Friday, February 21, 2025

Proposed National Action Plan for Managing Covid-19



Proliferation of covid-19 since December 2019 has engulfed the whole world with unprecedented chaos hitherto unknown to humanity. The humankind has never witnessed such a crisis situation from the time of its creation on a dimensionless scale. Widespread psychological stress and strain among the peoples of the world with underlying unabated fear and uncertainty in their minds has become reality. This virus had appeared in 2003-2004 and then in 2007 in china & in 2012 in the Middle east yet the present outbreak is absolutely unimaginable nature had caused Black death(Plague), Swine flu, Spanish flu Pandemic, Bird flu, Influenza and other infections & disasters but humanity has not learnt required lessons from these extreme events. ensuing risk are low, medium and high depend on state of virus.

Global Scene

Globally the number of infected persons is 2,024,000. number of deaths is 128,900 recovered causes are 492,400 according to International Monetary fund (IMF) present economic crisis is much worse than that of 2008-09.

International Labour Organization (ILO) states an endangering of 190 million job. 106 years old lady has recovered in Birmingham Hospital (UK).

united States of America (especially new York State where 600,000 persons are infected and 24,000 deaths), Europe and Iran are the worst hit. Germany has shown remarkable control. china lifted lockdown of Wuhan city after76 day on 07 April 2020. South Korea has recovered well after initial losses. Africa is minimally affected. 1.5 billion children are not going to schools.

Pakistan’s Situation

Pakistan has a population of about 220 million. Virus infected cases are 5,988 million. Death toll is about 107. 1,446 patients have recovered. In the early days it was attributed to persons arriving from Iran and other countries. later it spread with mixing of these travellers with the local population in addition to social, political and religious gatherings. number of virus infected cases in Punjab are more than other provinces followed by Sindh, KPK and Balochistan. Pakistan is slightly in better position as we have stronger immune system and virus is mutated.

Need for National Action Plan (NAP)

To fight terrorism Pakistan had prepared the NAP after the after the cruel incident of army Public School Peshawar and having built national consensus through an all Parties conference. although a few disjointed efforts are being done yet the compelling need of the NAP is being felt in every tier of the country. This paper aims in the same direction by proposing a workable profile.


COVID-19 is the real tragedy which has been progressing since December 2019. only the creator of the universes knows its conclusion in the backdrop of human destiny. Its occurrence is considered as the darkest hour of human race. The world before and after COVID-19 are opposite to each other. In the following some of the negativities and positives are mentioned:

Adverse Effects

The Divine Trial and Tribulation

During the pre-COVID 19 period most of the Divine Decrees (conveyed through The Holy Scriptures) had been set aside. The people are generally neglecting the religious & moral values. The north and West are fast becoming atheists and adopting unnatural social norms which were commonly found in nations that had been destroyed by The creator. certain elements in Pakistan have actively commenced following the western thoughts as propagated through media and recently staged gender based gatherings. Such trends are against Islamic code, moral conduct, cultural values & traditions. all creatures are part of The Divine family. The humans  are killing other humans & biodiversity at mass scale. Political, social and economic victimization by the rich countries has reached the worst scenario. It is opined that the nature has conveyed its displeasure by putting the humanity through COVID-19. If the oppressors continue with their evil & corruptive designs God may levy such like warning shots in future as well.

Endangered Human Existence

The fact of matter is that nothing happens without Divine Will, however, bad events take place on account of the undesirable deeds of the humans. for the existing situation the human beings are responsible themselves. Almighty Allah never wants to punish His Creatures. Rampant health deterioration, mass deaths and unbridled wave of fear & depression are yet to be controlled by the most powerful nations of the world in terms of the immense economic prosperity, military might and the most sophisticated technologies. even the ever powerful heads and chief executive of countries are not sure of their life & death. all that in skies & earth and in between them absolutely belong to almighty Allah. The humans are only stewards on the Planet Earth. They cannot express insolence and arrogance before The Exalted, The Cherisher and The creator. They are held responsible for destruction of animal and plant kingdoms. It is convenient for The nature to replace the existing nation with the new ones.

