Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Hijab – Divine & Environmentalist Perspective


1.1 It has been repeatedly experienced that anti-Islam forces have been playing with the sentiments of the Muslim world in one form or the other. They have been airing baseless issues about The Divine Injunctions and The Holy Prophets. The common Muslims get agitated on the first sign of such offensive remarks and undertake negative activities which are in contrast to the Islamic teachings. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the Muslim states do not take timely and effective steps for preventing/ curbing such hostile anti-Islam propaganda, that is the ultimate aim of anti-Islam elements.

1.2 Many countries have passed laws banning some or all types of HIJAB in public or in specified places and women have been under pressure to wear or not wear a HIJAB. In the recent past a number of western countries had adopted anti-HIJAB policies and legislations, in the process they created unhealthy environment for their Muslim minorities. Currently extremist Hindus under patronage of the Indian government have started anti-Islamic practices including usage of HIJAB by Muslim women. In India’s Karnataka State Muslim women are being targeted and harassed for observing Islamic dress code, they are also being denied education in schools and colleges.

1.3 The activities of the fascist government of India suggest they are planning wipe out the minorities from Indian soil, the ultimate aim being to allow only Hindus to live in their country. The following piece of poetry is well suited for the bravery of Muskan whose stance against the hooligans in a college of Bangalore (Karnataka state) became viral on social media:




2.1 Terms used in context of HIJAB are agreed upon: Humility التواضعLowering Gaze غضالبصرManhood المروءةManners الادبModesty الحياءSeeing البصرVeiling الحجابWomen النساء (source: are described in the following:

2.2 Hijab a head covering scarf that Muslim women wear in public. For many such women, the HIJAB signifies both modesty and privacy (source:

2.3 It is the traditional covering for the hair and neck that is worn by Muslim women (source:

2.4 The word HIJAB is derived from the Arabic word HAJABA, meaning to conceal or hide. It is mentioned in the Holy Quran, in classical Arabic, the word HIJAB is used to refer to a barrier or a curtain. In modern times it refers to the headscarf Muslim women wear as part of the Islamic dress code.

2.5 The Holy Book urges Muslim women to take their KHIMARS (head covers) and wrap it over their chests. When Muslims obey Almighty Allah (SWT) commands, they are rewarded and earn His eternal pleasure, thus Muslim women wear the headscarf as an act of love and obedience towards their Creator.

2.6 Certain Muslim women wear a face veil, called NIQAB. The NIQAB covers a woman’s entire face, excluding her eyes.

2.7 HIJAB refers to the seclusion of women from men in the public sphere. It implies a metaphysical dimension.

2.8 HIJAB is used by females to denote a partition or curtain for observance of the Islamic rules of modesty and dress.

2.9 The HIJAB, or headscarf, is a piece of clothing Muslim women wear to cover themselves when they are outside or in the presence of males who are not part of their immediate family.

2.10 HIJABS can be a variety of styles and colours. It promotes cultural solidarity in the society.


Notwithstanding externalities of a dress, it depicts the intellectual and moral character of its user. Keeping oneself properly dressed is the peculiarity of an Islamic society and men and women need to follow the required dress code. The Holy Qur’an instructs Muslim women and men to dress modestly. According to the Encyclopedia of Islam and Muslim World, modesty concerns both men’s and women’s gaze, gait, garments, and genitalia. Characteristics of desired dress are as follows:

3.1 It should be clean.

3.2 It provides protection from heat and cold.

3.3 It should be simple and economical.


3.4.1 For a man the portion of body between navel and knee needs to be essentially covered.

3.4.2 The female is required to cover the entire body. It should not depict nakedness.

3.5 Fixed dresses are not prescribed

3.6 It should conform to geographical conditions

3.7 It should neither be too thick nor too thin

3.8 Cultural requirement may be dovetailed in designing a dress

3.9 Islam has strongly emphasized the concept of decency and modesty in the interaction between members of the opposite sex. Dress code is part of the overall teaching.


The following verses from The Holy Qur’an advise Muslim women to wear a suitable dress to cover the body:

7:26 Covering Shame and Adornment

O children of ADAM, We have sent down to you the dress that covers your shame and provides adornment. As for the dress of TAQWA (piety), that is the best. That is one of the signs of Allah, so that they may learn a lesson.

