Saturday, February 22, 2025

Aftab Khan

Brigadier Aftab Ahmad Khan (R) Is a freelance writer, researcher, and blogger. He holds Masters in Political Science, Business Admin, and Strategic Studies. He has spent over two decades in exploration of The Holy Quran, other Scriptures, teachings & followers. He has been writing for “The Defence Journal” since 2006. He has authored over over 50 ebooks. His work is available at , accessed by over 4.5 Millions. Presently he working on “Islamic Revival” [Tejdeed al-Islam]. He can be reached at

The Messengers Of God-1

“By the soul and Him Who perfected it and inspired it with knowledge of what is wrong for it and what is right for...

Just One God

“GOD is the Creator of all things, and He is the One, the Almighty” (Qur’an;13:16). “… The Lord our God is one Lord” (Moses,...

Islam: The Fundamentals of Faith

“O ye who believe! Believe in Allah and His messenger (Muhammad) and the Scripture which He hath revealed unto His messenger, and the Scripture...

Muslim’s Ordeal

“If He wills, He can remove you, and substitute whomever He wills in your place,”. “ALLAH would never change a favour that HE has conferred...

The Zionist Plan for the Greater Israel by dividing Middle East: Oded Yinon Plan

IntroductionWhile turmoil and anarchy in the Middle East can be attributed to the disunity among Arabs, the possibility of execution of well known Zionist...

Thwart Design of Imperialism

Sectarianism, extremism, militancy and Intolerance are the main threat to the unity, peaceful coexistence and progress of Muslims. “Be not like those who became divided...

Rediscovering Islam-3

We are living in the age of mass communication, it is difficult to find people unaware of message of Islam. Once humanity developed to...

Rediscovering Islam-2

The original message of God for guidance of humanity conveyed by the messengers of God sent to each community form time to time, got...
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