For the last four months the peoples of the world are facing social economics, cultural ecological, political and psychological crisis which if continue would be a blow on the very existence of human life. The ever-worsening scenario demands humanity to seek refuge in The Divinity. nobody other than almighty Allah can come to their rescue and relief.

Hegemonic Human Thinking

  • Despite the onslaught of deaths, miseries, depressions, sadness, poverty and hunger the fascist rulers attribute the curse of COVID-19 to ISLAMOPHOBIA. They call it as CORONA JIHAD. They tend to sow seeds of hatred against the peace loving Muslims thereby making the future of humanity bleaker and darker. They call it an human bomb and not a natural calamity.
  • one Super Power has called it the Chinese Virus. Basically it originated in CORONA locality of Italy. It has been forgotten that the virus may vanish one day due to The Divine Bounty but such an inflicted wound will not heal for times to come relations among individuals, communities and countries will remain strained.
  • Power hungry circles are behaving with the downtrodden and weak people in the samen manner as PHARAOH had made fun of the Holy Prophet Musa (May peace be upon him). Similarly the idolater NAMRUD put the Holy Prophet Ibrahim into the fire. The every cursed YAZID had dealt with Hazrat Imam Hussain (May Allah be pleased with him) on the same pattern.

Economic Collapse

  • Almighty Allah had created our earth in two days and then in next two days provided means of livelihood for the whole humanity and biodiversity. Provision of RIZQ is The   Divine Task. contrary to it certain economically strong countries and their paper currencies have taken over the economic fate of the world. Thus the poor countries will remain poorer and the rich nations will become richer. This is utterly against The Divinity. It needs to be harnessed and as a step 1 all countries are facing the financial crunch to varying degrees. The virus has arrived to QARUNS against their evil designs of hoarding & controlling global finances and depriving the poor of their legitimate rights.
  • Global financial institutions like The World Bank, IMF and Asian Development Bank were established to support developing economies. Instead the big powers made these as their stooges to twist the poor economies for their political gains, many poor countries pose great difficulty to pay back loan installments.
  • Huge funds are required for provision of health infrastructure for treatment of the patients and research activities. USA has declared WHO as responsible for virus proliferation and has stopped its financial support.

Exacerbation of Sectoral Development

Development works have almost ceased on account of lack of required funds, distorted supply chain of raw materials and absence of construction workers. consequently developmental sectors like Physical Planning & Housing, Water & power, Social & Health and education have come to standstill. consequently progress and prosperity of the nation is showing negative growth. Development can only take place when human and material resources are utilized optimally.

The system is disjointed. It faces acute deficiency of inter-sectoral and inter-departmental integration. It often involves petty differences of opinions and legalities. It depicts minimum human, moral, religious and natural spirit.

Positive Trends

COVID-19 has caused tremendous adverse impacts on life and properties. at the same instance it has become the source of certain positive trends in the Pakistani and other societies of the world. These are described below:

Reinforcement of Faiths and Morals

Proliferation of COVID-19 on Planet earth has forced the people to think about its causes and impacts. It has never happened in the past human history. Peoples of all Divine and human created faiths, philosophies & morals are thinking of the Super Power behind this calamity. any human being cannot create such a situation. The Holy Quran and the Beautiful Sayings, Traditions & Deeds of The Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon Him) have repeatedly highlighted the causes and impacts of natural calamities & disasters. Muslims firmly believe that COVID-19 is a glaring case of trials and tribulations of the humanity as it had been largely engaged in nefarious corrupt practices on the Planet earth.

