In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Past to Present
Islamic thought, once characterized by vitality and a forward-looking spirit, regrettably found itself ensnared in the shadows of its illustrious history. Allama Iqbal, a visionary philosopher, poet, and scholar, envisioned an alternative trajectory, one that seamlessly harmonized with the enduring teachings of the Qur’an[1] and the timeless wisdom of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ—applicable for all eras. Yet, as time advanced, the Qur’an appeared to recede from its central position in the hearts and minds of the faithful, gradually fading into the background. It became a Holy Book to be kept wrapped up in beautiful cover, not to be touched without ritual purification[2], revered as sacred holy text to be recited, chanted for blessings, and in short it Quran was abandoned. Over the span of two decades, a dedicated commitment to the pursuit of knowledge has propelled an extraordinary odyssey. This journey has been marked by an unwavering focus on the study and exploration of Islamic thought focused on the Quran.
Within this endeavor lies a profound belief in the potential for the timeless fundamentals of our faith, as described in the Quran[3], summarized in Hadith Jibril[4], to stand unaltered. Any attempt at reinterpretation risks deviating [5] from the true path and leading to misguidance. However, apart from the fundamentals, in other aspects, principles drawn from the Quran can be applied for all times, serving as a source of wisdom and guidance.
The narrative that unfolds, invites all to embark upon a voyage intricately interwoven with the experiences of luminaries like Allama Iqbal[6] and the concerns of Dr. Baraq.[7] These visionaries drew profound inspiration from the eternal wisdom encapsulated within the Qur’an, a wisdom that has significantly shaped the pursuit of knowledge herein.
This compilation represents the culmination of a specific phase of extensive research—a deep exploration into the very core of Hadiths narrated by the Prophet ﷺ. After all, who could lay a solid foundation for the authentication of Hadiths than the Messenger ﷺ himself?[8]
Extensive Quranic study involved a thorough examination of the original Arabic text, which was complemented by the analysis of approximately 75 translations[9] and consultation of 25 exegesis (Tafseers) authored by renowned scholars spanning various eras. Word-by-word translations were cross-referenced using English-to-Arabic and Arabic-to-Arabic Lexicons[10] to ensure a nuanced grasp of the text’s true meanings. The digital landscape offered unprecedented research opportunities. The primary objective was not to impose personal interpretations but to identify and emphasize differences in understanding when necessary. Engaging in discussions and dialogues with scholars and knowledgeable individuals, despite occasional challenges, revealed common areas of focus.[11]. The non-sectarian approach adopted aimed to minimize biases, recognizing that ultimate knowledge and understanding reside with Allah. This repository of knowledge is readily accessible in both Urdu[12] and English, disseminated across various platforms, including websites, blogs, ebooks[13], articles[14] and social media[15]. Furthermore, for a continuous span of seventeen years, these profound insights have been disseminated through the esteemed pages of the Defence Journal[16] a testament to the love for Islam and dedication of Mr. Ikram Sehgal, the publisher and Chief Editor.
To all who embark on this intellectual voyage, it is suggested that preconceived notions be set aside, allowing immersion in the comprehensive references offered within the footnotes. Within these meticulously documented sources, answers to lingering questions may be found. Should there be a desire for further engagement or clarification, do not hesitate to reach out. This collection of research serves as a bridge, fostering a profound understanding of Allah’s message.
In humble recognition of the inherent limitations of human nature, forgiveness is sought from Allah Almighty for any inadvertent errors that may have arisen. The pursuit of knowledge is firmly grounded in an earnest quest for truth, with the aspiration that this body of work contributes to the reinvigoration of dynamic and progressive Islamic thought—an echo of the visionary spirit of Allama Iqbal.
May Allah’s blessings and guidance accompany all throughout this enlightening journey.[17]
Islam’s core principle is that it must remain unchanged as it has been perfected[18] in lifetime of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and new doctrines, interpretations, or beliefs could render it incomplete. Establishing parameters to identify deviations is crucial for enforcing Sharia. Establishing “Consistent Standards of Measurement” is crucial to prevent and control deviations within Islam. Just as human society relies on standardized measures for weight, length, and volume, there is a clear framework provided in the Quran to avoid deviations. Allah’s divine guidance through a dialogue between the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and the angel Jibreel ensures clarity and should not be dismissed.
What Does Islam Entail?
