Saturday, March 29, 2025

Minutes of the AGM 2022

The Annual General Meeting of the KCFR members was held physically at 11:00 am on Saturday 30th July 2022 at Defense Club, DHA Phase 2, Karachi. Following attended:

S. No. NameDesignationPhysical/Virtual
01.Lt. Gen (R) Moinuddin HaiderChief Election CommissionerPhysically
02.Mr. Ikram ShegalChairmanPhysically
03.Mr. Javed Ashraf HussainVice ChairmanPhysically
04.Dr. Huma BaqaiVice ChairpersonPhysically
05.Commodore Sadeed MalikSecretary General/CEOPhysically
06.Mr. Kalim FarooqiTreasurerPhysically
07.Dr. Junaid AhmadMemberPhysically
08.Mr. Farooq AfazlMemberPhysically
09.Mr. Sadat Yar KhanMemberPhysically
10.Dr Shahzad ArshadMemberPhysically
11.Mr. Hussain TheboMemberPhysically
12.Ms. Nadira PanjwaniMemberPhysically
13.Mr. Farrukh JunaidyMemberPhysically
14.Mr. Liaqquat MerchantMemberPhysically
15.Mr. Syed Khadim Ali ShahMemberPhysically
16.Dr Abdul Azim AkbarMemberPhysically
17.Mr. Gulzar Hussain KaziMemberPhysically
18.Mr. Talib KarimMemberPhysically
19.Admiral (R) Shahid KarimullahMemberPhysically
20.Mr. Mian Mehmood YousufMemberPhysically
21.Mr. Saeed AllawallaMemberPhysically
22.Mr. Perwaz AltmanMemberPhysically
23.Mr. Ishrat HussainMemberPhysically
24.Mr. Mashkoor KhanMemberPhysically
25.Mr. Mr. Pervez FCAMemberPhysically
26.Ms.Huda GaribMemberPhysically
27.Mr. Abdul Kader JafferMemberPhysically
28.Mr. Roshan ZamirMemberPhysically
29.Mr. Jawaid IlyasMemberPhysically
30Dr. Farhan EssaMemberPhysically
S. NoProxy
01.Mr. Moin Fudda (Proxy)
02.Sardar Yasin Malik
03.Mr. Khalil Ahmed
04.SM Muneer
05.M A Rajpur
06.Dr. Khalida Ghaus
07.Naveed Arshad Fazail
08.Arshad Riaz Fazail
09.Asim A Siddiqui
10.Taj Muhammad Afridi
11.Asif Aziz Zubairi
12.Sabiha Navaid Khan
13.Saif ur Rehman
14.Mr. Muhammad Siraj ul Huda Khan
S. NoLeave
1.Vice Admiral (R) Khalid Mir
S.NoOffice StaffDesignation
1Mohammad MoheenManager
2Adil AbbasiOffice Executive
 1.Agenda item no 1: Tilawat: Tilawat was recited. 
 2.Agenda item no 2: Welcome by the Chairman: The Chairman Mr. Ikram Sehgal welcomed all members and thanked them all for coming out on that day in the rains and the AGM was started in the tradition of KCFR, in time. He overviewed the last three years wherein KCFR had gone through a remarkable period though with great financial constraints but was on a strong footing. He thanked one and all in the BOG and named all office bearers without whose support it would not have been possible to bring about KCFR to its present brilliant situation. He said that KCFR had invited the Chief Minister to DAVOS where for holding an investment from the platform of WEF with path finder group’s support and all along KCFR’s name shown all the time. The Chief Minister ahs since announced a grant in Aid of 10 million and an endowment fund of 50 million and hopefully it should be through in the near future this would resolve all financial constraints for KCFR in the coming years. All present applauded the support of Chairman ikram Sehgal for his gratis support to KCFR at WEF at DAVOS, Switzerland. 
 3.Agenda item no 3: Confirmation of the minutes of the last AGM, held on 29th July 2021: Minutes of the last AGM were confirmed. 
 4.Agenda item no 4: Secretary Generals Speech: SG said 1. “Honourable Chairman Ikram Sehgal, former Chairmen Admiral Shahid Karimullah, former Chairman Lieutenant Moinhuddin Haider, Members Board of Governors and Members Karachi Council on Foreign Relations, Ladies and Gentlemen Assalam-o-Alaikum and welcome again to the AGM 2022.
2. Corona Virus had taken grip of our country, due to which it is after many months that we are meeting physically for this AGM. Thank you very much for making it convenient to you all, for coming over physically this morning. During the past years, because of corona our activities also got slowed down and hence we held a number of Webinars and a few physical Seminars also, list of which is as follows;
3. In this year 12 BOGs meetings were held physically and virtually on the Zoom from Secretary General’s office at Institute of Nation Building at Quaid-e-Azam House Museum and from Chairman’s office at 2C Clifton Karachi; however, we held two of the last BOG meeting physically which preceded by meetings with the German Ambassador visiting Karachi and the Bangladesh Deputy High Commissioner at Quaid e Azam House museum Annexe.
4. GRANT IN AID: We had not received any Grant in Aid / Tranche for the Financial Year 2020-2021 from Government of Sindh (GOS). The Chairman had invited the Chief Minister (CM) Government of Sindh (GOS) along with the Investment Secretary GOS to the World Economic Forum (WEF) at DAVOS Switzerland, after which the CM had promised (1) Grant in Aid for KCFR and said he would also consider Endowment fund for KCFR, Chairman is now being followed up with Secretary Investment with our the support of new member of KCFR and former MNA from Umerkot Mr. Syed Khadim Ali Shah. Hopefully, we would be able to get most of it in the coming financial year.
5. During this year the associate members were requested a number of times to fulfill their Annual obligation by paying the required amount; however except one associate member named Commodore (Retd) Anwar Moheenuddin, no other member paid up their dues.
The Associate Members were reminded through emails, on telephones, and then through the post. In addition, they were also reminded with a copy of our journal ‘The Vision’ that was sent to them. But there was no response from the Associate Members. The same was reported to the Board of Governors. The Board then decided to do away with Associate Membership. All Associate Members were offered to pay the initial Life Membership contribution, and in case they liked, in tranches. There have been two Associate Members who have shown interest to change their Associate Membership to Life Membership.
1. Mr. Hussain Thebo
2. Mr. Mushtaq Ali Wali

