Lt Col (R) Syed Hassan Raza, has a distinguished career in the military. Through his tenure, he earned accolades for his exceptional achievements, amongst the prestigious Tamgha-e-Imtiaz (Military) award.
He has over 25 years of experience in the security industry and possess a strong background in driving innovation in physical security and risk assessment. He also performed role as a vital observer and liaison between military contingent and UN Missions in DR Congo. His strategic advice and support on security matters contributed tin successful execution of UN operations in the Region. After retirement, he was appointed Director Administration at an Isolation Hospital and Infectious Diseases Treatment Center. This was first state-of-art COVID hospital in Pakistan. With his leadership, the hospital successfully navigated challenges of pandemic and provided much needed care to affected ones.
He is currently serving as Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Security and Management Services (SMS), Member Company of Pathfinder Group.
Q1 Thank you for giving us your precious time. What is actually the role of a Private Security Companies (PSCs) and what is the current trend of security industry in Pakistan?
A In developed countries, since 1990 remarkable increase in services of PSCs (Private Security Companies) have brought revolutionary change in the Safety and Security across the globe. Though PSCs by Law are not alternate of LEAs (Law Enforcement Agencies), yet it supports as a secondary force to ensure safety, because hundreds of PSC in Pakistan have a sizable guards force to assist Police in guarding Public/ Private Places/ Business Centers.
PSCs brought sense of security in industrial sectors, markets, educational institutes and even in public places. These are regulated by Licensing Authority.
In Pakistan, PSCs are still taken as part of ‘Chowkidary System’ than ‘Security System’, whereas in developed countries, PSC have reached maturity level and are even providing Investigation Services besides Security Services. In Pakistan there are very few companies which are of a required level. SMS is considered one of the top most security company of international level.
Q2 Can you throw some light on the quality of services that Security & Management Services provide?
A Security & Management Services (Pvt) Ltd (member of Pathfinder Group) needs no introduction. It is the most trusted Security Company including MNCs (Multi-National Companies) for delivering quality Guarding, Electronic Safety and Risk Management Services. Generally, people perceive PSC just as a guard provider, whereas there is a lot more to it in some of the companies like SMS. Here it is pertinent to mention that, Security & Management Services has the honor of being the First Private Security Company not only in Pakistan but also in the developing countries which got three ISO Certifications at one time, these includes ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System), ANSI/PSC.1 (Management System for Quality of Private Security Company Operations) and ISO 18788:2015 (Management System for Private Security Operations). Generally, you may find other companies claiming to be ISO Certified by bodies not even authorized to or recognized as authorized firms to certify PSCs.
Q3 Can you please share about the spread of SMS network and its products?
A SMS is one of the companies amongst the Security Services Division of Pathfinder Group, consisting of three components namely; (1) Physical Guarding, (2) Electronics & Safety Services & (3) Research & Collection Services. The operations of SMS are spread in every nook and corner of Pakistan divided in 4 Regions having 11 Branches and 26 zones.
The products of these units include:-
Physical Guarding
SMS Guarding provides specialized manned security solutions in for Un-Armed/ Armed Guarding, Body Guards/ Close Protection Officers (CPOs) & Security Escort Services for Heads of institutions/ Visiting Escorts, Quick Response Force (QRF) team comprising of trained crew on Motorcycle and Vehicles, Event Security and Project Management. SMS has been providing security guarding services in successive contracts to the American Embassy in Islamabad and the American Consulate Generals in Karachi, Peshawar and Lahore since 1987 (for last 35 years) as well as to UN agencies foreign missions, residential complexes, retail and trade outlets, banks, embassies/consulates, government and non-government organizations and a wide range of industries.
Electronics & Safety Services
ESS specializes in installation and maintenance of Security Equipment’s/ Gadgets such as CCTV (Close Circuit Television Cameras), Radio Alarm Systems (RAS), Satellite Vehicle Tracking (SVT). These services are centrally controlled and monitored through Control Rooms available across major cities, in case of any emergency, dedicated Response Teams- Motorcycle Teams (MCTs) responds, reaches the location and confirms the situation to Control Room, if needed then client and internal management are informed for further actions. The Company has in-house R&D Team as well as Technicians who are sent to locations for installation etc.
It provides total security solutions and services for multitude of clients, including governments, diplomatic missions, and international agencies, multi-nationals; the financial, petro-chemical, mining, transport, retail, commercial and industrial sectors as well as individuals. ESS provides cost effective technology solutions with a unique combination of skills, resources and technical knowledge.