Islam encourages Muslims to use the Qur’an[19] as their guiding light to prevent discord and deviation. Muslims are responsible for promoting righteousness and discouraging wrongdoing within their communities [20]. However, a prevailing attitude of some believing they are the sole bearers of true Islam, while dismissing others, raises the question of whether this perspective is justified or not?
International Constants
Measurement constants, derived from the universe’s inherent properties, serve as benchmarks for assessment. They are fundamental in maintaining global consistency, governing natural laws, theories, and precise measurements. In everyday life, we encounter standards like meters, kilograms, and liters.
Measuring the Metaphysical
In religion and ethics, evaluating spiritual aspects can be challenging but relies on established principles to guide belief and action. In Judaism and Christianity, fundamental beliefs stem from religious texts, teachings, and traditions, leading to differing interpretations.
Noah’s commandments
The “Noah’s commandments,” also known as the Seven Noahide Laws, are moral and ethical principles derived from the Torah (Genesis 9:1-17).[21] They include prohibitions against idolatry, blasphemy, murder, theft, sexual immorality, eating the flesh of a living animal, and an obligation to establish a legal system. These laws are considered binding on all of humanity and serve as a foundation for ethical behavior in monotheistic traditions.
Ten Commandments to Moses
The “Ten Commandments”[22] are fundamental to Jewish law, representing a universal moral code distinct from the other 613 commandments in the Torah covering various religious duties, dietary laws, and priestly rituals. Differences in interpretations and other texts have led to deviations from these fundamental principles. Many Christians believe that Jesus’ teachings fulfilled the moral law of the Old Testament, including the Ten Commandments, emphasizing faith in Him and love for God and one’s neighbor as primary guiding principles.

Islamic Standard Constants
Islamic Standard Constants establish a fundamental standard for Muslim faith and practices as conveyed by the Quran and Angel Gabriel. These constants ensure uniformity and prevent deviations in worship. However, some religious leaders broaden the scope with innovation or “Bid’ah.“(بدعہ ضلاله)“[23] through personal interpretations, leading to differences and sect formation, which is against the teachings of Islam.[24]
Twelve Commandments of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)
Islam has established a clear standard through the “Twelve Principles” known as the Hadith of Gabriel[25], which clarifies six essential beliefs and the five pillars of Islam and Ehsan. These principles are explicitly stated in clear conversations and can be found in the Quran as well. Islam’s unique approach combines metaphysical and material elements, allowing deviations to be identified through a set standard, unlike Judaism and Christianity. Innovations in faith are considered “Bid’ah[26],”(“بدعہ ضلالہ”)
([27]innovation, deviation) and depart from the established path, diluting Allah’s well-founded standards.[28]

Judaization of Islam – Isaleyaat
The comparison between the commandments in Islam and Judaism highlights the simplicity of Islamic principles. While Islam has a concise set of commandments, such as the Seven Noahide Commandments, Ten Commandments given to Moses, and Twelve Principles of Muhammad (ﷺ), Judaism contains a much larger number of commandments, including 613 from the Torah and various Halachot, (Talmud) covering a wide range of topics and daily life (Hadiths do the same). Muslims are encouraged to maintain the simplicity of Islamic guidance and not emulate the practices of others, such as Judaism[29]. Excessive documentation of Hadith literature, about 100 now (like Mishnah and Gemara in Judaism) may inadvertently complicate religious matters, leading to a sense of complexity rather than simplicity in religious practices. For example, when it comes to ablution and purification, the Quran provides a concise explanation in a single verse (Quran;5:6)[30],[31].However, well-known Hadith collections like the Sihah Sitta contain a total of 518 Hadiths[32] on this topic. Allah’s intention is to purify and make things easier, not to impose excessive burdens.
Who is Right and who is Wrong?
The Quran, as an undeniably complete and preserved text, serves as the ultimate criterion (“Al-Furqan”[33]) for distinguishing right from wrong in Islam. The Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, representing the embodiment of the Quran’s teachings, also provides a model[34] for Muslims. However, the authenticity of statements[35] attributed to the Prophet ﷺ can be a matter of uncertainty, with varying narratives and some that even contradict the Quran. Prophet Muhammad[36].ﷺ rejected such matters. There are approximately 113 authentic and repeatedly transmitted (Matwater[37]) Hadiths, according to Imam Suyuti, while the rest remain estimates and approximations, regardless of their number or names[38].