Social Strengthening

on account of lockdown, social distancing and isolation people now have sufficient time for interaction with their families. They can spare more time to educate children and play with them. They can exchange views with all members of family. They can talk to relations and friends & renew their contacts. They may share online formal Education. They can undergo individual and household isolation. family integration is improving. They can enjoy moments of recreation and rest together. The family can enjoy foods together. family connectivity will enhance. Spiritual thinking will flourish due to enough time to ponder.

Enhancement of Unity and Integration

People from all walks of life will be united at global, regional, national and local rungs for fighting against a common enemy. Physical contact will be minimum but connectivity will increase through internet, cell phones, etc. Leadership at all level will discuss the issues in the best interest of humanity. Many warring parties have announced ceasefires.

Activation of  UN, SPARC, ECO, EU, IC, etc.

Global institutions like UN,SPARC, ECO and OIC are likely to reconsider their aims and missions to meet emergent situations. regional pacts, bilateral agreements, protocols etc. are likely to be revised for improving their effectiveness. Transboundry issues may now be settled through these platforms. They can render mutual help to member countries.

avoidance of social evils due to mixed congregations especially those influenced by western thought and culture.

Tremendous improvement in adoption of cleanliness, TIHARAH & TAZKIA, personal cleansing,home & locality cleaning,clean & green environmental norms,pure thinking and above all personal & collective accountability.


Management Hierarchy

COVID-19 is being managed by the following government and other institutions:

Coordination Committees have been Established at national and provincial levels headed by the Prime Minister and chief Ministers respectively.

national command and operation Centre has been functional at federal level. Provinces are operating similar monitoring centres. Disaster Management Authorities (NDMA/PDMAs) are working at national and provincial levels. These manage the medical sup- plies, personal protection equipment (PPE),testing, etc.

Ministries of Planning, Development & reform, Health, finance, Interior commerce and others are supporting the COVID-19 from their respective offices.

economic coordination council at federal level approves the projects and their funding including those for COVID-19.

Parliamentary committees of Senate, national assembly and Provincial assemblies

Pakistan armed forces, law enforcing Institutions (civil armed forces, Police etc).

Government departments

civil society and NGOs chambers of commerce and Industry

Flaws in the Existing System

Lack of Political Support

In the coordination committees provincial representation does exist. Political parties have not supported the national cause and resort to political point scoring. Their spokespersons spoil the broth with their respective interpretations. The term lockdown is yet to be understood.

Resource Constraint

federal and provincial governments have not visualized the gravity of circumstances by keeping a constant watch on global happenings. They were caught unprepared. Mostly they try to pacify the people with empty promises only. The government systems did not possess the required technical, human and financial resources for combating the natural calamity.

Time Lag in Response

There was dire necessity of organizing an efficient system immediately on receipt of early warnings from china. unfortunately the issue was not heeded to properly like many countries of the world. notwithstanding any concrete reasons response from government functionaries was late by about two weeks.

Missing Inter-Provincial and Inter-Departmental Coordination

There is common perception that the provinces & federation, government departments, government spokespersons, coordination committees, task forces etc. are not on the same page. This has created doubts in the minds of business

community, religious leaders, Education & health institutions etc. This demoralization and blame-game phenomena in the country resulted in depleted will to fight the COVID-19 unity of thought and action is not observed as a general rule.

Role of Media

Media is considered as 4th pillar of state. Media houses are duty bound to protect the national ideology, national policies, state interests and national integrity. They need to educate and guide the people about multifarious individual & collective opinion about international & national concerns. They have not performed their sacred role in exemplary manner. Through the talk shows and other programmes polarization among various factions of the society is being aired vigorously. regarding the fight against COVID- 19 both electronic & print media has made a lip service contribution only. They seem to be impressed by western thought and keep their business interests above the national aspirations in most of the cases. They should not promote sensation and unrest in the country and adopt policy of positive criticism.

