Before we dwell on the subject it is imperative to define a few relevant terms as under:
- Environment
1.1.1 Environment is defined as external conditions and surroundings in which people, animals, or plants live (Collins Pocket Dictionary & Thesaurus, 2003).
1.1.2 Environment is described as the physical, chemical and biological conditions surrounding an organism. Human environment includes the abiotic, biotic and socio-economic-cultural-political factors.
1.1.3 All the external abiotic and biotic factors, conditions, and influences that affect the life, development and survival of an organism or a community.
1.1.4 Environment is not an absolute discipline like mathematic or physics. It is conglomerate of various branches such as zoology, botany, chemistry, medical, geology, economics, agriculture and soils. It is composed of physical environments (land, water, air, climate etc.), biological environments flora, fauna, wildlife, etc.) and socio economic cultural political environments.
- Environmental Pollution
Environmental pollution delineates pollution of the environment due to release (into any environmental medium) from any process of substances which are capable of causing harm to man or other living organisms supported by the environment.
- Ecology
Ecology is the study of environmental factors and how organisms interact with them
- Ecosystem
1.4.1 A specific biological community and its physical environments interacting in an exchange of matter and energy is known as ecosystem.
1.4.2 Ecosystem consists of two layers (autotrophic & heterotrophic), six components (inorganic, organic, climatic, producers, consumers & decomposers) and six processes (energy flow, food chain, diversity patterns, development & evolution, control of cybernetics and hydrologic & nutrient cycles).
1.4.3 Ecosystem functions on principles of nutrient.
2.1 Pakistan is an extremely important country of south Asia. Its geography and geo-strategic strength is second to one in the world. China, India, Iran and Afghanistan are its great neighbours.
2.2 Area of Pakistan is 88.1 million hectares. It enjoys all types of terrains suitable for limitless activities. It is bestowed with snow clad mountains, high plateaus, fertile plains, enchanting vallies beautiful lakes (like Keinjhar & Saiful Maluk), mighty rivers, riverine areas, vast deserts, and 1000km long coastal belt (Sindh Coast) & Makran Coast).
2.3 Its population is about 220 million. About 65% people are below the age of 30 years. Rural population component is 60% and urban 40% people are very hardworking and patriot. Women folk in rural areas work in the agriculture field. Many women work in public and private sectors in cities & towards.
2.4 Agriculture
Basically Pakistan is an agricultural country. Its economy is agriculture based.
2.4.1 Its share is GDP is 22%
2.4.2 Its export earning is 5% of total cotton exports is significant
2.4.3 It engages 45% labour force
2.4.4 It is a major source of raw materials for industrial sector
2.4.5 Fruit export is about Rs 35 billion
2.4.6 Wheat production is about 21 million tons per annum
2.4.7 Cultivation area is 20.7 million hectares (ha). 11.8 million ha area is cultivable waste.
2.5 Industrial Sector
Pakistan has established 60,000 industrial units. Textile is the main industry. Karachi, Faisalabad, Sialkot, Gujranwala, Sheikhupura, Lahore, Peshawar, Hattar, Gadun, Kala Shah Kaku etc. are industrial clusters.

During last 1500 years the world has witnessed ever expanding industrial revolution, agricultural revolution and development activities. Consequently the Planet Earth is engulfed in ecological decay. Some of these are mentioned below:
3.1 Climate Change
Almost the entire world is affected. Important impacts are emergence of extreme events like floods & droughts, sea level rise, global warming, increasing green houses gases, low agricultural productivity and proliferation of diseases.
3.2 Extinction of Biodiversity
Many plant and animal species are threatened of extinction. During last 40 years 60% of wildlife has disappeared.
3.3 Hole in Ozone Layer
Under the ever growing environmental pollution the ozone layer is damaged. Resultantly the harmful sun rays find way to earth casing diseases of humans, plants and animals.
3.4 Water Stress Conditions
80% of world cities are undergoing water stress conditions.
3.5 Water Insecurity and Water Terrorism
Most of the developing population is coming across severe water insecurity which leads to their national security under serious damages. Countries like India and Israel are committing water terrorism against their neighbours.
3.6 Land Erosion Degradation and Pollution
3.7 Marine Pollution
Advanced countries stealthily dump their medical, plastic, electronic wastes etc. in the coastal areas of developing countries. Half of Marine life has exhausted.