7:27 Stripping Adornment and Exposure of Shame

O children of ADAM, Do not let Satan put you in trouble the way he had your parents expelled from Paradise, having their dress removed from them, so that he could show them their shame. Indeed, he sees you, he and his company from where you do not see them. Surely, We have made the devils friends to those who do not believe.

16:81 Garments

Allah has made for your benefit shades from what He has created, and made for you shelters in the mountains, and made for you shirts that protect you from heat, and shirts that protect you in your battles. This is how He perfects His favor upon you, so that you may submit.

24:30 Lowering Down of Sight

Order the Muslim men to lower down their sights a little and to guard their private parts. This is cleaner for them, undoubtedly, Allah is Aware of their deeds.

Muslim Women to Lower Down their Sights and Guard Chastity and Show not Adornment

And order the Muslim women to lower down their sights a little and guard their chastity and show not their adornment but as much which is apparent and remain putting their head coverings over their bosoms. And disclose not their adornment but to their husbands, or to their fathers, or the fathers of their husbands, or to their or the of sons husbands or their brothers or the sons of their brothers or the sons of their sisters or the women of their religion or their handmaids who are the property of their hands or servants provided they are not men of sexual desire or the children who are unaware of the private parts of the women, and put not their feet forcibly on the ground that hidden adornment may be known. And repent to Allah, O Muslims all together, haply you may get prosperity.

Modest in Dress

And those old women who have no hope for marriage, there is no sin on them, if they take off their (extra) clothes while they do not display their adornment. Still, that they refrain (even from this) is better for them. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

Women should Cast Outer Garments over Their Person

O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers that they should draw down their shawls over them. That will make it more likely that they are recognized, hence not teased. And Allah is Most-Forgiving, Very-Merciful.


5.1 Women Veiling Themselves from Men, Even Blind Men

Hazrat Umm Salamah (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated: While we were with The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him), Hazrat Ibn Maktum (May Allah be pleased with him) was given permission to enter. He entered and that was after the command to veil. The Holy Prophet (PBUH.gifPeace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said, Veil yourselves from him. I said, O Messenger of Allah, is he not blind? He cannot see or recognize us. The Holy Prophet (PBUH.gifPeace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said, Are you blind such that you cannot see him? (AL-TRIMZI2278).

Hadith on Hijab: Men must respect women, not stare at them

5.2 A Person Staring at Woman

Hazrat Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated: Al-Fadl was riding with The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him), and a woman from Khash’am came. Al-Fadl began to stare at her and she stared at him. The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) made Al-Fadl turn his face in the other direction (SAHEEH AL-BUKHARI 1442, SAHEEH AL-MUSLIM1334). 

Hadith on Hijab: Men must respect women, not stare at them

5.3 Prayer of A Menstruating Woman

Hazrat Ayesha (May Allah be pleased with her) narrated: The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said, The prayer of a menstruating woman is not accepted unless she wears a veil, by which he meant an adult woman(AL-TRIMZI).

Hadith on Hijab: Men must respect women, not stare at them

5.4 Exposure of Body Parts at Age of Maturity

Hazrat Ayesha (May Allah be pleased with her) narrated: Hazrat Asma bint Abi Bakr (May Allah be pleased with her) entered the house of The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him), while she was wearing a thin garment. The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said, O Asma, when a woman reaches the age of maturity, it is not proper for her to show anything but this and this, and of The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) pointed to his face and hands (ABUDAWOOD 4104).

Hadith on Hijab: Modest woman only reveals her face, hands

5.5 Veiling

Hazrat Urwah (May Allah be pleased with her) narrated: Hazrat Ayesha (May Allah be pleased with her) said, May Allah have mercy on the foremost women of the MUHAJIRUN. When Almighty Allah (SWT) revealed the verse, Let them draw their cloaks over their bodies, (24:31) they cut their sheets and veiled themselves with them (SAHEEH AL-BUKHARI 4758).

Hadith on Hijab: Allah reveals verse for women to veil

5.6 Shame (HAYA) and Faith (IMAN) Nexus

The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said, Shame (HAYA) and Faith (IMAN) are tied together, if one of them departs, the other departs with it.