Research & Collection Services
RCS offers variety of Risk Management and Consultancy products like Background Screening, Due Diligence, Degree and Driving License Verification, Security Surveys and Audit, Institutional inquiries pertaining to accidents and financial malpractices, Recovery of Bad Loans and Willful Default cases, Business Information Data Collection, Collation, Interpretation for Volume and Profit Enhancement, Monitoring and Third Party Survey Validation of Projects, Verification of Insurance Companies Claims, Customer Verification, Litigation Handling, Defaulters/Fugitive Pointation, Teller (Cash Counting) services with cash carrying facilities round the clock, Daily Law & Order, Media and Routine & Special Travel Advisory Reports.
RCS has as a proven track record of successfully concluding not only challenging surveys and verification for World Organizations and Govt/ Semi-Govt departments, financial Institutions and various private clients, but also providing “HR outsourcing” services so that the entities are free to employ only “core” staff. In addition its service offerings include survey & security audits, and debt realization / stolen assets recovery.
SMS is the only company which provide integrated security solution through one window operation as required by our valued clients.
Q4 Thank you for sharing the Services Offered by SMS. Indeed it is something unique that SMS provides all security services through one window. Can you please throw some light on the SMS Vision as a Company, Mission and its Core Values?
A SMS has a well thought out and defined Vision to achieve its success.
Our Vision Is to be recognized as one of the Leading Security Companies of the World, providing multi-dimensional integrated security services through development of a common operating picture, shared awareness, effective prevention and synchronized response, and setting of a high premium on Human Rights and welfare of its employees

Our Mission Is to protect the life, property and assets of the clients while providing security embedded with obligations, commitments and understanding of all stakeholders, ensuring: (1) Minimum risk to security operations, (2) Demonstrating respect for human rights, (3) Embedding core values in internal functioning, (4) Seek continuous improvement through internal checks, client feedback, and constant review of systems/ procedures/ practices, (5) Building teamwork and a strong sense of commitment among the employees.
The Core Values Of SMS include: (1) Employees welfare, (2) Professionalism, (3) loyalty and commitment, (4) Respect, (5) Honesty & (6) Dignity. These values are instilled in our employees through basic training/ subsequently as part of our continuous Awareness Campaign.
Q5 What is the Core Practice that keeps SMS Clients always motivated for Quality Services?
A Having broad spectrum of services and vast network, maintaining Quality Service is always a challenge. Let us see, what goes behind provision of Quality Services by Security & Management Services (SMS), which enabled it to emerge as Undisputed Market Leader in Security Services Industry. Ever since its inception back in year 1987, when Security & Management Services started with a humble beginning. Its core focus always remained to deliver quality services through our close communication with the client, efficient response mechanism and consistent supervision/ monitoring. Unlike other PSCs, SMS (under umbrella of Pathfinder Group) runs in very organized manner using very well established infrastructure countrywide.
Q6 How does the process of recruitment start culminating into selection of guards?
A Journey of our Guards starts from Recruitment Offices of SMS, based in major stations including Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and Peshawar. SMS has a set criteria of recruiting guards and does not compromises on it. Although, this leaves recruitment offices with a challenge to meet their targets, but this has always been a major factor that helps SMS to deliver not only quality service in terms of trained and verified guards but also to retain guards/ crews. Then a candidates undergoes initial medical examination by qualified Doctor available at Company Offices, who runs ELENACARE Clinics (Group Medical HealthCare). SMS always believes in merit, so any candidate who meets the laid down criteria and qualifies medically only are considered fit to join the Basic Training.

Q7 We have seen SMS guards performing exceptionally well. It was well known to all when your unarmed guards saved lot of lives during an Attack on Chinese Consulate at Karachi. How could SMS train these guards so well?
A It is quality of training by specialized staff that enables our guards to perform so well. Training course is of 16 days that covers extensive lectures including from theoretical to scenario based practical exercises. Pathfinder Training Facilities (PTF), impart training to diverse work force primarily related but not limited to Guarding and Cash in Transit. This work force becomes part of different companies of Pathfinder Group. Recruitment of this guard force is also part of Pathfinder Training Facility. This Training covers 80 hours basic training and 40 hours weapon training. The modules covered during training include actions during Terrorism, Fire & Explosion, Emergency Exercises, Basic Guards Duties, First Aid/ CPR, Communication, Soft-Skills, Access Control, Observation Techniques and much more. These guards then undergo Assessment test, those who qualify the same then proceed for Firing Test at ranges.