Life in this world serves as a testing ground, and Allah’s guidance is fully encapsulated in one book: the Quran. This guidance is supplemented by the practical example set by the life (seerah) of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his team of Rightly Guided Caliphs[39] and Companions, who collectively upheld the Quran as the sole authoritative source. There is no room for doubt in this regard. While renowned Hadith books (Sehah Sitta) were compiled in the 3rd century of the Hijra, all books must be scrutinized to ensure they align with the Quran’s supremacy, the Prophet’s ﷺ teachings, and the consensus of the four Rightly Guided Caliphs.
The guidance of Imams, scholars, and later works can be accepted only if they are consistent with the Quran. Innovation (Bid’ah) is strictly prohibited and should be rejected.[40]. While reason and intellect are crucial, they should not override the Quran and Sunnah. Calling to the truth Dawa[41] is the need of the hour.
Umm al-Kitab – The Foundation of the Quran
Command Verses 3:7
The Quran’s verses fall into two categories: “Firm Command Verses” (Ayat Muḥkamat)[42], which are unambiguous and serve as the foundation for deriving legal rulings and beliefs, and other verses that may have multiple interpretations and cannot be used to deduce fundamental beliefs or legal rulings. Islam is considered a complete and perfect faith, impervious to alteration or imperfection by any scholar or revered figure who might try to inject their interpretations or theories, even if they claim to do so under the auspices of revered personalities. This would be considered blasphemy as it goes against the Quran.
ہُوَ الَّذِیۡۤ اَنۡزَلَ عَلَیۡکَ الۡکِتٰبَ مِنۡہُ اٰیٰتٌ مُّحۡکَمٰتٌ ہُنَّ اُمُّ الۡکِتٰبِ وَ اُخَرُ مُتَشٰبِہٰتٌ ؕ فَاَمَّا الَّذِیۡنَ فِیۡ قُلُوۡبِہِمۡ زَیۡغٌ فَیَتَّبِعُوۡنَ مَا تَشَابَہَ مِنۡہُ ابۡتِغَآءَ الۡفِتۡنَۃِ وَ ابۡتِغَآءَ تَاۡوِیۡلِہٖ ۚوَ مَا یَعۡلَمُ تَاۡوِیۡلَہٗۤ اِلَّا اللّٰہُ ۘ ؔ وَ الرّٰسِخُوۡنَ فِی الۡعِلۡمِ یَقُوۡلُوۡنَ اٰمَنَّا بِہٖ ۙ کُلٌّ مِّنۡ عِنۡدِ رَبِّنَا ۚ وَ مَا یَذَّکَّرُ اِلَّاۤ اُولُوا الۡاَلۡبَابِ
3:7 ﴾سورة آل عمران﴿
He is the One Who has revealed to you ˹O Prophet˺ the Book, of which some verses are precise (آيَاتٌمُّحْكَمَاتٌ)—they are the foundation of the Book (أُمُّالْكِتَابِ)—while others are elusive. Those with deviant hearts follow the elusive verses seeking ˹to spread˺ doubt through their ˹false˺ interpretations—but none grasps their ˹full˺ meaning except Allah. As for those well-grounded in knowledge, they say, “We believe in this ˹Quran˺—it is all from our Lord.” But none will be mindful ˹of this˺ except people of reason. (Translation: Quran 3:7)[43]
Verse 3:7 states that Islamic rulings are exclusively derived from the “Firm Command Verses” (Ayat Muḥkamat) of the Quran, which serve as the foundation of the Quran. Personal interpretations or distortions of these verses are not allowed to introduce new beliefs, innovations (Bid’ah), or changes to Islam. This verse serves as a strong prohibition against altering the meanings of these verses through interpretations, preventing the emergence of sects.
The misinterpretation of verse 3:7 has led to the justification of sectarianism by some people. They limit its applicability to the “Ambiguous Letters” (haroof muqataat), the unseen (al-ghaib), and the Almighty alone, ignoring the fact that the term “Mutashabihat” also applies to verses with multiple meanings. Furthermore, the term “Al-Raskhoon” (firm in knowledge) has been misapplied to certain Imams, suggesting that they possess knowledge of the meanings of “Mutshabhat” alongside Allah. This interpretation raises questions about whether these Imams hold a higher status than the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, despite clear evidence from the Quran and Sunnah that the Messenger ﷺ of Allah faithfully conveyed everything he received and concealed nothing. Rulings and commands cannot be established through circular arguments and interpretations but must be derived exclusively from the Command verses (“Muhakkamah,”) that constitute the foundational cornerstone of the Quran (Umm al-Kitab).
