Lawrence College

164th Founders’ Day – September 26, 2024

Brig (R) Mujahid Alam - Principal, Lawrence College, and Ikram Sehgal - Co-Chairman, Pathfinder

The 164th Founder’s Day at Lawrence College, Ghora Gali was held on 26th September 2024. It is a significant occasion that commemorates the rich history and traditions of the prestigious institution. Held annually, the event celebrates the founding of the college in 1860 and honours its legacy of academic excellence, character-building, and leadership. The day typically features a formal ceremony attended by the college community, including staff, students, alumni, and distinguished guests. The program usually includes speeches by the Principal and notable alumni, a prize distribution ceremony to recognize outstanding achievements, and a march-past by the students.

The event not only reflects on the college’s past achievements but also looks toward its future goals in shaping responsible and capable leaders.

Brig (R) Mujahid Alam Principal, Lawrence College
Honorable Chief Guest, Ikram ul Majeed Sehgal, members of the board of governors, respected senior Gallians, respected parents, distinguished guests, and my young Gallians. Assalamu Alaikum, I warmly welcome you on behalf of young Gallians, faculty members, and the staff to the 164th Founder’s Day Function of Lawrence College. It is a pleasure and honour to welcome our chief guest Ikram ul Majeed Sehgal, who is one of the most distinguished and illustrious old Gallian.

Brig (R) Mujahid Alam and Ikram Sehgal with the highest achiever

Especially, I want to thank all the parents for their participation in this event. Ladies and gentlemen, no nation can achieve its ideals without excellence in education for all levels and all segments of society. We consider education as the most important sector for the progress and development of our society and nation. Here at Lawrence College, we take this responsibility as a sacred trust and we consider these young boys who are being placed in our care as AMANAT. We treat them as our sons with love and affection. Lawrence College enjoys an enviable reputation and its positive role in national integration and in providing leadership in various fields is a well-recognized reality. Lawrence College today is a visible manifestation of a highly conducive teaching, learning, and character-building environment Many initiatives and measures have been taken to restore the past glory and high standards of Lawrence College. Central to these efforts has been strict adherence to integrity, transparency, honesty, and merit in all our activities. Character building and the development of a wholesome personality are a priority at Lawrence College. These values include tolerance and respect for diversity. A very important part of their character building and development of wholesome personality consists of instilling qualities of compassion, empathy, and charitable activities among our young students.

With this kind of training and grooming, we expect our boys as patriotic citizens, to have a good and positive influence on the wider society in Pakistan. Extensive and intensive efforts have been made to improve the overall academic standards of the college.

I am pleased to inform you that this year, we have achieved outstanding results in the Secondary School Certificate examinations. In the Matric examination, 49 boys appeared, and the pass percentage was 100%, with 43 boys securing an A+ grade and 6 receiving an A grade. In the Matric Part I examination, 52 boys appeared, and again, the pass percentage was 100%, with 44 boys earning an A+ grade and 8 achieving an A grade. In the Intermediate Part II, 68 boys appeared, with a 100% pass rate; 43 boys secured an A+ grade, 20 obtained an A grade, and 5 received a B grade. These results are one of the best attained by Lawrence College. Saad Ali stood first in the pre-medical group among boys and Anus Bilal stood third among boys in the pre-engineering group in Rawalpindi Board. Both these boys Saad Ali and Anus Bilal and their parents are here with us today on special invitation.

I must highlight the fact that these academic results have been possible only due to the dedication, commitment, skill, and excellent professional standards of the Heads of Schools and teachers who deserve full credit. It is our constant endeavor to continue improving our academic standards. To encourage the boys to excel in academics, many measures are also being initiated.

In the coming years, I expect our students and faculty to produce even better results purely through honesty, hard work, dedication, and commitment. Ladies and gentlemen, in addition to raising the academic standards, some important initiatives have been taken for intellectual development and broadening the vision and knowledge, particularly of the senior students. Distinguished external speakers are invited regularly to speak on a wide variety of subjects and to have meaningful interaction with students. Several educational visits are arranged for the students which give the boys excellent exposure and build a great deal of confidence.

