Theory of Revelation (Part-4)

Recited (Manifest) & Non Recited (Hidden) Revelations Wahi Jili (Matloo) & Wahi Khiffi (Ghair Matloo)



The analysis of the religious history of Jews and Christians briefly discussed previously (Part 2 & 3) reveals that the impact of extra books written by religious scholars was catastrophic. The biggest impact of extra books is formation of sects, disunity, going away from the right path and misguidance among Jews and Christians. The books of God (Torah and Gospel) have been neglected by Jews and Christians respectively, because the opinions and teachings of disciples, religious teachers and scholars creeped into their religions through extra books, making them man made religions rather than the religions of divine origin. The majority Christians abandoned the monotheistic teachings of Jesus Christ in Gospels, adopted polytheistic doctrine of the Trinity and abandoned[1] the Law of Moses (Shariah) which Jesus Christ upheld, practiced and preached[2].

Despite clear warning by the Prophet (Pbuh), the Muslims scholars, theologians and Hadith book writers neglected command and warning by Prophet (Pbuh) and just after a century followed in the footsteps of Jews and Christians. The Jews have written 38 volumes of Talmud, Christians have written 23 books of New Testament[3] apart from Gospels/ Injeels while Muslims have overtaken them to write over hundred Hadiths books[4]  (and the number continues to increase) and abandoned the Quran by making it Mahjoor (ineffective, Quran: 25:30).[5] The famous Hadiths books, though written during the third century were not accepted immediately, the oral narration continues even till todate though at limited scale. Al-Bukhari was first read publicly at Nishapur in 464 AH/ 1072 CE.[6] Many new doctrines have been evolved[7] based upon Hadiths-Books, which at times contradict, override and dilute the teachings of the Holy Quran. Silently there has been insertion in the six (6) Islamic Articles of Faith (Aymaan)[8] besides reinterpretation of doctrines like Intercession (Shafaat)[9] and  other doctrines[10], which almost cancels the Quranic doctrine of Trial, Deeds, Reward and Punishment.

Though the Prophet (Pbuh), due to his mercy and kindness permitted some companions with weak memory to make private notes he (Pbuh) did not permit the Companions with scholarly potentials like: Abu Musa al-Ashʿari, Abu Hurayra (orally narrator of 5,374 Hadith) , Abd Allah bin ʿAbbas  (narrated 2660 Hadiths) , Abd Allah bin Masood (800), Abd Allāh bin Umer (2,630Hadith), Zayd ibn Thabit (92), Abu Said Khudri (1170) (RA)  and many others to write even private Hadith notes.[Total: 12726 Hadiths]. These pious Companions and great early scholars of Islam knew very well that this “Hadith book ban” was permanent, which was never abrogated, had it been abrogated these pious companions would have known it, to save themselves from the trouble of memorizing thousands of Hadiths. If they were not aware of this most important information, then either they were ignorant or not trustworthy. Hence, how could 12726 Hadiths narrated by them be accepted? They were pious and trustworthy, as all other Hadiths narrated by them are accepted, this ban should also be accepted without question and debate, otherwise all Hadith collections become superfluous. Zayd ibn Thabit (RA) is also a scribe of the Quran and head of the committee which compiled the Quran which we hold in our hands today. If he is not trustworthy, who is?

The spirit was well understood by the Rightly Guided Caliphs and pious Companions. The role played by Caliph Umer (RA) is very significant though other Caliphs also were of the same view as evident from their Sunnah (acts).

Gradually during the 2nd/3rd century Hijrah, the temptation to defy these orders was on the rise, hence new terminologies, theories naming ‘Hadiths’  as: “Secret/non Recited Revelations” (Wahi Khafi/ Ghair Matloo[11]) and the Quran as Manifest/ Wahi Matlu (recited) Revelations were innovated. Through such theories they tried to raise the level of Hadiths to be ‘divine revelations’ (similar to Quran) to justify Hadith Book writing. It will be clear through Quran, the saying and actions (Sunnah) of Prophet (Pbuh), Rightly Guided Caliphs and pious scholars Companions that, they were all not aware of these theories of Revelations developed in 2nd century Hijrah. The Prophet (Pbuh) repeatedly urged:

“Avoid the new things that have come out in the religion, because every new thing is innovation, and every innovation is Bid’a (misguidance/ error)[12].