Q8 Generally, we see news of guards found involved in malpractices or later found from banned outfits. How does SMS screen out such individuals and how they verify them?
A: SMS gets their guards verified from their subsidiary organization RCS (Research and Collection Services).
It is worth mentioning here that the Background Verifications of guards before deployment at any location is ensured, not relying merely on Police Verification Certificates alone. This verification is conducted by Research and Collection Services (RCS), which is part of Security Services Division of Pathfinder Group. RCS has its own Verification Officers (VOs) dedicated to conduct credential based verification of hired manpower, where each VOs physically visits the guards’ residence, checks reputation and also to support this, the witnesses are even checked. The VOs then submit report, in case if anything is found concerning then the individual is declared ‘un-verified’, hence immediately is dropped from training. Most pertinent to mention here, that RCS also conducts due diligence and surprise visits as well. After passing out, guards are then deputed at client’s location and are monitored closely by the branch. We do not rely only on initial verification but all employees are re-verified a fresh after laid down period.
Q9 How does SMS operate its network at National Level? How does it ensures effective Command and Control?
A To have better command and control, SMS has diversified its operations network across Pan Pakistan and is divided into four Regions including South Region (covering Baluchistan and Sindh), Midway Region (Multan and surrounding areas), Central Region (Lahore and surrounding areas of Punjab) and North Region (covering Islamabad & KPK related areas). In all major stations, a dedicated Branch Manager controls the manpower, supported by team, including Operations Manager, Operations Supervisor, and Patrolling Supervisor etc. To have this checked and ensure consistent delivery of Quality Services, ensuring smooth Monitoring and Response Mechanism. SMS in collaboration with WPPL and ESS have developed Central Control Rooms based in all major cities, followed by a back-up Control Rooms in same cities with a different place, as part of Business Continuity Plan. For this we use all means of communication i.e. landline, different cell phones and radio sets.

Q10 How does SMS monitor and respond to any situation in case of an emergency?
A SMS in collaboration with ESS, have developed Network of state of the art Control Rooms. This ensures Monitoring and Response 24/7 regardless of any holidays.
Network of Control Rooms The Central Control Rooms functioning 24/7 consists of Monitoring Teams includes various staff members which include Operations Supervisors dealing with guarding, trained CMS Operators of ESS (Electronics & Safety Services) which includes Satellite Vehicle Tracking Operators, Radio Alarm System Operators and CCTV Monitoring Staff. This is to mention here that all in-house Cash-in transit vehicles are being internally monitored by Control Room Staff. Moreover, ATM Replenishment and CIT Operations team also operate from Control Rooms. These Control Rooms have adequate means of communication ensuring connectivity even when mobile services stop. There is always a plan for such situations. There are four Regional Control Rooms based in each Region (South, Central, Midway & North Regions), which remain linked 24/7 with their stations/ branches located in their area of responsibility.
Response Mechanism SMS has institutionalized dedicated three-tier Response Teams (Quick Response Force) known as Sabre-Hunter Group, to respond whenever there is a need. Such a Response Force is mainly available in big cities, deployed at places depending on density of clients cluster. These includes (1) MCTs- Motorcycle Team having 1x Armed Supervisor and 1x Armed Guard, (2) Sabres- Vehicle with 4x Persons crew including Armed Supervisor, Driver and 2x Armed Guards, and (3) Hunters- Vehicle with more expertly trained crew of 4x Persons crew including Armed Supervisor, Driver and 2x Armed Guards (These are only used in actual situations).
Continuity of Operations SMS has designed its mechanism in a manner that it keeps working in same way, regardless of Holidays. Every emergency signal received is noted and treated as genuine and Response given to client. This gives client a better sense of comfort, who has SMS Security Suite deployed, for example a client who has Radio Alarm System Installed at his Residence, CCTV Live Monitored by Control Rooms and if anything happens, the Response Team immediately responds to location, take control and do inform back client as well as internal management. This gives a better sense of security to clients, which some other companies do not have.
Q11 How does SMS perform Quality Check on their routine operations?