There is common perception that the provinces & federation, government departments, government spokespersons, coordination committees, task forces etc. are not on the same page. This has created doubts in the minds of business community, religious leaders, education & health institutions etc. This demoralization and blame-game phenomena in the country resulted in depleted will to fight the COVID-19. Unity of thought and action is not observed as a general rule.

Performance of Religious Circles

Ministry of religious affairs has not made effective consultation with all the faiths and especially with the Muslim scholars & institutions. This has created chaotic situation among religious circles about modes and places of Divine Worshipping. Islam is a complete code of life that provides guidance to the entire humanity in all aspects. Muslim scholars have not led the nation on the lines of true Islamic spirit and thought both in peace & warlike environments.

Fragile Infrastructure

  • Pakistan has not yet established a reliable and time tested infrastructure to tackle the natural & human created calamities. Pakistan has rich experience in dealing with floods. at the time of earthquake of 08 October 2005 we had been caught unprepared. later on national and provincial disaster management authorities were created to manage the disasters.
  • Health sector is too fragile. It cannot provide proper healthcare under normal conditions what to talk of emergent scenario. During last 70 years only a few worthwhile health facilities have been added. Budget allocations in the past had been too meager to meet the bourgeoning population of over 220 million especially under the unprecedented scale of COVID-19.
  • Many doctors, nurses and paramedics have died due to lack of PPE.

Undue Interference in others’ Domains

Ironically a trend has cropped up in Pakistan to interfere in one another’s affairs   among legislature, executive and Judiciary. Instead of concentrating upon own affairs in the best interest of the country certain elements are exploiting the shortcomings of the others.

Pakistan has experienced resource constraints and governances issues. These may be mitigated with national spirit, honesty and corruption free management. as a nation we lack these virtues. Mudslinging between ruling party and opposition is continuing without any thought to prevent this crisis of unique nature.


In the previous pages existing management system for COVID-19 and its inbuilt shortcomings have been mentioned. In this backdrop the following NAP is proposed so that such like situations may be dealt with smoothly and professionally at national, provincial and district levels. Salient features are given as under:

Preparation of NAP Draft

The federal Government should immediately prepare the NAP Draft which should be widely publicized in the Press for seeking input from the masses. also the provincial governments and relevant stakeholders should give their comments. The federal  Government should then improve the draft in light of the recommendations and discuss it thoroughly in the national assembly and Senate separately. Thereafter, joint session of Parliament should be called for final refinement. Parliament is the proper forum for such legislation. In the end it is approved by President.

Continuity of Present Activities

federal and provincial governments should continue to exercise present measures for prevention & control of corona Virus particularly in view of discussions in Parliament. nobody should wait for paper work. all activities should be discussed in federal and  Provincial cabinets, coordination committees & Task forces prior to implementation.

Salient Features of NAP

Delineation of National Hierarchy and Their Tasks

note: Present setup may be

improved (Para 3.1 above).

Delineation of Provincial Hierarchy

note: Present setup may be improved (Para 3.1 above).

Coordination Mechanism among Hierarchies

responsibilities of federal

Ministry of climate change, Provincial environment Departments & environment Protection agencies (EPAs) and Pak EPA.

responsibilities of federal and Provincial Ministries such as Science & Technology, food, education, religious affairs, Transport.

Roles of local Bodies, chambers of commerce & Industry, NGOs, civil Society etc.

role of media should be included after consultation with PEMRA.

role of academia for inclusion of chapter for PANDMICS in curricula after consultation with federal and Provincial Ministries of education.

Enforcement of Lockdowns

  • Tasks of law enforcement agencies
  • Instructions for masses like stay home; save lives
  • Distribution of food and money among the poor communities
  • role of chambers of commerce & Industries concerning industries, business and trading
  • Designing of Standing operating Procedures (SoPs) for lockdown
  • registration of Volunteers control over hoarding food and other supplies

Regulation of prices of commodities, materials and equipment

System for closure of educational institutions, public places, public buildings, transport (Interprovince, Intercity), cinemas, hotels, restaurants.