The Prophet (Pbuh) would start the sermon by saying:

 “The best of the Hadith is the Book of Allah, and the best of the guidance is the guidance given by Muhammad(Pbuh). And the most evil affairs are the innovations; and every Bid’a (deviation) is an error.”[13]

Quran & The Previous Scriptures

Allah sent His Last Messenger Muhammad (Pbuh) who received revelations recorded as the Last Book, Quran for the guidance of humanity till eternity. The previous scriptures (Torah and Gospel) revealed through messengers of God (Moses & Jesus) for the earlier communities were corrupted and undermined due to extra books written by their religious scholars. The Quran was revealed continuously during 23 years of his Prophethood, till his death. Special care was taken for its recording, there were scribes to write the revelations dictated by the Prophet (Pbuh), rechecked by the Prophet (Pbuh), memorized and written down by the scribes. They were immediately communicated to Muslims, who memorized and regularly recited minimum five times in daily prayers (Salaah). The Quran was collected and compiled during the era of Rightly Guided Caliphs through special arrangements.[14]

Quran: The Best Hadith Book

“Allah has sent down the Best Hadith (ahsan hadith): a consistent Book wherein is reiteration. (Quran; 39:23)[15],[16]

Since the Quran is the best Hadith & book, hence it is fair to call it ‘The Best Hadith Book’. The Prophet (Pbuh) used to Say before Sermon (Khutbah):

“The best of the Hadith is the Book of Allah, and the best of the guidance is the guidance given by Muhammad(Pbuh). And the most evil affairs are the innovations; and every Bid’a (deviation) is an error.” (Sahih Muslim: 2005)

Quran: Ban Hadith Book

The Holy Quran, the book of Allah calls itself Hadith[17] (being a book, it’s the book of Hadith), and repeatedly rejects belief in any other Hadith (book) except Quran. Quran the is living miracle, Allah, the All Knowing, knows that despite instructions[18] of His Messenger (Pbuh), the Rightly Guided Caliphs[19] and pious Companions[20],[21], some people will disobey and compile Hadith books [despite the ban[22]], hence Allah used the world “Hadith[23] in verses in such a way that it encompasses all its meanings forever, without leaving any doubt or ambiguity:

These (are the) Verses, (of) Allah, We recite them to you in truth. Then in what Hadith after Allah and His Verses will they believe “(Quran;45;6) also (Quran;77:50)(Quran;7:185).  

Then let them produce a Hadith like this if they are truthful. (Quran;52:34) (2:23), (10:38), (11:13), (17:88).

In the Quran every word is specially chosen according to context and situation to convey the message very clearly and eloquently leaving no ambiguity through Command verses ( آيَاتٌ مُّحْكَمَاتٌ هُنَّ أُمُّ الْكِتَابِ) [some verses are clear statements (which accept no interpretation) and these are the fundamental ideas of the Book (Quran;3:7)]. Hence there is no justification to invent new terminologies like Wahi Khiffi/Ghair Matlu to defy the Hadith (book) ban by the Quran.

Prophet (Pbuh) Ban Hadith Book Writing

While the Quran is the word of God, the sayings and acts of Prophet (Pbuh) are also very important because he was a role model for practical implementation of the Quran[24]. The Muslims emulate him to become good Muslims [act upon Sunnah of Prophet (Pbuh), observed openly by large numbers]

“There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allah often”. (Quran;33:21)[25]

Some companions were found to be writing Hadith [sayings of Prophet (Pbuh)], but they were prohibited by the Prophet (Pbuh) in clear words, the nine point summary from Hadiths[26] writing prohibition, is given below:-

Abū Hurayra narrated;

“God’s Messenger (God bless him) came out to us while we were writing ḥadīths, and he said:

“What is this that you are writing?”

We said, ‘Ḥadīths we have heard from you.”

The Prophet (Pbuh) said:[27]

(1) “Do you want a book other than God’s book? [a kitāban ghayr kitāb illāh turīdūna]

(2) The communities before you were only caused to stray by the books they wrote along with God’s book.”[28]

(3) No other books but the book of Allah

(4) Uphold the book of Allah

(5) Then write the book of Allah

(6) Do not take down anything from me, and he who took down anything from me except the Qur’an, he should efface that .

(7) Abu Hurayrah said: So we collected all that we wrote and burnt it.

Abū Hurayra said, “Then, I said, ‘May we relate ḥadīth [orally] on your authority, oh, Messenger of God?’

He (Pbuh) said,

(8)‘Yes, there is no harm in relating ḥadīth [orally] on my authority,

(9) but anyone who intentionally attributes a lie (to) me should prepare to take his place in the fire.’