Ikram Sehgal – Co-Chairman, Pathfinder Group

Due importance is also being given to sports, outdoor activities, and adventure training. Our boys play regular fixtures with sister institutions like Hasan Abdal Cadet College (HSN), Abbottabad Public School as well as the local schools and colleges in Murree. New sports facilities are being constructed in senior prep and junior schools. Important measures are also being taken for the welfare of our staff.

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to make a special mention and greatly appreciate the active and positive role of our chief guest, Ikram Sehgal, in supporting the management and the college. In 2014, Sehgal made a significant contribution on an urgent basis to the security of Lawrence College. He immediately provided 9 trained and armed guards and 1 supervisor, 27 shotguns, and excellent training for all our guards. What is worthy is that all the support was provided by Mr. Sehgal completely free of cost and continued for 10 years until June 2024.

If the college had to pay for all these important security measures, it would have cost us more than 60 million rupees by now. This contribution of Ikram Sehgal is the single largest donation in history by any Gallian to Lawrence College and shall be remembered with gratitude for all times to come.

I would also like to thank all members of the Board of Governors for their support, understanding, and positive role. I would also like to highlight and greatly appreciate the active support and role of GOC 12 division Maj Gen Muhammad Irfan and Headquarters 12 division in assisting me and the college administration in every possible manner.

Ladies and gentlemen, I take this opportunity to extend my heartiest congratulations to the talented and meritorious students who are going to receive hardearned prizes from the chief guest for their splendid performances. I also congratulate the parents who are fortunate enough to see their young ones receiving honors in different fields. My congratulations to Wright House for winning the coveted Quaid e Azam shield as champions for the year 2024. Also, congratulations to Peake House as runners-up.

I would like to express my gratitude and thanks to my dedicated team, the heads of schools, faculty members, and administrative staff for their support and very constructive role in the education growth and development of the young Gallians.

In the end, I express my thanks to all of you for sparing your valuable time and attending the annual Founder’s Day function at this little Eden of the Gallians. Once again, our sincere thanks and gratitude to the honorable chief guest Mr. Ikram ul Majeed Sehgal for gracing the function. Sir, it is been an honor for all of us to have you with us today. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, God bless Lawrence College and God bless Pakistan.

Ikram Sehgal along with other guests’ seats for the 164th Founder’s Day at Lawrence College

Ikram Sehgal Co-Chairman, Pathfinder Group
Brig Mujahid Alam, Principal Lawrence College, Members Board of Governors, Gallians old and new, respected parents, faculty members, ladies and gentlemen, Assalamu Alaikum. It is a matter of great pleasure and honor for me to participate in celebrating with you the 164th Founders Day of Lawrence College Ghora Gali. I give my heartfelt thanks to the Principal Brig. Mujahid Alam, faculty members, staff, and the students of Lawrence College for honoring me, a Gallian, to be the chief guest on this occasion.

Ladies and gentlemen, we Gallians have a deep sense of pride in this premier institution of the subcontinent and why shall we not take pride? We are known the world over for our glorious traditions and rich heritage. A beacon of quality education in its long march from 1860 to the present day, this Alma Meter of learning has groomed leaders in multiple fields of life. The hallmark of the system of education and training at this renowned institution is not only the academic excellence of its pupils but also character building and the wholesome development of the young Gallians’ personalities. Gallians imbued with the motto of our Alma Mater are excelling in all fields of life in Pakistan and the world over.

The broad spectrum of our success lies in the multifaceted and balanced education across the spectrum of a dedicated and committed team at Lawrence College. It’s a matter of great pride that the principal has restored the basic values and integrity of Lawrence College, giving priority importance to academic excellence, character building, instilling moral values, and ensuring merit in all activities. Significant and visible Improvement has already been achieved in all these fields in the last few years.

My dear fellows and students, it is most encouraging to know from the principal’s speech that Lawrence College has produced excellent results in the Matric Part I-II and FSC Part II for the year 2024. These results have been one of the best for many years.

