Friday, March 28, 2025

COVID-19: Momentous Perception


Corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) had caught the whole humanity unprepared, it had first engulfed Italy but this country did not publicize it. This unprecedented infection had appeared in the food market of WUHAN (China) on 31 December 2019. Then it impacted almost the entire Planet Earth except ANTARCTICA with unimaginable speed.

The human perception is unable to predict when COVID-19 will end and what will be its consequences. The second wave is in progression since October 2020 that is more severe than the first. This piece intends to highlight the current scenario with special reference to significant events in real situation. This will provide tremendous insight for future planning and implementation at global and national levels. The world needs to take stock of the situation most seriously in consonance with nature and natural phenomena. COVID-19 is a trial and tribulation from Almighty Allah for the humankind. Failure in This Divine Test may further be disastrous for His Vicegerent on the Planet Earth. The World Health Organization (WHO) had declared COVID-19 as Public Health ‘Emergency of International Concern’ on 30 January 2020 and gave the name ‘COVID-19’ on 11 February 2020.


Different countries have adopted different practices and policies for prevention and control of COVID-19 taking into consideration their economic strength, healthcare infrastructure, and educational level, cultural & religious grounds. The countries which had taken the COVID-19 Pandemic seriously are ultimately successful. The casual attitude on part of certain nations had brought suffering for them as well as for others. Final analysis of this infection will be done on its successful conclusion. However, audits and accountability of the ongoing handling and management by various nations may help others to learn from their experience and improve own systems. A few cases are mentioned as under:

Most Affected Countries

These are USA, Spain, Italy, South Korea, France, Germany, UK, Turkey, Iran, China, Russia, Brazil, Belgium, Canada and Netherlands.

Less Affected Countries

These are Croatia, Oman, Iceland, Uzbekistan, Iraq, Azerbaijan, New Zealand and African countries.


Undoubtedly China had to face the brunt and sudden blow of COVID-19. It reacted the fastest in the most professional manner and managed to overcome the scourge in the shortest possible time. It successfully blocked further proliferation the novel virus. Brief detail is given below:

Immediate Actions

Lockdown was ordered on 3 January 2020 after three days of breakout. Six million people of WUHAN were kept in complete quarantine for 14 days. Lockdown was lifted after 76 days. The virus broke out in pockets in the city which made it easier to manage. New Year’s celebrations that had to be held on 24 January 2020 were cancelled. The Chinese Government took the following steps to control the virus.

  • Mass testing of the infected cases
  • An exclusive 1000 bed hospital for Corona patients was established in 10 days
  • Prevention and precautions were taken with speed.
  • Daily routine affairs were controlled
  • Working from home was ordered
  • People were motivated to shun fear of COVID-19

International Cooperation

China shared its experiences and technologies with the world community as under:

  • Online dissemination of technical know-how
  • Provision of 50 million dollars grant to WHO
  • Had sent 17 medical training teams to 15 countries for on-site advice
  • Provided medical supplies to 115 countries and organisations
  • Has offered nations supply of vaccine
  • These goodwill gestures have been widely appreciated at the global level.
  • South Korea and Germany

South Korea and Germany had adopted immediate quarantine and mass testing measures. South Korea achieved exemplary success in the first wave but is struggling against the second wave. Germany is supporting other European Union countries also.

  • United Kingdom (UK)

Salient features of UK’s policy to control the spread of COVID-19 are mentioned as under:

  • UK was a little slow to react to the virus, it adopted the phased policy of contain-delay-research-mitigation. The main slogan was stay home, protect NHS and save lives.
  • During the currency of COVID-19 it has been experienced that NHS is not competent to deal with widespread situation as shortage of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) was felt. Many health workers died on account of non-availability of PPE in time.
  • Regarding supplies of ventilators and others, the same was procured from Turkey. Negotiations were held with the European Union in addition to local manufacturing.
  • UK is mostly relying on Isolation and Social Distancing. Workers have been assured of 80% wages from the government exchequer. Working from home is followed in almost all cases.
  • Children are getting online education while staying at home.
  • A new strain of CORONA virus has emerged in UK which is fast-spreading. It is 70% more contagious.
  • The second wave of COVID-19 has resulted in more fatalities than in the past.
  • COVID-19 vaccine from Oxford University and Astra Zeneca has been approved. This is considered as a game changer.
  • Singapore

Key points of its strategy are enumerated in the following:

  • Singapore is a country of 5 million people. It adopted the policy of trusting the citizens and making them socially responsible. Only few hundred cases have appeared.
  • Basically, its health system is strong and massive testing has been carried out. The infected persons were traced and then treated medically.
  • Media is extensively used for mass education.
  • Lockdown has not been enforced.
  • Role of United Nations (UN)

Various components of the UN have been quite active since the outbreak of COVID-19 as given below:

  • World Health Organisation (WHO)

WHO has engaged actively. Their role is actually guiding, making liaison, encouraging to develop vaccines and other treatments and dissemination of the latest information and data. The UN has warned countries not to relax and continue to prevent the spread of virus and advised Pakistan to prevent, protect and enforce quarantine. It has continuously been issuing advisories.