This makes it absolutely clear that Hadith book writing is banned, the reason given by the Prophet (Pbuh) is permanent, valid and verifiable[29] even today. The 38 volumes of Talmud with over 10 million words, 23 books of New Testament[30] and around 100 books of Hadiths[31] have undermined the books of Allah, Torah, Gospel and Quran [32] respectively. The Prophet (Pbuh) had clearly warned the Muslims. Narrated Abu Sa`id: The Prophet said,

You will follow the wrong ways of your predecessors so completely and literally that if they should go into the hole of a mastigure, you too will go there.” We said, “O Allah’s Apostle! Do you mean the Jews and the Christians?” He replied, “Whom else?” (Meaning, of course, the Jews and the Christians.) ] (Muslim: 3456, Bukhari:6781)[33]

Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) was the true role model following and practicing the Quran. Hence his true Sunnah (practices) observed and emulated by millions and billions of Muslims during the last 1400 years is accepted to be closest to the Quran. There is no justification to invent new doctrines or terminologies like Wahi Khiffi/Ghair Matlu to defy the Hadith (book) ban by the Quran and the Prophet (Pbuh).

Prophet (Pbuh) Appointed/ Authorized ‘Rightly Guided Caliphs’ to Resolve Conflicts

Due to his Prophetic wisdom and knowledge, Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) was aware of conflicts and deviations after him, so he did not leave anything to chance. In his farewell exhortation, the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) commanded Muslims to adhere to His Sunnah and Sunnah (practices) of Rightly Guided Caliphs in resolving differences. This was special responsibility, authorizing the Rightly Guided Caliphs to take big decisions, here is the summary from different Hadiths:

Irbâd bin Sâriyah said: One day the Messenger of Allah(Pbuh) led us in prayer, then he turned to us and gave us heartwarming advice which made our eyes water and our hearts tremble. Then another person said: Messenger of Allah! This is like the advice of a leave-taker, so what are you bequeathing to us? He(Pbuh) said:

1) ‘I am leaving you upon a (path of) brightness whose night is like its day. No one will deviate from it after I am gone but one who is doomed.

2) I enjoin you to fear Allah, and to listen and obey, even if (your leader) is an Abyssinian slave.

3) You will see great Conflict / Differences (اخْتِلَافًا شَدِيدًا) after me, so you must adhere to my Sunnah and the Sunnah (practices) of the Righteous Caliphs, you must cling to it stubbornly and hold fast to it with your teeth.

4) Avoid the new things that have come out in the religion, because every  new thing is innovation, and every innovation is Bid’a (misguidance).

Abi Dawud 4607, Ibn Majah 42,43[34], 44, Masnad Ahmad 4/126, Darmi (96)16, Saheeh ][35]

It is fair to conclude form (2) above that in case of differences and conflicts after him, the Prophet (Pbuh) appointed the Rightly Guided Caliphs as judge to resolve those conflicts and to strictly adhere to their practices and decisions. There is no room left to go against the will of Prophet (Pbuh). Let’s see the actions/ Sunnah of Rightly Guided Caliphs[36] briefly:

1. The First Caliph Abu Bakr destroyed his Collection

Hazrat Aisha (RA) (the mother of believers) the wife of the Prophet narrated that Abu Bakr (her father & closest friend of the Prophet (Pbuh) and 1st Caliph) had collected 500 Hadiths, (he must have obtained the permission like some companions were permitted) then after one night of torment, he asked her to tell him the Hadith she knew and she did and then he gathered them and burned them. Aisha (RA) asked him “why did you burn them”? And he said “I feared that I would die with these words on me and they would be full of his words that I trusted but it would transpire that it was not what he said and I would have relayed them incorrectly”.[37]

2. Prohibition of narrating the Hadith by Abu Bakr (R.A)

When Hazrat Siddique (RA) took over reign of the Khilafah, one day while addressing a public meeting, he said: [38]

“You people today differ in the Hadith. This disagreement will increase in the future so you Do not narrate any hadith (from the Prophet (Pbuh). If anyone asks, say that we have the Qur’an, whatever is permissible by it, consider it as permissible”.[39]

3. Second Caliph Umar: Stick to Quran for Guidance

Narrated Anas bin Malik (RA): That he heard Umar speaking while standing on the pulpit of the Prophet (Pbuh) in the morning (following the death of the Prophet), when the people had sworn allegiance to Abu Bakr (RA). He said the Tashah-hud before Abu Bakr, and said,

“Amma Badu (then after) Allah has chosen for his Apostle (Pbuh) what is with Him (Paradise) rather than what is with you (the world). This is that Book (Quran) with which Allah guided your Apostle, so stick to it, for then you will be guided on the right path as Allah guided His Apostle (Pbuh) with it.”[40]

4.Third Caliph Usman Compiles Quran not Hadith

The third Caliph Usman even after the compilation of the Quran did not consider it appropriate to compile a Hadith book, following the Sunnah (practice) of Prophet (Pbuh) and earlier Caliphs.