The great philosopher, scholar and poet, Iqbal said (Persian):
آں کتابِ زندہ، قرآنِ حکیم : حکمتِ او لایزال است و قدیم
نسخۂ اسرارِ تکوینِ حیات: بے ثبات از قوتش گیرد ثبات
حرفِ او را ریب نے، تبدیل ۓ: آیہ اش شرمندۂ تاویل نے
It is the living book, the wise Quran: The words of wisdom written in it are eternal and ancient. It (the Holy Quran) is a recipe for the mysteries of existence or non-existence of life. Uncertainty also becomes steadfast because of it. There is no doubt in its letters and there can be no change. There can be no interpretation (tawil) of its verses (Iqbal).)[44]
Umm al-Sunnah: The Foundation of Sunnah
The Hadith of Gabriel
The Hadith of Gabriel,[45] is a foundational concept that elucidates the core principles of Islam, faith[46], and excellence (ehsan) through the “Firm Command Verses” of the Quran. Any challenge to these verses is essentially a challenge to the Quran itself, as the Hadith of Gabriel is intricately connected to these unambiguous Quranic verses. It provides a clear and unquestionable definition of Islam, faith, and excellence. This concept is based on a profound dialogue between Archangel Gabriel and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, making it a cornerstone of the Sunnah, similar to how Surah Al-Fatiha is known as “Umm al-Quran,” symbolizing the Quran’s essence and wisdom.
In essence, “The Hadith of Gabriel” is firmly rooted in the “Firm Command Verses” of the Quran and covers core beliefs in monotheism, angels, prophets, divine books, the Hereafter, destiny, and the foundational pillars of Islam. Any deviation from these principles is considered a departure from the essence of Islam and an attempt to alter Allah’s divine decrees. This is viewed as associating partners of Lordship (Rabb) with Allah (shirk) and has been unequivocally condemned (9:31)[47]. The Prophet’s ﷺ‘s statement, “Every innovation is misguidance” is in line with Quranic verse 3:7 and underscores the importance of adhering to the defined parameters of Islam through “Islamic Standard Constants.”
Deviation of Religious Lords – Polytheism (Shirk)
The Prophet ﷺ warned against emulating the practices of Jews and Christians[48], cautioning religious leaders who prioritize personal interpretations over divine guidance. This tendency is widespread among Muslim scholars, evident in their deviation from “The Hadith of Gabriel,” which is the cornerstone of Islam. Such innovations (Bid’ah) aim to divert attention from core Islamic teachings, introducing deviant concepts and potentially assuming a “Lord” role in religious matters. This practice has sowed discord among Muslims and led to religious and ideological strife spanning centuries. Saying of Jesus is true even today: “You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel. Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence.” (Matthew 23:24-25)[49]
Authenticity of Hadiths lies with Allah, but Quran and the teachings of the Prophet ﷺ guide us in discerning truth from falsehood[50] in narrations. Relying on a chain of narrators is inadequate; the content must align with Al-Furqan (Quran). Narrations contradicting the Quran and reason can’t be trusted. “The words of the Lord are perfect in truth and justice” (Quran 6:115)[51]. The Prophet ﷺ embodied the Quran, and his character is a beacon of morality.[52] He advised seeking enlightenment from the Quran and his teachings without deviating into innovations or altering Islam’s established principles.
Worship of Selfish Desires as God
Worshiping one’s selfish desires as a god (إلَٰهَهُ) is considered a form of shirk (associating partners with Allah) in Islam, akin to idol worship. The Qur’an (25:43) [53]strongly condemns following the desires of the self in place of Allah’s commandments. Even if a person doesn’t verbally name someone as a partner of God but follows their commands instead of God’s, it’s still considered a practical form of shirk. Muslims are advised to align their desires with the guidance of the Quran and the Sunnah rather than forcing interpretations to follow personal desires or the opinions of others.

Deviant Beliefs
Beliefs and doctrines based on interpretations of Quranic verses with multiple meanings (mutashabihat) rather than the unequivocal Command verses (muhkamat) can lack a solid foundation, lead to misguidance, and be misleading. Some examples of such deviant beliefs include:
1. Believing in the prophethood or divine appointment of someone with attributes similar to or distinctive qualities following the finality of Muhammad (ﷺ), the last Messenger and Prophet.