a) New Life Members: Life membership of the following was approved by the Board of Governors during the last year.
1. Mr. Syed Khadim Ali Shah
2. Mr. Farrukh Viqrauddin Junaidy (Auditors)
3. Mr. Murtaza Abbas Mooman
4. Mrs. Sarwat Siraj (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
5. Ambassador Abdullah Hussain Haroon
6. Mr. Shayan Imran Khan
7. Mr. Mian Mahmood (The Honorary Consul General of Moldova)
8. Mr. Hussain Thebo
9. Mr. Mr. Mushtaq Ali Wali
We printed quarterly two journals one in Summer-2021 and then one more in March 2022. A copy of each had been sent to all members along with a membership form for inviting new members. A number of appreciations had been received that included from the Minister of Education. The next magazine is ready and shall come out soon this year. We are thankful to members for contributing articles and supporting by placing ads in the KCFR’s magazine. We are thankful to the Chairman Mr. Ikram Sehgal (Pathfinder Group), Mr. Kalim Farooqi (Technology Links Pvt. Ltd), Mr. Saeed Allawala (ATCO Laboratories), Mr. Haji Rafiq Pardesi (HMR Group), Mr. Abdul Qader Jaffer, Mr. Muhammad Siraj ul Hudda, Mr. Irfan Vazeer (AIV Pvt Ltd), Mr. Saifuddin Zoomkawala ( EFU Life Insurance), Dr. Farhan Essa Abdullah ( Essa Lab), Mr. Saif-ur-Rehman (Galaxy Pharma Pvt. Ltd.), Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Ltd. (KSEW), and Mr. Habib Paracha for continuously providing ads for their business in our journal which is a source of subsistence for KCFR.

I also would like to very briefly update our members about the Quaid-e-Azam House Museum Institute of Nation Building of which KCFR is an active participant. We had circulated a copy of the MOU to all members after which GOS Notification was issued by the CM as its Chairman, Chief Secretary (CS) GOS is Co-Chairman while KCFR’s Former Chairman Mr. Liaquat Merchant is the Senior Vice Chairman and Chairman Ikram Sehgal is the Vice Chairman, I am the Secretary-General and in addition Admiral Khalid Mir, Ms. Nadira Panjwani, Mr. Syed Khadim Ali Shah and Mr. Haji Rafiq Pardesi are also members of the Board of Management (BOM) of Institute of Nation building at Quaid House Museum.