5.Fourth Caliph Hazrat Ali wanted to Erase all the writings except Qur’an

Andallah ibn Basyar says that I heard Hazrat Ali (RA) in a sermon: “Whoever has the writing (except the Qur’an), I swear to him that he should go back home and destroy it. The previous communities perished (misguided) when they abandoned the book of the Lord and indulged in discussions of their scholars”[41]. On assuming the Caliphate, he did not make arrangements to write Hadith Books, thus he also adhered to the Sunnah of earlier Caliphs/ Umer bin Khattab (RA).

6. Caliph Umar Burns Hadith Collections

Umer (RA) is found to be very active in advising and undertaking major decisions. He persuaded the 1st Caliph to collect the Quran and he is the one not allowing writing of Hadith books, while other Caliphs are also found to be in agreement by not taking any steps. There are many narrations about Umar (RA), which explain the reasons and his concerns.

Ibn Sad[42] writes: “Umar wanted (arada) to write the Traditions (al-sunan), so he spent a month praying for guidance and afterward he became determined to write them. But then he said: ‘I recalled a people who wrote a book, then they dedicated themselves to it (aqbalu alaihi) and neglected the Book of God (wa-taraku Kitab Allah).[43]

The next story that Ibn Saad recounts about the Commander of the Faithful and his attitude toward the Hadith is found in volume five of the “Tabaqat”. It is related to the authority of al-Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr al-Siddiq (died 106 AH), the grandson of Abu Bakr (RA), another of Prophet Muhammad’s (Pbuh) closest companions and the first of the rightly guided Caliphs who led the Muslim community after his death. When al-Qasim was asked by his student Abd Allah ibn al-Ala’ (d. 164 AH) to dictate Hadith, he refused, saying;

“The Hadith multiplied during the time of Umar; then he called on the people to bring them to him, and when they brought them to him, he ordered them to be burned.” Afterward, he said, ‘a Mishna like the Mishna of the People of the Book,’ (mathna’a ka mathna’at ahl al-Kitab).”

[The Talmud has two components; the Mishnah (משנה‎, c. 200), a written compendium of Rabbinic Judaism’s Oral Torah; and the Gemara (גמרא‎, c. 500), an elucidation of the Mishnah and related Tannaitic writings that often ventures onto other subjects and expounds broadly on the Hebrew Bible. The term “Talmud” may refer to either the Gemara alone, or the Mishnah and Gemara together]

“From that day on,” Abd Allah ibn al-Ala’ continues, “Al-Qasim forbade me to write Hadith.”

As in the first story, what disturbs Umar is the writing of a book that will compete with the Book of God.

7.Umar Considered Hadith book like Jewish Mishnah & Talmud

Umar (RA) compares the written Hadith with the Mishna of the People of the Book. In Judaism, the Mishna serves much the same function that the Hadith have come to serve in Islam. It is a codification of the Oral Law and contains rulings related to the details of ritual purity, prayer, marriage, divorce, and so on. The Mishna and the Gemara together make up the Talmud, which is the most important book in Judaism besides the Torah.[Details were covered in previously in Part-2)

8. Umar Consider Hadiths as Distraction from Quran

However, Caliph Umar (RA) is credited with objecting to not only the writing of the Hadith, but also to transmitting them. In volume six of the Tabaqat, Ibn Saad relates the story of Umar’s instructions to a delegation of companions that he is sending to the region of Kufa to serve as administrators. He orders them not to distract the people from the Qur’an with the transmission of Hadith.

9. Important Aspects

The first issue concerns the wording, and the second concerns one of the transmitters of the story. Umar is giving strong and direct commands in this story: “la tasadduhum bil-aHadith fa-tashghalunahum” (Do not distract them with the Hadiths, and thus engage them!). Umar follows this up with another equally direct order that deserves careful attention:

10. “Jarridu al-Qur’an.”

The Arabic verb jarrid is the imperative of the second form of j-r-d, literally meaning to make something bare. According to Lisan al-Arab, when used with the Qur’an as its object, as it is in this story, it means not to clothe the Qur’an with anything. In the Lisan, Ibn Mannur specifically quotes Ibn Uyayna (d. 198 AH), from whom Ibn Saad relates this story, as saying that jarridu al-Qur’an means not to clothe the Qur’an with Hadiths (ahadith) like People of the Book.

