Thursday, February 20, 2025

Aftab Khan

Brigadier Aftab Ahmad Khan (R) Is a freelance writer, researcher, and blogger. He holds Masters in Political Science, Business Admin, and Strategic Studies. He has spent over two decades in exploration of The Holy Quran, other Scriptures, teachings & followers. He has been writing for “The Defence Journal” since 2006. He has authored over over 50 ebooks. His work is available at , accessed by over 4.5 Millions. Presently he working on “Islamic Revival” [Tejdeed al-Islam]. He can be reached at

The Vision of Islam

The Vision of Islam - Extract-10So tell the tale — perhaps they will reflect. Tanzih and Tashbih In the technical language of theology, especially...

The Vision Of Islam

The Vision of Islam - Extract-9 So tell the tale — perhaps they will reflect. God's Mercy and Wrath The names of acts are names...

The Vision of Islam – Part 08

Extracts So tell the tale — perhaps they will reflect. General Last month the names of God were discussed. In Islam, the Quran serves as the...

The Vision of Islam

So tell the tale — perhaps they will reflect. "The Vision of Islam" authored by Dr. Sachiko Murata and Dr. William C. Chittick delves...

The Vision of Islam Part 06 – The Sign of God

 So tell the tale — perhaps they will reflect.  "The Vision of Islam" authored by Dr. Sachiko Murata and Dr. William C. Chittick delves into...

The Vision of Islam

So tell the tale — perhaps they will reflect. Introduction Something is lost when Western thinkers approach Islam as they seem to see the religion...

 IPPS Capacity Charges – Exploitive ‘RIBA’& ‘GHARAR’

"O you who believe! Be careful of (your duty to) Allah and relinquish what remains (due) from Riba (usury), if you are believers. (2:278)...

Quranic Odyssey-2

In the Name if Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Past to PresentIntroduction In Part-1, we delved into the diminishing trajectory of Islamic thought from...
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