2. Associating another book or books with the Quran, claiming them to be a form of revelations6[54], and subsequently using them to manipulate the Quran, thereby diminishing the effectiveness of the Quran (Quran 25:30)[55],[56].
3. Religious authorities maintain their control by inundating people with numerous books, often featuring conflicting accounts on the same subjects. It’s worth noting that producing additional books was expressly forbidden according to both the Quran[57] and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad(ﷺ)[58], [59] and the rightly guided[60] Caliphs This is a well-documented, recorded, and verifiable “established historical fact,” which cannot be refuted through interpretations[61] and myths[62]. It is widely acknowledged that the renowned Hadith collections were compiled during the 3rd century Hijra (9 the century C.E)[63].
4. The Quran is the book, without a doubt, but the writing of Sunnah and Hadith as books, was forbidden[64] by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ to avoid repeating the mistakes of earlier communities (Jews and Christians) who went astray by writing additional books alongside the Books of Allah.(Christians wrote 23 books in the New Testament with four Gospels, the Jews wrote Talmud 38 volumes and abandoned Torah، now there are about hundred Hadith books in defiance).[65] This prohibition aimed to safeguard the last Muslim community from similar errors, and the Hadith were traditionally transmitted through memorization and oral transmission.[66]
5. The collective practice (sunnah)[67] of the four caliphs included the collection and compilation of the Quran, but not the books of hadiths. This decision, made by the second caliph, Umer[68], after consultation and reflection, it became an accepted practice among Muslims for generations, known as Ijmaa.[69] It was viewed as a fundamental matter, and the hadith “كل بدعة ضلالة” (Every innovation is misguidance) is often applied to opposing sects. However, when confronted with the hadith “فعليكم بسنتي وسنة الخلفاء الراشدين” (Hold on to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the Rightly Guided Caliphs), some Muslims get defensive or avoid the topic. This reluctance to discuss or accept the hadith is problematic and could be addressed through AI and digital technology[70] to recompile hadith literature in line with the Quran and the guidance provided by the Prophet ﷺ. It is essential to identify and correct errors in this matter rather than ignoring or denying them.
6. In the first century of Islam, the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ (Hadiths) was transmitted orally[71] in adherence to the Sunnah of the Prophet and the rightly guided caliphs. Muslims followed a perfected version of Islam rooted in the belief in the Oneness of Allah, the sole Messenger Muhammad (ﷺ), and the Noble Quran as the singular Book of Allah. However, by the third century[72], deviations (bida’at) emerged, and the interpretation of “Obey Allah and the Messenger” shifted. Religious leaders started assuming Lords(Rabb)[73],[74] like roles, claiming partnership with the Oneness of these three each Single entities. These changes occurred surreptitiously, leading to the emergence of numerous sects and countless sub-sects. The number of hadiths increased significantly over time, necessitating research and reduction in their numbers.[75]
7. The fundamental principles of worship are primarily from the Quran, with additional details often obtained from the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. However, within the Sunnah, there are distinctions among different schools of thought, including the four major Sunni schools and the Shia[76]. Sunni Islam also has various denominations, such as the Wahhabi (reformation underway under MBS)[77], Salafi, and Ahl al-Hadith, each with its own practices and interpretations. These differences can be observed in the performance of Salah (prayer) and other acts of worship, and all major schools of thought have accepted these variations.
8. A significant difference arises in the mention of the number of daily Salah in the Quran, with both explicit and implicit references to prayer. The majority of Sunni Muslims follow the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and perform five daily Salah. In contrast, Shia Muslims perform their Salah three[78] times a day based on the practice of combining prayers ( جمع صَلَاة[79]). Both practices are rooted in the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ. Criticizing or questioning the practices of others be discouraged, and it’s essential for individuals to adhere to their chosen Sunnah without criticizing others. However, accepting interpretations that deviate from the Quranic Ayat Muḥkamat (Command Verses) is not permissible, and many scholars criticize those who abandon or modify the fundamental principles of Islam in favor of interpretations from other verses or fabricated Hadiths.