Out of total of 20 members of BOM which other than CM and CS include; Chairman Habib Bank, President UBL, Commissioner Karachi, Secretary Culture, Secretary Education, and DG antiquities, 8 members are from KCFR. We wanted to carry out soil testing for undertaking underground construction of a library worth carrying the name of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, a state of Audio-Visual Centre with underground parking and an auditorium. However, the Technical Committee GOS has still to give us permission for this purpose and we are at it and hopefully as decided in the last meeting chaired by the CS we should be able to do the soil testing followed by underground construction as envisaged above. This Board of Management was formed following the orders of the Sindh High Court decision in 1985 and it was only in 2021 that CM Syed Murad Ali Shah and Lieutenant General (Retd) Humayun Aziz joined hands together to be able to form this BOM which is mandated towards formation of Institute of Nation Building to address the younger generation towards this affect. So far a number of functions have been held that included flag hoisting, and elocution contests by different schools have been started inviting a school followed up by electronic media streaming and other activities shall soon be started on a fortnightly basis. Those members who wish to speak to the younger generation may like to counsel, advice or guide the new generation themselves or may recommend any personages, they may forward the names to the INB Secretariat.

Before I end, I would like to thank our former Chairman Mr. Liaquat Merchant, Admiral Shahid Karimullah, and Lieutenant General (Retd) Moinuddin Haider for providing their continuous support to KCFR. I would also like to put it on record which was also discussed in the last Board of Governors in their last meeting about the physical, gratis, free of cost support from the Pathfinder Group owned and managed by Chairman Ikram Sehgal. List is long however I would just like to mention for record that KCFR ran its office from Kawish Crown Plaza and we still have our Registered Office in that building which is owned by Chairman Ikram Sehgal without any charges. Our events on Zoom have always been paid and organized by the Pathfinder Group and after the start of physical events, KCFR just has to telephone the catering division of Pathfinder Group, which has been organizing our catering and servicing at the physical function. Also, I would like to put on record that whenever we have required any maintenance at the Secretariat, the staff from Pathfinder Group has come to repair without any charges like for AC, General Maintenance of Electricity and telephone connections etc. Furthermore, I would like to put it on record once again that the Chairman Ikram Sehgal having decided to step down from the Chairmanship and had got it recorded in the minutes of the BOG meeting that instead of 100 % he would continue to provide 200 % support that he was providing earlier on in his tenure as the Chairman.