SOPs for running Senate & assemblies and Parliamentary Affairs role of mosques,  churches and other places of worship for motivation of people and observance of tolerance & patience

Inclusion of public representatives in various committees at district level

Operating mechanism for essential serves their billing

Health Sector

  • Upgradation of existing medical facilities
  • Provision of medical equipment medicines, testing kits, ventilators, PPEs etc.
  • arrangement for Isolation Wards for infected persons
  • Social training of doctors, nurses, paramedics and pharmacists
  • regulation of service structure for healthcare personnel and announcement of other incentives
  • recognition of their services through national awards
  • ensuring safety and security of healthcare staff
  • Strict avoidance of any mishandling of healthcare staff
  • conduct researches in cooperation with medical universities and college on health concerns of calamities including epidemics.
  • Dedicated wards for epidemics in hospitals.
  • Thermal imaging, artificial surveillance of arriving and departing passengers at airports.

Mass Awareness and Motivation Programmes

  • Such programmes may be run formally or informally. Mosques, churches and community halls should be extensively used for delivering sermons & motivational talks.
  • Media should not communicate news of deaths and infection 24 hours of the day. They should include motivational talks, Informatory skits, dramas on performance of national heroes. They may cover recreation and sports programmes.
  • Promotion of societal, social, moral, religious and cultural values.
  • creation of self-discipline on part of common people.
  • Discouraging all corruption practices for protection from Divine wrath.

Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • Maintain linkage and cooperation among nations of the world on matters of mutual interest in background of the calamity.
  • contracting donor countries or agencies for monetary support.
  • liaison with Who and other manufacturers and suppliers of medical equipment & medicines.
  • arrange briefings for foreign embassies in Pakistan.

Organization and Tasks of Implementing Units

  • federal and Provincial Disaster Management authorities.
  • Pakistan red cross.
  • relief fund raising mechanisms encompassing Pakistani embassies in foreign countries and Pakistanis living abroad.
  • constitutional employment of institutions in aid of civil Quarantine arrangements.
  • Pakistan civil aviation authority for opening/closing of flights.
  • Civil Defence
  • Ministry of Information and Broadcasting

Marine Operations, Merchant Navy and Sea Trade

Spread of virus in the Japanese ship and most recently in the French aircraft carrier has raised questions on provision of rescue and relief to stranded persons therein. In view of these instances relevant performance by Pakistan national Shipping corporation, Maritime Security agencies, Coast Guards and Karachi Port Trust & Qasim Port authority need to be defined.

Declaration of national emergency, notification of marooned (worst calamity hit) areas, etc.

Banking Sector

State Bank of Pakistan to handle national economic indicators, loan/debt servicing to business circles, interest rates lowering, rescue & relief measures for rehabilitating economy.


Immediate convening of Joint Session of Parliament to discuss the COVID-19.

all possible endeavours be made to convert calamity into opportunity. Spirit of fighting against the virus be inculcated rather than an environment of fear and gloom.

local Government system be established the earliest since it can perform well against natural and human created disasters.

Technical and financial strengthening of disaster management infrastructure from national to District levels.

national integrity and unity be fortified rather than airing divide scenario.

federal Government to raise financial support, debt servicing and holding COVID-19 Day with the UN and other agencies.

as the global economy and cash flow are endangered transactions in shapes of paper & plastic currencies be delayed. Instead barter trade be encouraged for revival of national economies.

It is the most opportune time to develop firm belief in The creator and The cherisher. Humans may make optimum preparation and then seek Divine Mercy, for this man needs to be humble, modest and kind to the creations of almighty Allah before requesting for His kindness. Spiritual sustenance is needed. Have trust in God who is all Powerful. Do not depend on scientific solutions only.

Mumtaz Hussain
He is Chief Editor of The Environ Monitor (Leading Environmental Journal of Pakistan) striving for Environmental Excellence.

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