9. Many scholars have argued that instead of striving for the revival of the simple and complete religion, they prefer to gather material from various interpretations and miscellaneous Hadiths, creating new sects with new names. Adding names of personalities, cities, buildings, books, groups, etc., sectarian prefixes and suffixes to the name of religion ‘Islam’ and Muslims[80] and being proud of this innovation ( بِدْعَۃٍ ضَلَالَۃٌ).Islam is perfected. [81] [82]. They accuse those who oppose them of innovation (Bid’ah) while concealing strong and valid arguments from their opponents. However, “Islam” is the name given by Allah and the religion of Islam is complete and perfected.
10. Many scholars argue that instead of striving to revive the simple and complete religion, some individuals prefer to gather material from various interpretations and miscellaneous Hadiths, leading to the creation of new sects with new names. They add names of personalities, cities, buildings, books, and group designations as prefixes and suffixes to the name of the religion ‘Islam’ and “Muslims,” taking pride in these innovations (بِدْعَۃٍ ضلالَۃ). Despite their innovation, they often accuse those who oppose them of introducing innovations (Bid’ah) while withholding strong and valid arguments from their opponents. It’s crucial to remember that “Islam” [83] [84]. is the name given by Allah, and the religion of Islam is complete and perfected.
ز مَن بر صُوفی و مُلاّ سلامے: کہ پیغامِ خُدا گُفتَند ما را
ولے تاویلِ شاں در حیرت اَنداخت: خُدا و جبرئیلؑ و مصطفیؐ را
Translation: “I extend greetings to both the Sufis and the clerics (mullah), for they have indeed conveyed the commands of Allah Almighty to us. However, through their interpretations of these commands, they have left Allah, Gabriel, and Muhammad Mustafa ﷺ astounded. (Allama Muhammad Iqbal)

Terrorism, Shirk, and the Paigham-e-Pakistan
Hostile anti-Islamic powers have played a role in creating, exploiting, and using terrorist and political organizations like Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram, and TTP for their own nefarious purposes. These groups have caused nothing but chaos, terrorism, murder, and instability in Muslim societies. Their actions go against[85] the true teachings of Islam and instead follow twisted interpretations of their religious leaders. Approving of suicide attacks, which are clearly forbidden in Islam, is a direct denial of Allah’s divine commands and amounts to an act of Shirk and disbelief. Terrorism and causing mischief and corruption are also strictly prohibited in Islam. The support of these groups is complicit in promoting evil. The “Pakistan Message” (Paigham-e-Pakistan)[86], a unanimous religious decree by thousands of scholars in Pakistan, is an essential document that should be studied by scholars and the general Muslim population.
The crucial… PART-2 is set to follow in next issue of DJ, the highlights:The Study Insights reveal several significant points, summarized below:
1. “Islamic Standard Constants” form the foundation of Islam, based on concepts like “Umm-al-Sunnah,” the Hadith of Jibril[87], and Command verses from the Quran referred to as “Foundations of the Book” (Umm al-Kitab)[88]. Innovations or changes to these core principles are considered “Bid’ah[89]” signifying severe deviations leading to misguidance.
2. Some of the measures taken by the Rightly Guided Caliphs are not additions to Islamic fundamentals and, therefore, do not constitute “Bid’ah.” It provides guidance.
3. Following the Sunnah of the Righteous Caliphs[90] is essentially following the command of the Messenger of Allah, as the Prophet Muhammad instructed Muslims to cling to their Sunnah “with his molar teeth.[91]” Criticizing the Sunnah of the Caliphs implies criticism of the Messenger of Allah.
4. Differences in jurisprudence regarding worship practices, particularly minor ones, should not be a point of contention, as each school of thought has evidence from the Quran and Sunnah to support its practices. The focus should be on fundamental principles.
5. The creation of sects and the continuous growth of Hadith collections is a result of not adhering to the clear commands of the Quran and Sunnah, with many scholars creating new sects and names while concealing opposing valid evidence. Blindly following the interpretations of religious Lords[92], should be avoided.
6. The importance of adhering to the straight path and advising others to do the same is a shared responsibility among Muslims. Ultimately, on the Day of Judgment, each person will be held accountable by Allah.
7. It is emphasized that there is no need for new religions or sects within Islam, as the faith is complete and perfected[93]. Muslims[94] should uphold the foundational tenets of the faith and continue to embrace progress and changes in various fields, including science, technology, economics, and medicine. The responsibility of advising others to follow the straight path remains a fundamental duty for all Muslims.