In particular, I like to commend the outstanding result obtained by two boys of the college in the FSC Part II exam, Saad Ali stood first in the pre-medical group among boys, and Anus Bilal stood third among boys in the pre-engineering group in the Rawalpindi board. I believe their parents are here with us, let me congratulate them. These results are a testament to the quality of teachers and senior management, whose dedication, passion, and skills are outstanding. The most encouraging and commendable aspect of these outstanding results is that these have been attained through honesty, hard work, and dedication. Several steps have been taken to improve academic and co-curricular standards. I’m particularly happy to know that many measures have been initiated for the intellectual growth of Gallians. I advise the faculty and all young Gallians to exert more to continue improving in all fields of activities. I’m also very pleased to know about the importance being given to teachers training, the principal’s efforts in this regard will surely be fruitful in future.

Cadet March at Lawrence College on Founders Day

Ladies and gentlemen, the wonderful show put up by Young Gallians was most impressive, each event had its charm and attraction for the viewers and spectators. Physical fitness, skill, and superb training of all three schools’ juniors and seniors were conspicuous. Young Gallians, you deserve tremendous commendation and appreciation for putting up such a splendid show. Efforts of the instructors, faculty members, and staff who have trained them so well were very visible. They are indeed praiseworthy, well-done staff and well-done curriculum.

My dear young Gallians, I congratulate Wright House for winning the coveted Quaid e Azam Shield as champions for the year 2024. Peake House, which was my house 64 years ago was the champion of the centenary celebration on the 100th Founder’s Day. They deserve commendation for ending up as Runners-up. I’m confident that the young Gallians of other houses will put up their best to be triumphant next year. Dear parents, you are fortunate to have your sons at Lawrence College. This without a doubt is certainly one of the best institutions of our country.

The emphasis here is on the multi-dimensional development of your son’s personality. Let me assure you that your sons are in safe hands at this center of excellence and prepared well for a bright future. I request you to positively extend cooperation to the college administration for the greater good of your sons.

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to especially appreciate the efforts of faculty members, administrative staff, and all employees of Lawrence College for their devotion to duty and commitment. They are the backbone of the system. Young Gallians, you have to work hard and rise to your potential to take on greater responsibilities.

Ikram Sehgal addresses the audience at Founders Day in Lawrence College

Brig Mujahid talked about the attack on APS School in 2014. At that time, Gen. Raheel Shareef who was like my younger brother called me and said “Brother please do something about your Alma Mater which is at high risk. Give it security. I agreed and asked Brig Mujahid that I’m giving you support force and I will train the people you already have.” Brig Mujahid Alam said “This is your Alma Mater, will you charge for this service?” and, indeed, I haven’t taken a single rupee, why? Because it was my obligation, I am a Gallian and it was my obligation that I should protect my school.

Secondly, I want to say that Brig Mujahid Alam is going to complete his 10 years at Lawrence College. Brig Mujahid has several services to Lawrence College and he has done his duties with a lot of hurdles in his way. I have known him since his childhood, he is younger than me, and his family is my family. My younger sister who has passed away was his class fellow. So, we have known each other since childhood.

But I feel so proud that in every situation whether it is in school or the army, I have not seen a better outstanding officer than him at his time. And now in the academic field, I feel like you have put a crowning jewel on your head because you have taken Lawrence College to such a height of success. Let me tell you one last thing, in everything we always came 1st. Like in PMA and all, but we failed in one thing, and that was swimming. And why not, because we didn’t have a swimming pool at Lawrence College.

We used to go to PMA and we used to top in every field whether its sports, education or military subject but we used to fail in swimming. So with your permission Brig Mujahid Alam, I want to construct a swimming pool on my father’s name in Lawrence College, so young Gallians can learn how to swim.

Thank you, Brig Mujahid Alam and your staff for inviting me to be the chief guest. I congratulate all of you for holding such a wonderful Founder’s Day function. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Lawrence College Zindabad, Pakistan Paindabad. 




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