Friday, March 28, 2025

Muhammad Aamir Zulfiqar Khan

Q) Sir, to start off please tell us when you took over as Inspector General (IG) Islamabad?

A) I took over as IG Islamabad on 3rd of Nov 2018.

Q) And before that what was your assignment?

A) Previously I was serving as IG Motorways and before that as Additional IG Operations, Punjab

Q) What challenges did you face after taking over as IG Islamabad?

A) After assuming charge, I was faced with two/three major challenges. First of all was the crime situation that had deteriorated to a great extent in the city, at that time we were placed on the 248th spot on the World Crime Index. The police started honest efforts to turn the situation around because of which Islamabad is now ranked as the 69th safest city in the world, this is a great achievement. The people have reposed their trust in the police who despite having minimum resources have been working day and night to improve the situation. This would not have been possible without the trust reposed in the police by the people at large. The other targets of the police was to rid the city of land grabbers and elimination of drugs.

Q) What measures were taken by the Islamabad police to combat drugs?

A) First of all please keep in mind that no drugs are being produced in Islamabad itself, it arrives here from different territories. To fight this we started a Public Relations campaign by going to schools, colleges and universities, such as ZABIST, Shaikh Zayed Academy, etc. with the aim of educating students, who are most vulnerable and can fall easy prey to drug peddlers/drugs and make them aware of the ill effects of drugs and how dangerously drugs they can be. Simultaneously we accelerated the crackdown on drug peddlers, in the course of which we seized huge cache of narcotics. This campaign had a very good effect on students and people and our efforts to cleanse the city of drugs started to bear fruit. So much so that we were requested to come to Lahore and initiate a similar campaign with educational institutions there. called. While no doubt the government is ultimately responsible I must say that it is also the responsibility of all parents to keep an eye on their children. I must also say that the overall situation is quite satisfactory.

Q) How did you go about improving the Police culture in Islamabad? I believe you initiated a campaign ‘Pehle Salaam Phir Kalam’ what was the public response?

A) By ensuring two things. First, by personal example anyone can come into my office, it is always open and I am always available to explain anything if required, give advice and provide guidance. Second, I try to address police officers at all levels and motivate them. The ‘Pehle Salaam Phir Kalaam’ was a major initiative of Islamabad Police that brought about a dramatic change in police culture. This single step resulted in bridging the gap to a great extent between the police and community. Further we started a Pilot Project and provided, for the first time, body cameras to 10 police officers posted at selected check points in the city, this proved to be a good move in the case a citizen complained about police highhandedness at that particular check post, the police would also have a defence because he is wearing the camera which records everything. The body cams would capture images of law enforcement interaction with citizens, this has also helped increasing public confidence in the police.

Furthermore, to streamline functions of the police we arranged the police to attend to 12 non-core functions by creating Facilitation Centers. To augment this further we created 4 satellite stations fully equipped with state of the art technology. These mobile vans were created to undertake some of the non-core police functions such as provision of Character Certificate, Tenancy Certificate, Police Clearance Certificates, etc. on the spot, previously citizens had to visit police stations to obtain these other than lodging a FIR almost all other functions are being taken care of here. The primary aim of any police force is to become a symbol of respect for citizens, this objective can only be achieved when citizens interacting with the police feel safe, respected and consider the police as a friend.

Q) Internationally Islamabad has now been recognized as a Family Station, your efforts towards this?

A) Of course there has been good effort by the police to ensure this. But the major credit should also go to the Army, the Rangers, the Agencies and most of all, the people with whose contribution this would not have been possible. You will no doubt remember the Marriot Hotel bomb blast in 2009 after which we were given a Non-Family status. However because strenuous efforts by the police and all stakeholders, the Family Station status was restored in 2019 by the International Civil Service Commission of the United Nations. This effectively allows UN personnel to travel with their families to Pakistan. This was an international accreditation of the improvement of the security situation in Pakistan.

Such success has only possible because of efforts by all stakeholders. The royal  visit of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in mid October last went ahead very smoothly and had a good impact on Pakistan and its image. Looking after such VVIPs and providing them extensive security is always a very tough duty for the police but we did our best. After this royal visit Pakistan was said to be the number one destination for tourists. I also received a letter from the UK High Commissioner in Pakistan thanking me for proving fool proof security for the royal guests. A month later Her Majesty Queen Maxima of the Netherlands came to Islamabad on a 3-day visit during which we arranged security for her delegation. Altogether as many as 14 VVIPs visited Islamabad which incidentally is the highest number of such visits to the capital this included foreign dignitaries from Saudi Arabia, Malaysian PM Mahathir Mohammad and many others. All of this presented a big challenge for the police.