Practical steps forward:
8. Muslims should re-examine their present beliefs and theories against the “Firm, Command verses” of the Quran (Ayat Muhkamat) and the “Umm al-Sunnah” (Hadith of Gabriel) and make necessary corrections. Avoid accepting interpretations (tawelat) by religious Lords.
9. There is a need for a “Hadith Recompilation Project”[95]. to compile and interpret Hadiths based on the standards and principles of the Quran and the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad(ﷺ). This can be facilitated with the assistance of digital technology and AI (Artificial Intelligence)[96]. Focus on the authenticity of the content and text, while the chain of narrators is important.
10. Worship and obey Allah, the Lord of all worlds (رَبِّ الْعَالَمِين). Obedience to the available Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ should be based on verification according to the given criteria. Obedience to scholars (Ulema) is conditional upon their adherence to the Quran and confirmed, verified Sunnah, without elevating them to the status of religious Lords. Offer advice to your companions and scholars, but if someone does not heed the advice and follows interpretations of their scholars, leaders, or personal desires, they are essentially taking them as their Lords (رب). In such cases, you have fulfilled your duty of delivering the message. Remember that your duty is solely to deliver the message clearly, as stated in the Quran (36:17).
11.This writeup is merely an introduction; the next step is to study the “Summary of Research”[97] followed by the Research Thesis. The eBooks and articles are also available on websites. This study is a long process that can be pursued gradually in phases.
12. The final reminder underscores the importance of adhering to the commandments of Allah and refraining from associating partners with Him. With a firm foundation in the fundamental parameters of faith and Islam as decreed by God, cultural and social activities that do not conflict with these should not be regarded as integral to the religion, nor should they be subject to condemnation. While offering advice to others is a duty, individuals should fulfill their obligations and leave the decision to those they advise. The concept of SHIRK (polytheism) and the importance of worshiping only Allah are emphasized, as per the clear commands of the Quran.
13. Allah is the Sovereign in the Universe (48:14). Whoever ascribes partners to Allah, or divinity to any of His creation, has indeed invented a tremendous sin. Allah will forgive any transgression but SHIRK.(Quran;4:48)[98]. Included in this category of Shirk , are:
- Those who blindly follow their religious leaders (Quran;9:31)[99]
- Those who worship their own desire (45:23)
- Those who indulge in human worship and in sectarianism (30:31-32), (42:21).
- Those who follow man-made books in lieu of the Book of Allah (Quran;45;6, 77:50, 7:185, 52:34, 2:23, 10:38, 11:13,17:88)[100],[101]
- Those who claim or believe in any Prophet or guide after Muhammad (pbuh)(33:40)[102] or reincarnation, rebirth or fina-fi-rasool.
- Believe in any revelation after the Qur’an, in any form, including claims of attaining Divine knowledge through mystical experience (7:173,2:134, 39:7,7:191)[103].
- Those who uphold Trinity (4:171)[104] (5:72-73.) and claim that God has a son.
- Such people fall from the high station of humanity. Worshiping any entity other than Allah, sinks the human “Self” down to subhuman levels (22:31)[105].
- Most of those who claim belief (and call themselves Muslims), indulge in SHIRK (12:106)
“… Whoever follows My guidance will neither go astray ˹in this life˺ nor suffer ˹in the next˺.” (Quran;20:123)[106]
Abridged from eBook, available at:
To be continued with Part-2 in next issue of DJ
[1] 19 Answers by Quran: ,
[2] Misinterpretation of Quran 56:79, touched by none except the purified ˹angels”, about actual Quran in table in heavens.
[4] Hadith of Gabriel English:
[5] Bida’h
[6] \
[9] ,, , ,
[10] , ,
[11] ,
Jihad – Zionist scholar, Dr. Asher Eder Responded;
Peace Children of Israel- Ishmael – Dr.Asher Eder:
[12] l /
[13] \
[14] Free eBooks pdf- Download Links| , , , \ DJ:
[15], \ FB @IslamiRevival, Twitter/X @QuranAhkam ,
[17] eBook: \
Urdu eBook:
[18] Perfect Faith, Islam:
[19] |
[21] (Genesis 9:1-17).:
[23] بدعة گمراہی (وَکُلُّ بِدْعَۃٍ ضَلَالَۃٌ’) : \
[24] / to 3:108
[25] Hadith of Gabriel English:
[26] Bida’h \
[27] بدعة گمراہی (وَکُلُّ بِدْعَۃٍ ضَلَالَۃٌ’) : \
[28] Islam Judaism and Christianity Sources of Fundamental Beliefs:
[30] Extra Books, help or Burden:
[31] |
[32] Hadiths on Ablution and Tahara: Sahih al-Bukhari: 79 Hadiths, Muslim, 34, Abu Dawood,143, at-Tirmidhi, 112, an-Nasa’i, 61, Ibn Majah, 89].