  • World Food Programme

World Food Programme (WFP) has warned that under the prevailing lockdown conditions the quantum of poverty and hunger will be doubled. Multiple cases of famine are likely to reach in 30 countries biblical proportions. Millions of human beings may starve if food is not produced in accordance with the need of world population.

  • European Union (EU)

EU is making contribution to its member states in terms of financial support, technical collaboration and resource management (PPE, etc). Italy complains against the EU for not providing any support when it was worst hit by COVID-19. EU and UK do not have such arrangements because of BREXIT.


Pakistan and India have strained relations over lockdown of Kashmiris especially under COVID-19 conditions. India nurtures hegemonic designs against most SAARC countries. Under these circumstances SAARC has not proved to be a viable organisation among member states. Despite this, it has held two virtual conferences on the virus concerns.

  • OIC

OIC represents 58 Muslim countries which are mostly impacted by COVID-19 but it has not shown any concern for the welfare of Muslims by virtue of any valuable effort. It has exhibited traditional apathy towards this global menace whereas it should have performed its due role in light of The Divine Teachings.

  • United States of America(USA)
  • Death rate in USA is the highest in the world. Notwithstanding its economic, medical and military might the USA has not yet controlled the COVID-19 effectively. The Federation and many states are dagger drawn over prevention, protection and quarantine measures.
  • USA is deeply engaged in blaming China for not warning the world of eruption of the virus rather than concentrating on domestic handling of COVID-19.
  • The US President has openly criticized WHO for not performing its role efficiently and has stopped its funding.
  • Infodemic (misinformation and disinformation), fake news and conspiracy theories are being aired about the viability of this UN organisation.
  • African-American communities constitute 13% of total USA population. 1/3rdof infection and deaths are of these people which exhibits an extraordinary disparity. Essential workers have largely contracted the virus.
  • New York State was the worst sufferer of COVID-19.
  • USA has commenced administering the vaccine Pfizer BioNTech to citizens since 08 December 2020


  • Pakistan has been actively fighting against the COVID-19. Both federal and provincial governments have chalked out their respective programmes in unison. All civil and military resources have been geared together. Minor differences of opinion over nature and extent of lockdowns, economic activities and religious matters do arise from time to time.
  • China has provided medical, PPE and other support in time.
  • Pakistan must mobilize members of the Parliament and local representatives to motivate and guide the masses on preventive, protective and quarantine steps.
  • In the first wave lockdown conditions were stricter and the people largely followed the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
  • Most unfortunately the second wave has brought miseries to the nation as SOPs are not being followed on account of political gatherings and other activities.


  • Iran is one of the most severely hit countries. At the same instance it is suffering from internal political crisis that is foreign sponsored.
  • Sanctions against this country have drastically shattered its economy. It needs macro-economic management on war footing.
  • USA is continuously threatening to destroy Iran. More recently it ordered its navy to destroy any Iranian gunboat which engages in harassing US ships. USA has abrogated the nuclear agreement with Iran unilaterally, this step by President Trump has been deplored by President-elect Biden.


  • Problems Relevant to Lockdowns, Self-Isolation and Social Distancing

Lockdowns, self-isolation and social distancing have their respective impacts on individuals and groups. These impacts are inter-related to varying degrees and are therefore, enlisted below:

  • Psychiatric, psychological and emotional suffering     
  • Reduced intellectual development
  • Jeopardizing freedom of religion since the places of faith are completely or partially closed. The two Holiest Mosques for Muslims are cited as examples
  • Tolerance and patience levels of the people are lowered on account of restricted environment
  • Lifestyle needs forced adjustments
  • Availability of food items and eating habits come across setbacks
  • Extra money is spent on home delivery of grocery, medicines and other provisions
  • It is problematic to remain physically active while remaining at home
  • Weak healthcare infrastructure cannot meet the expanding infections
  • Increased generation of the waste/garbage due to increasing consumption of daily necessities of life, especially packaging materials
  • Rate of street crimes rises because the culprits can operate in limited nearby places.
  • Issues Emanating from Economic Crash