What troubles him is the possibility of generating something that would rival the Book of God. In the previous stories, Umar’s concern was that writing down the Traditions would do so. In this story it is clear that he fears any narration of Prophetic Traditions would do the same thing. [He was so right][44]

11.Caliph Umar: The Defender of Book of Allah

Taken together, these stories indicate that, it is only after careful consideration that Umar rejects the idea of putting the Hadith in writing, and then takes the drastic step of calling for and destroying what others had written of the Hadith.

According to these stories, Umar strongly opposed both the writing and the transmission of Hadith not because he disapproved of writing or of sharing information, but because he feared that they would gain a status equal to or even greater than that of the Qur’an itself.

Farewell exhortation of The Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh)

Let’s recapitulate point number 2) from the Farewell Exhortation[45] of the Prophet ﷺ, mentioned earlier:-  

2) You will see great Conflict / Differences (اخْتِلَافًا شَدِيدًا) after me, so you must adhere to my Sunnah and the Sunnah (practices) of the Righteous Caliphs, you must cling to it stubbornly and hold fast to it with your teeth.

The decision (Sunnah) of Caliph Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) was accepted. The Sunnah of Prophet (Pbuh) does not have any binded book, this is the collective Sunnah and honor of the Rightly Guided Caliphs[46] to compile the Quran[47] as a binded book and not to compile Hadith book. This was accepted and followed by the pious scholar Companions[48] and Muslims till over a century when they all passed away. The Hadith books started to appear during the 2nd century.

Abu Hurairah (RA) said: “The Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) said, ‘Whatever I have commanded you, do it, and whatever I have forbidden you, refrain from it.’“ (IbnMajah1,Sahih)[49]

The Prophet (Pbuh) said: He who obeys me obeys Allah and he who disobeys me disobeys Allah and he who obeys the emir (Muslim ruler) obeys me and he who disobeys the emir disobeys me. (Al-Bukhari 2957)[50], Eternal hell, who disobey the Messenger and Allah (Quran; 4:14)[51]

Hadith Criteria/ Principles from Prophet (Pbuh)

While Hadith book writing was prohibited, the Prophet (Pbuh) was well aware of possible distortion through fake Hadiths. Hence he laid down simple but very effective Criteria[52] to check Hadith corruption. They are not found in this form in books, this writer has extracted these points from study of the Quran and Hadiths[53]. The salient points are:

1) Only Hadith in harmony and conformity with the Quran and Sunnah are to be accepted, anything which contradicts or opposes the Quran is not to be accepted. (not followed)

2) Hadith cannot Cancel/ Abrogate Quran verses, but Quran can abrogate Hadith.

3) Hadith must be intellectually acceptable[54] (not followed, there is a long list of strange Hadiths)

4) No Hadith book[55], but transmission of Hadith through memorization[56] from one person to another and to another (chain) (followed till 2nd century, later deviation/ Hadith books written, partially followed)

5) Chain of Narrators is effective way to check the authenticity in conjunction with other Principals, it is important in memorization and oral transmission of Hadiths as ordered by the Prophet (Pbuh), once Hadith books were written this system was closed, however earlier chain was kept. Following Hadith explain interrelation of memorization and chain (isnad):

i) al-Hakim reports through Thabit ibn Qays, the Holy Prophet (Pbuh)  said to his Companions:

“You (the Sahaba) are listening and receiving from me and people (at-tabi‘un i.e. the Successors) will listen and receive from you. Then people (the atba‘ at-tabi‘un) will listen and receive from those (the Successors) who listened and received from you. Then people (the fourth generation) will listen and receive from those (the atba‘ at-tabi‘un) who were the audience and recipient of the Successors, who had listened and received from you.[Related by al-Hakim in Ma‘rifa ‘Ulum al-Hadith, p. 60.][57]

ii) According to ‘Abdullah ibn Mas‘ud (may Allah be well pleased with him), the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said:

“May Allah keep him enjoying and rejoicing who heard something from me, remembered it and kept it well in his mind and then narrated it to others.” [Reported by al-Imam ash-Shafi‘i in al-Musnad (p. 240) and ar-Risala (p. 401 # 1102); and at-Tabarani in al-Mu‘jam al-Kabir, vol. 2, p. 126 # 1541.][58]

iii) According to ‘Abdu’llah ibn Mas‘ud (may Allah be well pleased with him), the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said:

“May Allah brighten a man who listened from us something and then passed it on to others exactly as he heard it because many a person to whom something is transmitted retains better than the person who first heard it.” [Related by at-Tirmidhi in as-Sunan, vol. 5, p. 34 # 2657; and Ibn Maja in as-Sunan, vol. 1, p. 85 # 232.][59]

iv) According to Zayd ibn Thabit (may Allah be well pleased with him), he heard the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) say:

“May Allah grant him happiness who heard a tradition from me, learnt it by heart and conveyed it to others. There will be many jurists who will narrate the tradition to better jurists than themselves and there will be several others who will not be in truth jurists at all.” [Related by Abu Dawud in as-Sunan, vol. 3, p. 322 # 3660; and Ibn Maja in as-Sunan, vol. 1, p. 86 # 236.]