And finally I would like to convey Secretariat’s gratitude to the office bearers that included Admiral Khalid Mir, Ambassador Mustafa Kamal Kazi , Mr. Muhammad Javed Ashraf Hussain, Dr. Huma Baqai, and Mr. Kalim Farooqi, and others in the list. Thank you very much.”
 5.Agenda item no 5: Annual Report by the Treasurer: The Treasurer reported that the audit report was forwarded earlier with the Agenda and copy of same will stay with the minutes of the AGM. The treasurer reported that KCFR’s financial health was in dire state. Income for the organization depends on sponsors sponsoring the multiple events that KCFR hosts. However, in the last two years most of the events have been through Zoom with few sponsorships hence the organizations available funds have severely depleted. However, despite this we have Rs 5 million Endowment funds and that the treasurer did not allow them to be touched, instead key members had been funding the organization from their private pockets, whenever it was required. Furthermore, the organization is now only accepting life memberships and the funds generated from the Corporate memberships would be placed in the Endowment Fund. We were expecting 10 million as Grant in Aid, a portion of this too will be placed in Endowment fund. How are we expecting to manage the endowment fund? we need continuity for managing the endowment fund, Chairman says that the Government of Sindh will give us 50 million for the fund, which will make the endowment fund healthy. Finally, we need more younger members and should create a category for younger members within KCFR. 
 6.Agenda item no 6: Appointment of Auditors: KCFR’s life member Mr. Junaidy’s company was appointed as auditor on pro bono basis. And he reported that the audit report is ready for chairman’s signatures. He was present and all applauded for his services. Last years Audit Report was presented. 
 7.Agenda item no 7: Resolution to Circulate the Notices to members including the Notice for General Meetings through Email only: Secretary general proposed that “We needed to resolve that as per company’s act we must inform members by any means. Hence it was resolved to communicate in future with all members for AGM, BOG, notices etc. though the medium of emails. All members present agreed. 
 8.Agenda item no 8: Expression by each member Board of Governors: Human Baqai said KCFR helped her publish a book which was well received in Germany Dr. Azim Akhbar said in my case though I came back to Pakistan after 45 years and I think KCFR is doing a great job I had the honour of editing the magazine, I would like to thank KCFR and specially the Chairman for his support to KCFR I am sure he now continuing as the Patron in Chief would continue in the same. Dr. Shahzad Arshad: I would like to thank everyone that in the past 2 years in spite of corona KCFR performed marvellously and all meetings were held in time. Mr. Farooq Afzal said that the Chairman had lead KCFR through difficult times by continuously providing support and thanked him for providing the same even after stepping down as the Chairman and as the Patron Chief as decided by the BOG. 
 9.Agenda item no 9: Concluding remarks by the Chairman: I have already mentioned about the Endowment Fund, 50 million which was proposed by the Sindh Government and they also proposed a role for KCFR; KCFR can hold meetings on behalf of Sindh Government for foreign dignitaries. KCFR also receives good publicity through this and I am sure the BOG shall take advantage of Sindh Government’s offer. He added that activities in Islamabad could not mature because of some bureaucratic road blocks and it should be continued so that KCFR can expand to Lahore and Islamabad also. I would like to thank all, while I have learned a lot from Admiral Shahid Karimullah, and I am thankful for his presence today. His principle was, we were once alone now we are here as a general body. I look forward to working with the next Board of Governors. Thank you“ 
 10.Agenda item no 10: Any other point with the permission of the Chair: The Secretary General and informed all present that it was resolved during BOGs last meeting that Mr. Ikram Sehgal for his continued support to KCFR he was elected as the Life, Patron in Chief of KCFR all members present raised their hands in affirming and approving the proposal. The SG and member present thanked Chairman Ikram Sehgal once again and congratulated him upon his unanimous selection as the Patron in Chief of KCFR. 
 11.Agenda item no 11: Vote of Thanks to the Chairman: Vote if thanks to our going Chairman Mr. Javed Ashraf proposed and was seconded by Dr. Azim Akhbar the Treasurer Mr. Kalim Farooqi and many others 
The Chief Election Commissioner(CEC) Lt Gen (R) Moinuddin Haider announced that for the officer bearers there were only one candidate each for each office therefore all candidates for office bearers stood elected. However, there were 12 candidates for 7 positions of members of BOG for which he was carrying the ballot papers and ballot box for the purpose of voting in 7 members for the Board of Governors.
Upon this announcement, Mr. Farooq Afzal raised his hand, the CEC allowed him to speak. Mr. Farooq Afzal proposed that as per the powers conferred by the Memorandums and Articles of association the Chairman may like to opt all candidates for members of BOG to stand elected the chairman requested the CEC to concur the proposal not only as the CEC but also as the former chairman of KCFR. Who also concurred with the proposal. Upon this the chairman Ikram Sehgal announced that under the powers conferred upon him he will approve election of all candidates, if all present at the AGM consent to the proposal. All present agreed. The proposal was approved and all candidates for members of BOG stood elected. The CEC gave a very interesting and charming speech full of humor which was appreciated by all present and declared him as the best speaker of that day.

Vice Admiral(R) Khalid M Mir – Chairman
Ms. Nadira Panjwani – Sr. Vice Chairperson
Mr. Muhammad Javed Ashraf Hussain – Vice Chairman
Commodore (R) Sadeed A. Malik Kashir – Secretary 
Mr. Kalim Farooqi – Treasurer
1) Mr. Abdul Kader Jaffer
2) Mr. Zarrar Sehgal
3) Mr. Saeed Allawalla
4) AM Riazuddin Sheikh
5) Mr. Gulzar H. Qazi
6) Dr. A Azim Akbar
7) Ms. Haya Sehgal
8) Mr. Syed Khadim Ali Shah
9) Mr. Moin M. Fudda
10) Mr. M Farooq Afzal
11) Dr. Shahzad Arshad
12) Mr. Talib Syed Karim
Proposed and confirmed election of ikram Sehgal for Pattern in Chief
 13.Agenda item no 13: Meeting of the New Board of Governors: Sr. Vice Chairperson said “Our chairman is out of Pakistan, first meeting with BOG will be at 30th July, we don’t have agenda for today but if new board members have anything to say: also last BOG was very good.” 
 14.Agenda item no 14: Hi-Tea: High Tea was served. 


Vice Admiral (R) Khalid M. Mir
Chairman, KCFR

1. Vice Admiral Khalid Mir HI(m), SBT, joined the Navy in 1958 and was commissioned in 1961 from the Royal Navy Academy Dartmouth, U.K where he was awarded the Queens Sword of Honour and became the first non British naval officer to have been given this honour.

2. After commanding submarine and destroyer squadrons and shore establishment he was promoted to Rear Admiral in 1988 and posted as Deputy Chief of Naval Staff (Operations) at NHO. Thereafter he commanded the Pakistan Fleet. Promoted to Vice Admiral in 1992 and served as Commander Karachi for four years.