Many economies of the world have crashed since the onset of COVID-19. It is almost impossible to continue with the sustainable development goals. A few adverse effects are enumerated:

  • Complete or partial closure of manufacturing units and businesses.
  • They have laid off their employees in great numbers
  • Congenial environment of occupational health and safety cannot be provided
  • Falling of oil prices
  • Economic losses may lead to social and political upheavals
  • Discontinuation of transport and travel
  • Halting of tourism industry
  • Macroeconomic shattering
  • Closure of religious tourism


The Holy Prophet peace be upon him and blessing of Allah be upon him) has advised to observe the highest standards of cleanliness, hygiene & health and follow precautionary measures in case of natural calamities and afflictions. He has instructed to observe patience and repent and seek Divine Mercy.


The modern world has not undergone the restrictions similar to current state of lockdown in the past. That is why the people today are facing the colossal fallouts. Muslims had tasted such atrocities in their history, a few examples are quoted as under:

  • Siege of SHIB ABU TALIB

The then tribal heads of MAKKAH AL-MUKARRAMAH had made a plot to levy complete social and economic boycott of BANU HASHIM and BANU ABDUL MUTTALIB with exception of ABU LAHAB. The same would continue till The Holy Prophet (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) would be handed over to them. Having realized the grave circumstances, the said tribes confined themselves in the narrow valley of SHIB ABU TALIB. The blockade continued from 7th to 10th year of The Prophethood (three years). The idolators had enforced complete shutdown of any contacts and supplies in order to starve them to death. The besieged people had displayed colossal example of patience and steadfastness against extremely heavy odds. Resultantly they developed more energy and strength from this bitter experience.

  • Entrance into Infected Area

The Second Guided Caliph Hazrat Umer bin Al-Khattab (R.A May Allah be pleased with him) was travelling with certain companions. When they reached near a town they were informed that its residents were suffering from an infectious / contagious disease. The question arose whether they should enter the town or otherwise. Most of the companions suggested not to proceed further and return to MADINAH AL-MUNAWARAH. On that occasion a companion quoted one HADEETH in which The Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said, If you hear that this disease exists in a country, do not travel to that country. In view of this HADEETH Hazrat Umar (R.A May Allah be pleased with him) called off further journey and returned of MADINAH AL MUNAWARA with his entourage

  • The KARBALA Incident

Hazrat Imam Hussain (May Allah be pleased with him) and his 72 companions (including women and children) were deprived of food and water by the YAZIDI army in the battlefield of KARBALA for 40 days. They gave their lives in the path of Almighty Allah-this is the most classic example of Islamic history where tyrant forces and their inhumane actions were rebutted with bravery, patience and perseverance. The YAZIDI forces had tried all sorts of lockdown measures but they could not succeed in defeating the resilience of Hazrat Imam Hussain(May Allah be pleased with him) and his companions.


The natural calamity of COVID-19 is continuing with it ferocity. The second wave (commencing October 2020) is worse than the first and for dealing with such happenings in future all nations and all human beings ought to learn lessons from COVID-19. A few points are mentioned for futuristic implementation:

  1. Formulation of educational, health, environment and economic policies, strategies and action plans at national level
  2. Preparation of technical guidelines for the above mentioned policies by the national experts
  3. Strengthening of national infrastructures for educational, health, environmental and economic sectors for successful management of natural calamities.
  4. Continuous education of masses through media and other means about various types of natural calamities and preventive, protective and quarantine measures thereof.
  5. Adoption of religious, faith and moral values on part of masses.
  6. Seeking Divine Forgiveness and Mercy.
  7. The global media should not create states of chaos, confusion and fear in the minds of people at the behest of vested interests. It must remain neutral, un-biased and honest in dissemination of information. Independent journalism is the striking call of the people of the world.
  8. Political leadership at every level and in every country should rise to the occasion and guide people for coming out of such a tragic situation successfully. They must set aside party politics and behave responsibly, especially in the developing countries.
  9. Chief executives of countries and heads of world organisations like the UN should render dedicated leadership and statesmanship above their personal whims and wishes. They must take action in unison in view of the unprecedented human suffering from COVID-19.
  10. Risk assessment studies should be carried for all development projects
  11. Disaster management plans should be designed for all possible natural and anthropogenic disasters in the country
  12. Present insights from the first and second waves should form the true basis for future management of COVID-19 and other infections.
Mumtaz Hussain
He is Chief Editor of The Environ Monitor (Leading Environmental Journal of Pakistan) striving for Environmental Excellence.

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