Thursday, October 17, 2024

India’s Terrorism-Embedded State Policy Endangers Regional Peace

Former US president Barack Obama has made interesting comments about the utility of sustaining anti-Pakistan sentiment in India. The quickest route to national unity in India is “expressing hostility toward Pakistan,” commented Obama in his new book “A Promised Land.” The book was released on November17. Former Indian prime minister, Manmohan Singh had told Obama in November 2010 that he feared “rising anti-Muslim sentiment had strengthened the influence of Hindu nationalist BJP”. Obama quoted Singh as saying that the “call of religious and ethnic solidarity can be intoxicating” for politicians, particularly in a country like India. “Violence, both public and private, remained an all-too-pervasive part of Indian life. Despite its genuine economic progress, India remained a chaotic and impoverished place: largely divided by religion and caste, captive to the whims of corrupt local officials and power brokers, hamstrung by a parochial bureaucracy that was resistant to change,” Obama added.

Envoys of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council stationed in Islamabad were briefed by Pakistan’s Foreign Secretary on November 16 regarding the “Dossier on Indian State Sponsorship of Terrorism”. The Dossiers containing irrefutable evidence of India’s state sponsorship of terrorism against Pakistan were handed over to them.

Envoys were apprised of India’s involvement in planning, promoting, aiding, abetting, financing and execution of terrorist activities in Pakistan. It was stressed that the UN needs to play its part in dismantling of the Indian terrorist infrastructure, details of which had been provided in the Dossier.

The Dossier extensively documents India’s active planning, promoting, aiding, abetting, financing and execution of terrorist activities against Pakistan. Since 2001, Pakistan has faced more than 19,000 terrorist attacks on its soil and suffered 83,000 causalities. The direct economic losses have been upward of US $ 126 billion.

Meanwhile, India has mischievously masqueraded as a ‘victim’ of terrorism and sought to mislead the international community by hypocritically levelling terrorism-related allegations against Pakistan. It has also conducted false flag operations in IOJK and inside India to malign Pakistan. That façade has now been removed and the world can see the real face of India.

The most familiar and undeniable face of India’s state-sponsorship of terrorism against Pakistan is active serving Indian Navy Commander Kulbhushan Jadhav, who was caught red-handed in March 2016. His complicity in subversion, sabotage and terrorism in Pakistan is part of the incontrovertible evidence against India.

The world is also familiar with “saffron terror” orchestrated and unleashed by the RSS-BJP zealots against Muslims in India and against Pakistan.

Masterminds of Mecca Masjid, Ajmer Dargah, and Samjhota Express terrorist cases, like Swami Aseemanand have been granted full state protection and acquitted in complete travesty of justice after having confessed to India’s National Investigation Agency (NIA). Open threats to Pakistan by Indian civilian and military leaders, India’s sinister design to subvert China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), and public statements by noted Indian politicians and senior security officials on ‘teaching Pakistan a lesson’ through use of terrorism constitute further incriminating evidence.

The rising foot print of Daesh and Al-Qaida in India has been pointed out in recent UN reports, this indicates that India is emerging as a hotbed of UN designated international terrorist organizations and posing a great risk to the region. Recent revelations by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) illustrate how India uses its financial system for money laundering and other illegal activities such as terror financing — brazenly and with impunity. FinCEN is a bureau of the US Department of the Treasury.

Use of terrorism as an instrument of state policy by India makes it culpable under international law, UN sanctions regime, and international counter-terrorism conventions. It is the collective responsibility of the world community to hold India to account and take practical steps to proceed against Indian nationals involved in patronage of terrorist entities.

Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said on November 16 that India wants to sabotage China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) because it knows that CPEC is a game changer project for Pakistan. He added that India wants to create unrest in Pakistan to destabilize the country by sponsoring terrorism in the country. New Delhi has allocated 80 billion rupees for terrorists and established terrorists training camps on its soil to disrupt CPEC projects. For this end, India specifically wants to create unrest in Gilgit-Baltistan.

India has become a threat to the region’s peace and stability and the International community should take notice of the Indian nefarious designs to destabilize Pakistan through terrorism. India is also using Afghan soil against Pakistan. The UN counter-terrorism bodies need to proceed on the basis of concrete evidence provided by Pakistan and urge India to renounce use of terrorism as an instrument of state policy.