6)  In controversies strictly adhere to  Sunnah of Prophet (Pbuh) & Sunnah of Rightly [60]Guided Caliphs[61] who banned Hadith Book writing. (followed during 1st/ 2nd century Hijrah, till Hadith books were written)

7) Hadith Nabwi and Hadith Qudsi differentiate each other but in either case the statement or words are from the Prophet (Pbuh).  

Unfortunately , the Hadith criteria/Principles[62] laid down by the Prophet (Pbuh), mentioned above has been ignored by the scholars, who totally depend upon the system of Isnad (chain of transmission)[63] though an important  one but not the only one. All principles are to be taken as one package.

Not fully adhering to the Hadith criteria given by Prophet (Pbuh) is not deviation (Bid’a)[64] but great disobedience of the Prophet (Pbuh) which is a great sin[65] (kabirah) with terrible eternal punishment in hell:

“And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger and transgresses His limits- He will put him into the Fire to abide eternally therein, and he will have a humiliating punishment. (Quran; 4:14)[66]

The writing of Hadith books was forbidden by the Prophet[67]. The Four Rightly Guided[68] Caliphs, the pious companions[69] adhered to the ban till death. Some companions with weak memory were granted exception / permission[70] by name to take notes individually while many companions were not granted permission to write or make Hadith notes.[71]. If sayings of the Prophet (Pbuh) (Hadiths) were also a kind of revelation to be recorded, there was no need to impose a general Hadith writing ban. Hence there is no justification to invent new terminologies/doctrines like Wahi Khiffi/ Ghair Matlu to defy the Hadith (book) ban by the Quran, the Prophet (Pbuh), Rightly Guided Caliphs practiced by Companions[72],[73] till their death.

Islam has the unique distinction of unity and monotheism: One God, One Last Messenger, One Book of Allah, the Quran and One Qibla (prayer direction).

Special Knowledge:

The Prophet (Pbuh) was given special knowledge[74] by Allah (part of which he gave to Omer bin Khattab) but he (Pbuh) was required to only dictate the Revelations as Quran to be recorded very meticulously to fulfill his duty.

The Myths

The story that, “Hadith writing restriction was only during initial days when people could mix Quran and Hadith, but later this ban was lifted’ is false and fabricated myth[75] without any proof or authority. Abu Huraira, who narrated above “Hadith writing ban” joined the Muslim community in 7 or 8th Hijrah, the Prophet (Pbuh) died in 10 Hijrah, hence these were the last three years of Prophet (Pbuh)’s life. The Quran was being revealed for twenty years  and everyone could easily distinguish between Quran and Hadith. Moreover Abu Hurairah mentions clearly that, “they were writing Hadith”, even then Prophet (Pbuh) prohibited them,

“Do you want a book other than God’s book? [a kitāban ghayr kitāb illāh turīdūna]

The communities before you were only caused to stray by the books they wrote along with God’s book.” 

The only reason for this ban as given by the Prophet (Pbuh) is NOT temporary in nature  but permanent, verifiable even today from the long list/volumes  of Jewish and Christian extra books, which undermine Torah and Gospel[76] respectively, plus around one hundred Hadith books[77] undermining the Quran due to defiance to the command of the Messenger (Pbuh) of Allah.

Imam Bukhari (may Allah have mercy on him) is reported to have written the Hadith book due to his vision of the Prophet (Pbuh) in a dream, which reminds the vision of St. Paul and St. Peter who deviated from the teachings of Jesus Christ.[78] Prophet (Pbuh) did not visit Umer bin Khattab while he was seeking guidance for a month through Istekhara prayers to write or not to write Hadith books. Ultimately he got some indication not to write and he strictly imposed the ban by burning Hadith collections and issuing orders.