A Besides the Operations Team, MCTs visits the locations at different times during day/ night and report it to management for corrective actions if required. Also feedback is taken from every client, which is reviewed by Management to analyze areas of weaknesses and take additional measures to avoid recurrence. It is worth mentioning that besides MCTs, the operations team also conduct visits of clients locations, these include visits by Patrolling Supervisor, Operation Manager, Branch Manager, General Manager, Residents Directors and even COO of the company.
Q12 I am sure such a quality guard force would not have been possible without motivation and proper care. What SMS does in this connection? Other than their attractive salary, what else you do, to keep the guardforce moving and motivated?
A Keeping the employees motivated is very important for the Management. SMS ensures that whoever is hardworking and performing duties honestly and falls under merit are fairly recognized and are encouraged with Certificates and Cash rewards in the shape of
(1) Monthly Guard of the Month,
(2) Supervisor of the Month,
(3) Best Crew and Driver of the Month,
(4) Performance based bonuses etc.
In order to further motivate the guards, they are looked after well by the company under the umbrella of Pathfinder Group. Welfare and other benefots are provided to guards to raise their morale. Some such steps include (1) Timely payment of salaries, EOBI & SESSI benefits, ELENACARE (Health Scheme) which includes OPDs in some special projects, 24/7 in-house Medical Centers in Big Cities, Accommodation and food at subsidized rates (2) Life Insurance, medicines and injectables (free of cost), Provident Fund Contribution, Promotions based on Performance and Annual Increments, Training abroad of selected employees from Supervisor to Senior Managers, Hajj & Umra Packages, Pension Benefit for widows, Scholarship for guards wards at Cadet College Jajja. The most important thing that keeps guards ad staff motivated is all those who are willing to serve after 60 years age are still given opportunity to serve in the VPU (Veterans Protection Unit), specially created for them. This has been done, with a view to ensure that all interested guards remain in service even after reaching the age of retirement but are employed to protect Pathfinder Facilities only. They are not deployed on active clients locations.
Q13 How do you ensure their career progression?
A SMS plays special emphasis on Career Progression of Guards. The guards performance deployed at different Branches are monitored by Operation Teams. The deserving guards after observation period are then transferred to either Sabre-Hunter Group (Response Force) or transferred to Close Protection (which deals with Body Guards) if selected undergo CPO training first. If the guard is good and performs his duty well, he is then considered for promotions and then undergoes Supervisory Course (becomes Supervisor only if he passes test and meets criteria). SMS has the unique honor of having very good Contracts like US Embassy/ Consulates, foreign missions, UN agencies where our guards get advantage of very high salary/ package/ medical care. This is not possible in other security companies. In addition to this, proper seniority list is maintained and whenever some vacancy is there, the seniors lot is considered for further promotion. His overall performance is the main criteria. There are examples where people from the lower levels were promoted as Operation/ Branch Managers.
Q14 How does SMS ensure Management Review and Continual Improvement?
A The Management, keeps tracking at each level and from every perspective. The key driver of success is Management Review/ Continual Improvement. An Organized Approach is not only just to find and resolve issue, it is more important to know the root causes and perform analysis and plan the counter strategies. To keep continual improvement, Pathfinder Group and SMS have set reviews done by Management in form of various meetings designed to discuss and resolve issues. The meetings held includes Daily SSD (Security Service Division) Meeting chaired by Co-Chairman, RCC (Regional Coordination Committee) Meeting, Monthly Progress Meeting, Annual Risk Management, Bi-Annual SMG (Senior Management Group) Meeting. The matters with high priorities are escalated and resolved without waiting for next meeting to happen.
To meet ISO Standards at all time, related SOPs are followed at all levels. Its Compliance is checked by Internal and External Auditors.
In order to ensure compliance with ISO Standards, an In house team consisting of Management Rep and Manager Certification conducts Annual Internal Audit Review of all major stations across Pakistan to stay updated and checked for ISO compliance. Apart from this, Annual Global Audit is conducted by MSS Global each year.
Q15 Thank you a lot for a very comprehensive update on SMS and how it has come up as one of the best Private Security Company which fully meets national and International Standards. Anything left that you want to say?
A Over and above what I have talked about earlier, they key driver for such a success is the way SMS treats and takes care of its guards force and other employees. Both the Chairman, Mr Zarrar Sehgal and Co-Chairman, Mr Ikram-ul-Majeed Sehgal strongly believe that their employees are their family which they have always proved when there was a requirement.