On November 14, Pakistan unmasked the terror face of India as it unveiled ‘irrefutable evidence’ against New Delhi’s plot to destabilise Pakistan and damage Islamabad’s economic partnership with China. Speaking at a joint news conference, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi and Director General Inter-Services Public Relations Major General Babar Iftikhar said that India’s sole agenda was to damage Pakistan economically, diplomatically and politically. They said that India was sponsoring terrorism designed to destabilise Pakistan and target its economic partnership with China. “India is allowing its land to be used against Pakistan for terrorism,” said FM Qureshi, adding that New Delhi was also planning attacks from neighbouring countries.

The joint news conference was a rare occasion during which a huge stock of evidence was made public against India amid growing tensions. This indicated a significant shift in the foreign policy to take on India aggressively.

The military spokesperson accused India of sponsoring banned organizations including UN-designated terrorist groups like: Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, and Allah Nazar’s Baluch Liberation Army. He said that Pakistan expected the international community to play its role for peace and stability by compelling India to immediately halt its state sponsorship of terrorism in Pakistan and bring to justice all those involved in financing and supporting terrorism inside Pakistan according to domestic and international laws. The DG ISPR showed documents proving Indian intelligence agencies’ links with the terrorists involved in subversive activities in Pakistan.

India has established multi-purpose terrorist base camps for training, harbouring and launching of terrorists into Pakistan. Indian intelligence agencies are managing 87 such terrorists’ camps out of which 66 are located in Afghanistan whereas 21 were located in India. The DG ISPR said it has been revealed that Indian intelligence agencies are trying to establish Pakistan’s linkage with ISIS. The DG ISPR said Indian intelligence agencies were also trying to establish Daesh-e-Pakistan.  “Recently, 20 Indian Daesh militants have been relocated from India to camps along the Pak-Afghan border. These militants were handed over to Daesh Commander Sheikh Abdul Rahim, alias Abdul Rehman Muslim Dost,” he said.

FM Qureshi said Pakistan is sending its evidence to the United Nations demanding India be censured, warning that “without international intervention it is difficult to guarantee peace in nuclear South Asia”. “We have irrefutable facts that we will present before the nation and international community through this dossier,” he said, adding the evidence will also be shared with the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and the P-5 countries.

FM Qureshi said that the international community can no longer turn a blind eye to this rogue behaviour by a state that refuses to adhere to international laws and UN Conventions. India is a threat to peace in the region and the major powers must act to prevent India from continued sponsorship of terrorism against Pakistan. “We reserve the right to defend ourselves in every possible way,” he said. The minister said India had provided funding worth 22 billion rupees to these terrorist organizations in last three years.

New Delhi has three objectives in derailing Pakistan’s journey towards peace, upending economic growth and fostering political stability. “Their first objective is to create hindrance in Pakistan’s move towards peace. India cannot accept that Pakistan has defeated terrorism and is moving towards peace. India is promoting nationalism and sub-nationalism in Gilgit Baltistan, the tribal districts, and Balochistan,” he said. The second objective, Qureshi said, was “to ensure Pakistan does not become economically stable. Citing India’s push for Pakistan to be blacklisted by the Financial Action Task Force the foreign minister said India was creating obstacles in Pakistan’s path towards prosperity. “Their third objective is political instability aimed at destabilising the country.”

The DG ISPR said India was endeavouring to establish a consortium of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan with the proscribed dissident organisations of Balochistan. These outfits are to be united under the banner of the Baloch Raaji Aajoie Sangar, which was constituted in 2018. The dossier said that an Indian intelligence officer named Colonel Rajesh, employed at the Indian Embassy in Afghanistan, was the master planner of this union. He said that a letter in Dari revealed that he had held four meetings with commanders of terrorist organisations to synergise their efforts and upscale terrorist activities in metropolitan cities, including Karachi, Lahore and Peshawar in November and December this year.

As usual India went into a denial-cum-victimhood mode. Pakistan rejected the Indian Ministry of External Affairs’ denial of the irrefutable evidence on Indian state sponsorship of terrorism. Fully exposed, it is typical for India to resort to sophistry, obfuscation and re-fabrication. However, bland denials and spewing of old litany of charges will not change facts.

Khalid Iqbal
Air Cdre (Retd) Khalid Iqbal is an analyst of international security and current affairs. He is a former assistant chief of air staff of Pakistan Air Force.

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