Great Bid’a / Deviation

Any one claiming that the Prophet (Pbuh) did not accomplish his task or failed to complete his duty, forgot or committed mistake by not allowing to write Hadith book, and those who wrote Hadith books in 2/3rd century completed his task, are committing blasphemy against him, Rightly Guided Caliphs and companions who did not write Hadiths and forbade others to do so by following in the footsteps of the Prophet (Pbuh). Its negation is deviation, a transgression and (Bid’a).[79]

The Muslims scholars, theologians and Muahdaseen neglected command and warning to Prophet (Pbuh) and just after a century following in the footsteps of Jews and Christians, wrote books (of Hadith) whereas the Quran was sufficient as a book. The Jews have written 38 volumes of Talmud, Christians have written 23 books with Gospels/ Injeels, Muslims have overtaken them by writing nearly hundred Hadiths books[80] and abandoned the Quran (prophesied, 25:30[81]). The Prophet (Pbuh) had also said:

“You (Muslims) will follow the wrong ways of your predecessors so completely and literally that if they should go into the hole of a mastigure, you too will go there.” We said, “O Allah’s Apostle! Do you mean the Jews and the Christians?” He replied, “Whom else?” (Meaning, of course, the Jews and the Christians.) [Al-Bukhari 3456[82], Al-Muslim: 6781[83]].

Inventions (Bid’a) of New Types of Revelations (Wahi)

To create justification for the deviation (Bid’a) of writing Hadith books, new terminologies “Wahi Matloo/ Jili and Wahi ghair matloo/ Khifi” (Recited Revelations and Non-recited Revelations) were innovated, another deviation (Bid’a). These terminologies are not found in the Quran or Sunnah or Hadith. This is the Muslim version of Oral Torah, which together, the Mishnah and Gemara (oral to written books) comprise what is commonly called the “Talmud.” These later deviations (Bida’a)[84] seem to raise the status of Hadith books which were compiled during the 2rd/3rd century and later, which undermine the book of Allah as visualized and predicted by the Prophet (Pbuh) & the Quran:

“The Messengers will say, “Lord, my people had abandoned this Quran.” (Quran;25:30)[85]

The Prophet[86]Four Rightly Guided[87] and pious companions did not use such terminologies. The Prophet (Pbuh) had accomplished the Divinely assigned mission:-

“O Messenger! deliver what has been revealed to you from your Lord; and if you do it not, then you have not delivered His message, and Allah will protect you from the people; surely Allah will not guide the unbelieving people.[Quran;5:67][88]

The Jews followed a methodology of twisting and confusing by taking a verse out of context, they were warned:

“O People of the Scripture, why do you confuse the truth with falsehood and conceal the truth while you know [it]?[Quran 3:71][89]

Hadith Qudsi & Hadiths Nabawi & Wahi Ghair Matlu

The scholars of Hadith have differentiated between two distinct types of Hadith which are termed as “al-Hadith an-Nabawi” and “al-Hadith al-Qudsi”. The former being restricted to the sayings of the Prophet (Pbuh), while the latter pertains to the sayings of the Prophet (Pbuh) through the medium of Divine inspiration. However, these communications do not form part of the Qur’an.[90] Thereupon, the Qudsi hadiths neither hit the high status of the Qur’an nor they took the peculiarities of the Qur’an such as purity, reward or inimitability.[91]

As-Sayyid ash-Sharif al-Jurjani (died in 816 A.H.) in his lexicon At-Tarifat where he says: “A Sacred Hadith (Hadith Qudsi) is, as to the meaning, from Allah the Almighty; as to the wording, it is from the messenger of Allah (Pbuh). It is that which Allah the Almighty has communicated to His Prophet (Pbuh) (in whatever way or means) and he (Pbuh) has communicated it in his own words.”[92],[93],[94] A Hadith Qudsi need not be a sahih (sound hadith), but may be Weak (da‘if) or even ‘Fabricated’ (mawdu).[95]

An example of a Hadith Qudsi is the Hadith of Abu Hurairah who said that the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) said:

When God decreed the Creation He pledged Himself by writing in His book which is laid down with Him: My mercy prevails over My wrath.[96]

The scholars ascribe Qudsi Hadith to Allah because its meaning is from God, words from the Prophet (Pbuh) while the Nabawi Hadith is ascribed to the Prophet, because its meaning and wording are from the Messenger. Nabawi Hadith could be an independent judgment or reasoning by Allah’s Messenger(Pbuh). If He (Pbuh) makes a mistake, he will be commanded to correct it.[97] Finally the scholars accept that all Hadiths are the words of the Prophet (Pbuh) while Hadith Qudsi (few in numbers) to be of divine ideas, while others, the majority bulk Hadiths to be the thoughts, views and words of the Prophet (Pbuh).

