lal Masjid

The tragic incident of 9/11 and the onset of American-sponsored war on terror internationally significantly changed the traditional patterns of world politics. The conventional...
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