3. He served as managing Director of Karachi Shipyard and Chairman Karachi Port Trust.

4. His last appointment was Ambassador to Lebanon and Cyprus.

5. He is a graduate of R.N Staff College Greenwich U.K and National Defense College and holds a Masters Degree in Strategic Studies from Quaid-e-Azam University.

Cdre (R) Sadeed A. Malik Kashir
Secretary General/ CEO, KCFR
Social ResponsibilitiesDesignationYears
Standing Committee on TVET Southern Region
Federation of Chambers of Commerce
Industries of Pakistan Chambers
Majlis e Fikr o Amal (Think Tank)Chairman Dy Chairman Member2016-Present
Karachi Council on Foreign AffairsLife Member Member BOG Jt. Secy Gen Secretary General2006-Present
2012-2015 2018-Present
Defence Society Residents AssociationMember President2001-Present 2006-2008
DSRA Health and Welfare TrustTrustee Managing Trustee2008-Present 2008-2010
Hamdard ShooraMember2010-Present
Kashir FoundationManaging Trustee2012-Present
Dr. Syed Khadim Ali Shah
Member BOG, KCFR

1. Former member on National Assembly of Pakistan

2. Senior Vice President South Asian Football Federation (FIFA)

3. Senior Vice President Pakistan Football Federation

4. Conveyer and Secretary General of SAARC Opposition Leader, Conference 1993

5. Member Board of Management, Institute of Nation Building, Quaid-e-Azam house
Museum, Karachi

6. Member Board of Governors, Karachi Council on Foreign Relations

7. Former member Board of Directors, Pakistan International Airlines (PIA)

8. Vice President, Family Planning Association of Pakistan funded by UNDP

9. Vice President Sindh Olympic Association

10. Former Chairman Sindh Red Crescent

Dr. Shahzad Arshad
Member BOG, KCFR

Dr. Shahzad Arshad is a prominent Pakistani industrialist and entrepreneur with major business setup in Pakistan. With decades of success to his credit, He is the chief executive officer and chairman of Techsol Solutions Pvt ltd, the leading test and measurement authorized suppliers and distributers in Pakistan, representing USA and Japanese companies, and Petron in chief of Neuropsychology Center, Pakistan and Petron in Chief in Dental Society of Pakistan and Director of Arshad Ibrahim Welfare Trust.

Dr. Shahzad Arshad was born in Karachi, Pakistan on 15th July, 1964. He started his career as one of the most prominent industrialist of Pakistan. His business experience is based upon three decades, running successfully many organizations. Dr. Shahzad Arshad is a distinguished name in the business world at regional and national level and as a Corporate Leader. He belongs to a well-known business family engaged in the business of Textiles.

Dr. Abdul Azim Akbar
Member BOG, KCFR

Work experience in various aspects of Oil, Gas, Petrochemicals, Energy and Infrastructure which included;
Development and Management of Master Plans,
Long Term Business Strategies,
Development & Management of Mega Projects,
Business Development,
Implementation of Corporate Governance in Group Companies,
Engineering Management,
Engineering Design and Specifications,
Engineering Development/Management,
Studies and Applications of New Technologies.

Major Projects Handled
Grass Root Refinery, Ruwais Abu Dhabi
Umm Al Nar Refinery Expansion, Abu Dhabi
HydroCracker Complex, Ruwais Abu Dhabi
HydroCracker Complex, Shell Haven Refinery, Shell, UK
Gas Gathering and Reinjection Plants, Iran
Acrylic Plant, Monsanto, Northern Ireland
Petrochemicals Plant consisting of Ethylene Cracker, Polyethylene Unit, Olefin Conversion Unit, Propylene Unit

Ms. Haya Sehgal Member BOG, KCFR

Ms. Haya Fatima Sehgal is a seasoned security professional with almost 20 years of experience in security management in Pakistan. She is currently working as the Operation Manager Quality Control at Continuity Global Solutions (CGS).

Ms. Sehgal was on the family board of directors of the Pathfinder Group and now serves in an advisory role. The Group specializes in security services, financial services and technology. She is an elected member of the Board of Governors (BOG)
of the Karachi Council on Foreign Relations (KCFR), a prominent think tank on international relations and current affairs.

Ms. Sehgal is also a member of The Jinnah Society on the invitation of Mr. Liaquat H. Merchant (Grandnephew of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah). The Jinnah Society extends support to institutions and projects affiliated to and/ or dedicated to the memory of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. This includes the “Institute of Nation Building” (INB) Quaid-e-Azam Museum (Flagstaff House). An elected member for BOG, she is also a member of the “Media Committee” of the INB.

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