5.7 Imitation between Genders

Hazrat Ibn Umar (May Allah be pleased with her) narrated: The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said, Whoever imitates a people, he belongs to them (MOSNAD AHMAD, ABU DAWOOD).


6.1 According to the MALIKI, the HANAFI, the SHAFI, and the HANBALI schools of thought, the whole body of a woman is AWRAH, therefore it should be covered with the exception of the face and the hands.

6.2 Hazrat Al-Fudayl bin Yasar (May Allah be pleased with him)asked Imam as Sadiq (‘a) (May Allah be pleased with him)about the forearms of a woman: whether they are included in the beauty as described by the Almighty Allah (SWT) when He says, and they should not display their beauty except for their husbands. The Imam replied, Yes, and what is beneath the veil covering the head (KHIMAR) is from the beauty (as mentioned in the verse), and also what is beneath the wristbands. The face and the hands are exempted, but everything else is counted as the beauty that should not be displayed except for their husbands.

6.3 Hazrat Abu Nasr al-Bazinli (May Allah be pleased with him) quoted: Imam Ali as-Rida (‘a) (May Allah be pleased with him) said, A woman does not have to cover her head in the presence of a boy who has not yet reached the age of puberty. The implication of this statement is that once a boy who is not related to a woman reaches the age of puberty, she has to cover her head in his presence.


When a Muslim woman wears the HIJAB with the intention of pleasing Almighty Allah (SWT), she is rewarded for her sacrifice and obedience Lord. Implications of using the HIJAB are given below:

7.1 HIJAB is worn by Muslim women to maintain modesty and privacy from unrelated males. Some Islamic legal systems define this type of modest clothing as covering everything except the face and hands up to the wrists. 

7.2 HIJAB is a head covering worn by Muslim women as a symbol of modesty and religious devotion. The most familiar HIJAB is a scarf that covers most of the hair. It also covers the neck and falls below the level of the shoulders to cover the upper chest area, over the shoulders and upper back and fall down the elbows.

7.3 HIJAB is considered an embodiment of modesty, virtue and respect. Muslim women in HIJAB deserve to be understood, respected and honoured for their courage in making the choice to follow an Islamic dress code. It does not prevent a woman from acquiring knowledge.

7.4 Environmental Aspects

7.4.1 Islamic dress including variety of HIJAB protects the women from extreme weather conditions.

7.4.2 The user receives protection from heat and cold.

7.4.3 By using HIJAB a woman gets shielded against dust, smoke and SMOG.

7.4.4 Health of the HIJAB user does not deteriorate because of external environmental influences.

7.4.5 The HIJAB precludes entering of cancer causing radiations in the body.

7.4.6 HIJAB adds to aesthetics and positive outlook of a woman.

7.4.7 It averts flaring of untoward relations among opposite genders.

7.5 Protective Shield

The women are created beautiful. Islam encourages women to conceal their beauty. The HIJAB protects the woman from being judged by the way she appears. It permits the woman to shine through with her wonderful character, personality, intellect and skill set, irrespective of her external appearance.

7.6 Obedience to Almighty Allah (SWT)

Muslim women wear the HIJAB because they believe that Almighty Allah (SWT) has instructed them in the Holy Qur’an to wear it on reaching puberty. It means fulfilling one of The Divine commandments.

7.7 Act of Modesty

Wearing the HIJAB is a way she embarks on her spiritual journey to gain closeness to Almighty Allah (SWT). Muslim women wear the HIJAB on the advice of the Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him): Modesty is a branch of faith. Modesty can be expressed in many different ways and the HIJAB is one of them. It is believed that wearing HIJAB allows a woman the means to gain purity of heart.

7.8 Symbol of Islamic Virtue and Righteousness

Wearing HIJAB means following in the footsteps of pious predecessors such as the wives of The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) who were prescribed by Almighty Allah (SWT) to cover themselves with their garments and conceal their beauty as to protect them from harm.

