Remember Polio Vaccines?


A handful of Pakistani netizens tried to promote a ‘stick policy’ relating to enforcing methods of pressure on those unwilling to take the coronavirus vaccines. Good thing it was a few short comments which disappeared as that was a serious lapse in judgement. Forcing the population to take something they are hesitant about may cause an adverse reaction which is the last thing the country needs at this point. Pakistan must always keep in mind the reaction that remains till this day to the polio vaccines.

The news of polio workers being targeted time and again in a series of attacks begs the question as to how can Pakistan incentivize the process of the covid-19 jabs not using undue pressure or force the population rather manage it through public service messages of encouragement.

There are several who are willing but there remain some who have said they will avoid it unless it makes it impossible for them to survive this in their own words. Mistrust in the current vaccine offerings currently have led many to hesitate naturally.

The earlier news in which the shutting down of Sims was announced for those not wanting to take the vaccines was something of a miss as it requires one to register via one’s mobile phone in the first place.

Everybody has to take the coronavirus vaccine this much is true. However to encourage willingness there must also be a further exploration of media campaigns and outreach programs.

There is stigma and intense fear attached to the polio vaccines till this day especially in the rural areas this could be the same in the case of the coronavirus vaccinations. Incentivize the population reassure them about good news on the benefits. The benefits could include access to amenities.

We heard in the recent past Pakistan opening up outdoor seating, public halls, cinemas and relaxing covid restrictions in the country, this meant we are slowly getting back to normal and are doing better than before. With travel also opening up several tourism spots those wanting to take a holiday abroad after months of isolation and restrictions will run for the jabs as well naturally.

There also remains the discomfort that all jabs are not the same. The population that is returning to jobs abroad or the students who require the approved vaccines in the country they are travelling to must be sorted in all fairness.

Pakistan has had adequate support from the outside world in donated vaccinations. They must be made available to the civilians. Simultaneously a program must be in place to cover costs to purchase effective vaccines sooner than next year or end of this year.

Currently the Pakistani population seems to be isolated and cut off from the rest of the world with its policy to offer the majority of its population only the Chinese jabs which is not being accepted in some spots across the world. It has also been rejected due to the data based on its efficacy.

There was also some trouble in the Capital for those who required the Astra Zeneca to for travel supplies had fallen short or were not being made available. There will be chaos at some point that will ensue over these matters.

The authorities should speed up the process of acquiring top tier vaccines now and invest in purchasing these for the nation. Somewhere this must have been budgeted for. We cannot surely call ourselves a ‘welfare state’ when we are receiving welfare throughout. A bit of a misnomer there. The race to inoculate the entire nation is present nobody is safe until everybody is as the saying goes. Current authorities have worked hard for this nation throughout the pandemic and for that one is grateful. However they need to work on the recovery plan for this country. It would do better to ensure best practices and decisions made for the next few months.

(This article was printed in the Pakistan Observer)


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