“Hadith Qudsi” (Hadith from Allah other than Quran) is not supported by Quran[98],[99] which does not mention any other Hadith except the Quran. Hence the concept of “Wahi Matloo and Wahi ghair matloo” by their own definitions stand invalid. [Allah knows the best]


An effort has been made to examine through the Quran, Sunnah of the Prophet (Pbuh) & Sunnah of the Rightly Guided Caliphs (very close and most trustworthy intimate companions of the Prophet (Pbuh) about existence of any other type of Revelations (Wahi) besides the Quran. One fails to discover any other type of Revelation except the Quran. The Prophet (Pbuh) was given ‘Special Knowledge’ apart from the Quran but it could not be called Wahi. Through this special knowledge the Prophet (Pbuh) could explain the Quran and explain minor details. However. he was also blessed with a very high intellect and IQ, thus his opinions about religious matters carry strength, variations if any were removed by Allah through knowledge or Revelations as He deemed fit. When the Prophet (Pbuh) commands to listen, write, recite, memorize Quran and he says, listen, memorize, convey Hadith orally, do not make a book except Quran, it should suffice. There is no need to probe without knowledge, speculate on important religious matters which would lead nowhere except to misguidance. A true faithful Muslims should obey Allah and His Messenger (Pbuh) and follow the straight path described by them. There is no need to indulge in new inventions (Bid’a) like Wahi Khiffi (Ghair Matlu) etc. which is a transgression of limits. Muslims  are commanded:

“ Obey Allah and the Messenger so that you may receive mercy.” (Quran;3:132)[100]

To be continued ……

Next Part-5: According to the Quran: “Nor does he speak out of desire” [Quran;53:3]. Does it means that every word the Prophet (Pbuh) spoke was Revelation? (Secret Revelations (Wahi Khafi/ Ghair Matloo), hence Hadiths to be written and preserved like the Quran? It will be analyzed in Part-5







[6] Jonathan A.C. Brown, The Canonization of al-Bukhārī and Muslim: The Formation and Function of The Sunnī Ḥadīīh Canon (Leiden: Brill, 2007). Ignaz Goldziher, Muslim Studies, 242–3





[11] ibid

[12] [ Abi Dawud 4607, Ibn Majah 42,44, Masnad Ahmad 4/126, Darmi (96)16, Saheeh ]

[13] (Sahih Muslim: 2005)

[14] Quran: Compilation :

[15] ,







[22] Ibid


[24] [Muslim 746)



[27] [Summarized from; Taqyid-Ilm:33-35, Musnad Ahmad, Hadiths: 10611, 10713,10715,10781,10966,11160Sahih Muslim Book 042, Hadith: 7147 []








[35]  سنن الترمذی/العلم ١٦ (٢٦٧٦)، سنن ابن ماجہ/المقدمة ٦ (٤٣، ٤٤)، (تحفة الأشراف: ٩٨٩٠)، وقد أخرجہ: مسند احمد (٤/١٢٦)، سنن الدارمی/المقدمة ١٦ (٩٦) (صحیح )


[37] The Secret History of Hadith: ,  [Abu Dhahbi’s “The memorial of the Hadith masters”]


[39] دو اسلام-  ڈاکٹر غلام جیلانی برق ,  [Tazkarah al Hifaz, Dhabi, p.3]

[40],  [Al- Bukhari 7269]

[41] کتابت حدیث کی تاریخ – نخبة الفکر – ابن حجرالعسقلانی :

[42] Ibn Saʿ’d (ابن سعد‎) and nicknamed Scribe of Waqidi (Katib al-Waqidi), was a scholar and Arabian biographer born in 784/785 CE (168 AH) and died 845 CE (230 AH).

[43], He cites a story from Sufyan ibn Uyayna (d. 198 AH), on the authority of al-Zuhri

[44] Hadith As Scripture :Discussions on the Authority of Prophetic Traditions in Islam  By Aisha Y. Musa,  Phd










[54] [Msnad Ahmad 22505]


[56] (Mishkat 228),


[58] ibid

[59] ibid


[61] Farewell Exhortation / Sunan Abi Dawud 4607 ماجہ 42 ,نن ابی داود:

[62] اصول علم الحديث 






























[92] , Ibrahim Izzuddin and Denis Johnson-Davies: Forty Hadith Qudsi, Beirut, Damascus, 1980, ,


[94]  Glasse, Cyril (2001) [1989]. The New Encyclopedia of Islam. Altamira. p. 159.

[95] ibid.

[96] Related by al-BukhariMusliman-Nasa’i and Ibn Majah.






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