7.9 Reward of Paradise

In The Holy Qur’an, Almighty Allah (SWT) has promised Paradise for the believing women for good deeds. Muslim women express their faith through HIJAB for seeking the noble reward. Islamic law prescribes wearing of the HIJAB as a demonstration of women’s submission to Almighty Allah (SWT), who is the ruler over men and women, rather than submission to men. It is an appropriate expression of morality.

7.10 Cultural and Social Value

Usage of the HIJAB varies depending upon the prevailing Muslim culture. Wearing of the HIJAB is a sign of a woman’s willing submission to SHARIA (Islamic law) and this may match the existing fashion of dressing. Proper HIJAB needs to be SHARIAH-compliant. The women need to protect themselves from being sexualised, or objectified and misrepresented.


8.1 Tradition with Judaism and Christianity

Practice of wearing veil or scarf was in vogue prior to the emergence of Islam and Judaism. Various religious traditions incorporate some form of veiling or head covering. Judaism maintains the use of the yarmulke, or skullcap, for men. In some orthodox Jewish communities, married women wear a head covering of a scarf, hat, or wig as a sign of their submission to Almighty Allah (SWT). Many Orthodox Christians still adhere to the practice of covering their heads with a scarf or veil when attending church. And the traditional Roman Catholic practice of women wearing a mantilla, or veil, to Mass is still common in some faith communities.

8.2 Muslim Culture and the Style of HIJAB

8.2.1 The requirement of HIJAB is the Divine command. The basic requirement is that a Muslim woman should cover her head and bosom with a KHIMAR, and her body with a JILBAB (a loose over-garment) leaving her face and hands exposed. As the Muslim societies emerged and developed, the practice of veiling and wearing a head covering took various shapes.

8.2.2 Regarding the style, colour, and material of the KHIMAR and JILBAB, Muslim societies can follow the Divine injunction according to the cultural background. The variety in styles of implementing the same is true since Islam is the global religion and it cannot be confined to one region or tribe or culture. Muslim women in Arabia use ABAYA, the Persian Muslim women use CHADOR, the Afghani Muslim women use BURQA, the Indo-Pakistani Muslim women use NIQAB or PURDAH, the Malaysian/Indonesian Muslim women use KERUDUNG, the East African Muslim women use BUIBUI and so on. Islam is not concerned with the style as long as it fulfills the basic requirement of KHIMAR and JILBAB.

8.3 Sustainability of Marriage

8.3.1 HIJAB contributes to the stability and preservation of marriage and family by eliminating the chances of extramarital affairs.

8.3.2 It compels man to focus on the real personality of the woman and de-emphasizes her physical beauty. It puts the woman in control of any stranger’s reaction to her.

8.4 Kinds of Garments

Women may wear CORTES or huipiles or saris or jellabas or shalwar kameez or any other suitable garments without embarrassment or discomfort. Women with shawls and veils can breastfeed anywhere without calling attention to them, while the baby is protected from dust and flies.

8.5 Hostile Propaganda

8.5.1 The hostile media often portray the HIJAB as a symbol of oppression and slavery of women. This sexist angle of viewing the HIJAB reflects the influence of western feminists who react to the Judea-Christian concept of veil – the symbol of woman’s subjection to her husband. They adopt cultural imperialism and intellectual miscalculation.

8.5.2 When the Europeans penetrated the interior of Africa a century ago, they found some tribes who did not wear clothing. They forced the tribes to wear clothes as a mark of civilization. Now those advocates of civilization are themselves discarding their clothes. The primitive tribes of the last century were not more civilized than the rest of the world. After all, it is rest of the world which is now imitating the ways of the so-called primitive society.

8.5.3 The society shows tolerance towards those who would like to be topless but it does not tolerate a woman who wants to observe HIJAB! According to them HIJAB symbolizes either forced silence or radical, unconscionable militancy.

8.5.4 On the other hand the HIJAB gives freedom from constant attention to the physical self and the appearance is not subjected to any scrutiny. HIJAB is not a symbol of oppression. Women are oppressed because of socio-economic reasons. In fact displaying pictures of almost naked women in commercials, billboards, and in the entertainment industry is a true symbol of oppression.