I would also like to say the that Islamabad has a unique and peculiar flavor in the policing sense, where our security protocol is very tough and very much different from other places because Islamabad being the capital we have to look after security arrangements of high level foreign visitors, dignitaries and VVIPs who arrive here on State visits. God forbid even if a tiny incident takes place it can become very difficult and very problematic very quickly.

Recently we had to provide security during the PSL cricketing event which was also a huge challenge for the police and other law enforcement agencies, providing for security of more than 60 to 70 foreign players, their officials, and Pakistani players as well. Catering to their to their security and protocol has been a great learning experience for me also. I think the basic ingredient of success is that it has to be a very well oiled machine where all stakeholders worked like a team, each doing his bit due to which we  were able to put up such a good show in PSL.

Then there was the issue of the Dharna last year in Oct/ Nov where also we had to work  extremely hard like a team and be on our toes. Thanks to Allah, this ended without an incident taking place.

Q) A tweet from Deputy Commissioner, Islamabad in end July 2019 read, “When kids don’t hesitate taking a selfie with the Police Chief, this is the kind of Police I want in my city”. Your comments?

A) First and foremost I am a citizen of Pakistan, then a policeman. I feel strongly that people should not fear the uniform. Secondly, by nature I am a very carefree type of person also believe that the public is our boss because it is from their taxes that we are able to get our pay, our cars, etc. As the police we must be flexible and strive to be a public-friendly force. Thank Allah that there has been no scandal or incident during the last 18 months. It also goes to the credit of the Islamabad police that in 2019 there was a decrease of 18% in crime, this is no small achievement.

Q) Any message to citizens from Islamabad police?

A) Only one message that we are here to serve you. At times we might not be able to able to do as good as you might expect or we might not come up to expectations, but I want to assure everyone that the Police is doing its best with whatever resources are at our disposal. And we are always taking steps to provide better and better service and it is here that we need the support of our citizens. We are your police. But at times I feel that our work is not appreciated as s much as it should be. For instance you will have seen during the PSL cricket matches when it started to rain, all policemen stood at the designated places and no one moved to take cover. The police is always trying its best and  the occasional ‘Shabash’ to police acknowledging our hard working can be a source of great satisfaction and gratification for us. As far as crime is concerned, it is like plus minus like water, it goes up and sometimes comes down, there are many factors here, socio economic, etc. but the police are always trying its best.

Q) Social media of Islamabad police, i.e. twitter/ Facebook is very active, how was this initiated?

A) Actual credit for this must go to my saab (boss) who started this initiative and worked day and night to try to be like a sponsor to the public. Whatever we tweet or send out a message it is seen by literally lakhs of people so I have directed my people that we are bound to respond to every query/ post that comes our way, even if someone criticizes the police, they are welcome to do so. Because of the hard work of our social media team, at least the message about police working is being sent out very loud and clear. Whatever one might say about social media, it does affect opinions and people’s their thinking. As IG whenever I have opportunity to send out a positive tweet about the police it is a source of happiness not because for me but it is for the entire police force. Recently a video became viral of a police constable helping a disabled man climb a wall, this kind gesture won the hearts of millions and these are things we are very proud of. We welcome criticism provided it is proactive and positive and points out our major faults or something that is not in my knowledge. This coming year we will leave no stone un-turned as we are here to help the public. Today even as we face the Corona challenge we pledge not to shy away from performing out duty.

Q) Our magazine, Defence Journal is also read internationally, it represents our country. Any message to our readers. Your thoughts on Mr. Ikram Sehgal, DJ’s Chief Editor?

For Pakistan and Pakistanis I have one only message. Alhamdolillah Pakistan is the best country in the world. In the last 10 years despite the grim challenges we had to faced relating to the war against terrorism, etc as a unified nation we stood firm. The entire Law enforcement force is responsible for this. Thank God today the country considered to be very safe in sharp contrast to 2008 when it was in dire straits. Today in Islamabad scores of foreigners visit us including foreign investors. One such visitor, I will not  name his country, but frankly I was very proud when he told me that he considers himself more safe in Islamabad than in his own country and that he can go anywhere he wants with his family without any worries or danger. The credit for this goes not only to the police but everyone has contributed to make this possible, the judiciary, the army, the agencies, the political government and the people. All of us have to be very proud of this, we are back with a bang Alhamdolillah. But problems will always crop up in the lives of nations, which reminds me of a saying that it is not what happens that matters but it is how you behave that is important.  Pakistan today is more strong than ever.

What can I say about Ikram Sehgal, he is like my elder brother. He is someone who has always been very kind to me. We go back 27 years and whenever I requested something  he has always responded positively and kindly. He is also making a good contribution to the country on national as well as international level. Not many people will know that he has been going to the World Economic Forum every year since the last 19 years on his own without any government support, as an ambassador for Pakistan and its people where he highlights the positive aspects and the soft image of Pakistan. People like him are a boon for all of us.

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