[34] مسلم 1739 –
[36] \ [الرئيسية الكفاية في علم الرواية للخطيب, باب الكلام في أحكام الأداء وشرائطه، حديث رقم 1303]
[38] \
[39] Sunnah of Rightly Guided Caliphs:
[40] Hadiths get support from Quran: ||
[42] Master Key to Quran (3:7)
[43] Master Key to Quran :
[45] Hadith of Gabriel English:
[46] Faith Fundamentals:
[48] 9:31\ \ \
[52] (مسند احمد91/6ا، (القلم 4:68)،
[54] Theory of Revelations : Recited ( Manifest) & Non Recited (Hidden)\ Wahi Jili (Matloo) & Wahi Khiffi (Ghair Matloo) : \
[55] Quran Abandoned : 25:30: \
[56] دو اسلام – ڈاکٹر برق :
[57] قرآن بہترین حدیث کی کتاب – اَحۡسَنَ الۡحَدِیۡثِ:
[58] Muhammad(ﷺ) ban Hadith Books:
[59] Hadith, Mishnah, Gemorrah, Talmud Books – Striking Similarities:
[61] Theory of Revelations : Recited ( Manifest) & Non Recited (Hidden)-Wahi Jili (Matloo) & Wahi Khiffi (Ghair Matloo) :
[62] Myths:
[63] \ , The Secret History of Hadith:
[66] [(مشکوٰۃ المصابیح, حدیث نمبر: 228, صحیح، رواہ الشافعی (فی الرسالۃ ص ۴۰۱ فقرہ: ۱۱۰۲ ص ۴۲۳) و البیھقی فی شعب الایمان (۱۷۳۸) و الترمذی (۲۶۵۸) و احمد (۱/ ۴۳۶) تخریج الحدیث: «سنن ابی داود/ العلم 10 (3660)، سنن ابن ماجہ/المقدمة: 18 (230) (تحفة الأشراف: 3694)، و مسند احمد (1/437)، و (5/183)، وسنن الدارمی/المقدمة 24 (235) (صحیح)[45]
Why Hadith books forbidden?
[67] Sunnah of Four Rightly Guided Caliphs on Hadith Books:
[68] Analysis of Caliph Umer’s Role in Hadith Writing: , mer & Book of Daniel-2 , Umer Burns, Ban Hadith Books-3
[69] Farewell Exhortation / Sunan Abi Dawud 4607اَلتِّرْمِذِيُّ 266 سنن ابی داود:
[70] Digital Hadiths & AI:
[71] مشكوة المصابيح 228, سنن ابي داود: 3660 (نضر الله عبدا سمع مقالتي فحفظها ووعاها واداها فرب ) اللہ اس شخص کے چہرے کو تروتازہ رکھے جس نے میری حدیث کو سنا، اسے یاد کیا، اس کی حفاظت کی اور پھر اسے آگے بیان کیا،
[73] Religious Lords:
[74] Quran;3:7,
[78] \ / \ /
[81] \ /
[83] \ /
[85] (Quran: 2:195, Bukhari 4207) (Quran 5:32, 33:5, 9:31, 6:115,Quran 4:85)
[88] Hadith of Gabriel English:
[89] \
[91] Farewell Exhortation / Sunan Abi Dawud 4607اَلتِّرْمِذِيُّ 266 سنن ابی داود:
[92] Religious Lords:
[93] The Perfected Faith: Islam:
[94] Islam and Muslims:
[96] Digital Hadiths & AI:
[97] Last Book – Abstract: \ E Book: \ \ \ Introduction: \ Theme of Research /Study: \ The Perfected Faith::
[100] Quran: The Only Hadith Book:
[101] Hadith Books Forbidden by Prophet ﷺ & Caliphs:
[102] Khatm-e-Nabuwat ختمِ نبوت:
[103] ,
[105] \