8.6 Role of Earlier Muslim Women

8.6.1 The HIJAB does not prevent a woman from contributing to the betterment of human society. Hazrat KHADIJAH (May Allah be pleased with her), the first wife of The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him), played a significant role in the early history of Islam. She was a successful businesswoman. She was the first person to accept the message of The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him). She was a great source of emotional support for The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him). She stood by her husband in the difficult days of early Islam, and spent her wealth for promotion of Islam.

8.6.2 Hazrat Sumayya (May Allah be pleased with her), was the first Muslim person to be martyred in Muslim history. She was the wife of Hazrat Yasir (May Allah be pleased with him) and the mother of Hazrat Ammar (May Allah be pleased with him). She was killed along with her husband for refusing to renounce Islam.

8.6.3 Hazrat Fatimatuz-Zahra (May Allah be pleased with her), the daughter of The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him), is the beacon of light. She is a source of guidance for women of all times. She faithfully stood by her father and husband for promotion of Islamic values.

8.6.4 Hazrat Zaynab (May Allah be pleased with her) (the sister of Hazrat Imam Hussain (M May Allah’s Peace be upon him) continued the social protest. She worked hard for bringing the awakening among the people to stand up against the tyranny of the rulers. She played a very important role in bringing about the downfall of the UMAYYADS.

8.7 World Hijab Day

8.7.1 Every year on February 1st, World HIJAB Day recognizes the millions of Muslim women who wear HIJAB. It is a day to encourage women of all backgrounds and religions to wear and experience the HIJAB. Most people in the world are aware that Muslim women wear a variety of coverings, they wear these to retain their modesty and avoid harassment from men.

8.7.2 Historical Glimpses of World HIJAB Day The first World HIJAB Day was launched on February 1st, 2013, its aim is to foster religious tolerance and understanding among all women. Currently, people in 190 countries throughout the world take part in World HIJAB Day.

8.7.3 The Islamic States as well as all Muslims of the world celebrate World HIJAB Day with the greatest religious fervour and enthusiasm.


9.1 For the sake of preserving female modesty various coverings are used in view of DIVINE INJUNCTIONS and Cultural & Social taboos. These are HIJAB (headscarf), KHIMAR, NIQAB (veil), BURQA, ABAYA and many more. HIJAB is an integral part of female’s dress code.

9.2 The aim is to cover all parts of body except face and hands (up to the wrist). This code is applicable to all the women living in any part of the world irrespective of their employment as housewife or working lady.

9.3 HIJAB is not at all a sign of suppression or expression. It is observance of the Divine Commandments and not those of the other gender. It has been the practice among other SHAREEHAS (codes).

9.4 Unfortunately certain so called Muslim liberals are working against the Islamic dress code. It is extremely encouraging that despite heavy odds many Muslim women in non-Muslim societies use the HIJAB.

9.5 In view of above discourse it is recommended that both genders put on the dress as revealed in The Holy Qur’an and Beautiful Sayings, Traditions and Deeds of The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him). HIJAB should be taken as symbol of Islamic culture.

9.6 Muslim women deserve gratitude for expressing courage to put on HIJAB in the non-Muslim societies despite opposition. They must be strongly appreciated for their tremendous contribution in carving out a niche for Islam in the multicultural societies.

9.7 Muslims have been advised to refrain from adopting the lifestyle, social etiquettes, culture and civilization and dress code of non-Muslims. They must believe in Islamic ideals and pride.


1. Google Search

2. Hussain, M., Environmental Degradation: Realities and Remedies, Ferozsons (Pvt) Ltd, Lahore (Pakistan), 1998

3. Hussain, M., Islam and Environment, Vol-I & Vol-II, The Environ Publications, Lahore (Pakistan), 2021

4. Hussain, M., COVID-19: THE UNPRECEDENTED CALAMITY, The Environ Publications, Lahore (Pakistan), 2021

5. Informed Comments

6. The Environ Monitor

7. The Holy Qur’an

8. Beautiful Sayings, Traditions and Deeds of The Holy Prophet (PBUH.gifPeace and blessing of Allah be upon him)

9. TV Channels (BBC, Al-Jazira, Pakistan TV etc.)





Mumtaz Hussain
He is Chief Editor of The Environ Monitor (Leading Environmental Journal of Pakistan) striving for Environmental Excellence.

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