3.8 Irresponsible Cutting of Forests
3.9 Unscrupulous use of chemical fertilizers and agricultural pesticides especially in developing countries.
Under the ever
3.10 Acid Rains.
3.11 Damages to natural habitats and aesthetics.
3.12 Military operations and use of weapons of mass destruction 3.13 Increasing radioactivity from varying sources.
3.13 Increasing radioactivity from varying sources.
Ironically Pakistan is facing the worst ever environmental degradation. Its ecology does not present an enviable picture to boast of both rural and urban areas are confronting peculiar types of environments. Certain glaring environmental lapses are appended below:
4.1 Land Pollution
- Land is being polluted by untreated industrial agricultural and municipal wastes & effluents. Municipal waste is generated @one Kg per person per day. Hospital waste is produced @two kg per patient/Bed. 76% of land is affected by wind and water erosion. Agricultural land is decreasing due to increasing housing needs.
- Karachi is the worst case of solid waste management. Other cities are also meeting the same distressing situation
4.2 Water Pollution
Pakistan is water stressed country. It annual availability of water per capita has reduced from 5000 cubic meters in 1950 lesser than 1000 cubic meters now. Hardly one% industries have installed treatment plants. Most of domestic water supply is untreated. Only half of population receives municipal water supply. In many cases especially in Southern Punjab presence of Arsenic is found.
4.3 Atmospheric Pollution
Industrial and vehicular exhausts are adding sulphur, nitrogen, dust, smoke, particular matter, etc. into the air. Further, burning of wastes is increasing carbon dioxide and other injurious gases into atmosphere. Pakistan is responsible for 0.04% of total carbon dioxide in the air.
4.4 Industrial Pollution
Inland water resources and Arabia sea are being polluted by inflow of untreated effluents and wastes. Heavy metals and other deadly materials are causes harmful diseases hither to unknown to the people.
4.5 Food Insecurity and Pollution
25% people sleep hungry. 75% people are not getting balanced diet. Food poisoning and other diseases have played havouc with human health. Consumption of polluted marine and aquatic foods have deleterious health issues.
4.6 Electronic Waste
This waste is generated heavily. Used mobiles, batteries, electronic & electronic gadgets are not being treated properly. Many traders imported such cheap materials abroad for petty benefits.
4.7 Noise Pollution
About 20% population is hard of hearing. Industrial and domestic areas are equally affected by noisy machinery & equipments.
4.8 Plastic Pollution
Plastics are essentially used in daily life from industrial to domestic products. Plastics on burning generate dioxin and other injurious gases. These are not disposed in environmentally safe manner. It is praise worthy that shopper are being banned. Choking of marine life, water courses and drainage system are matters of serious concern.
4.9 Climate Change
Pakistan is the 7th worst affected country of the world due to climate change.
Environmental decaying is expanding rapidly in Pakistan. Its main causes are enumerated below:
5.1 Unbridled Increase in Pakistan
Pakistan’s population doubles after every 25 years. It was 32 million in 1947 which has swollen to 220 million in 2019.

With a view to improve environmental preservation a few steps need to be taken on emergent basis. These are given as under:
6.1 Multiple increases in environmental education, research and training in education institutions.
6.2 Women are natural environmentalist and cleanliness loving. Mothers are first academy for their kids. They need to be environmentally trained so that they may teach the same knowledge to their children.
6.3 Environment is subject of every individual, group, and community or national. All persons need to play respective role for environmental protection.
6.4 All stakeholders especially industries and public & private sector in environmental planning & implementation.
6.5 Procure environment friendly knowledge & technologies from advanced countries and develop local expertise.
6.6 Implement the global conventions and protocols on environment.
6.7 Motivate the people on basis of global, national, moral and religious values for sacred cause of environment.
6.8 Use moss media for environmental awareness of people. Media should not waste time on unnecessary talk shows.
6.9 Undertake research work on glaciers. Pakistan is bestowed with over 1015 glaciers. Siachin is the largest glacier (72 Km).
6.10 Encourage environmental education and religious tourism. Our coasts present excellent sites for tourism. Also the tourist spots must be made environment friendly and aesthetically attractive so that people feel like visiting them.
6.11 Include lectures, talk shows, dramas and skil in print and electronic media programmes.
6.12 Launch environmental awareness campaigns through mosques, churches & temples.
6.13 Arrange national environmental and health days & weeks regularly.
6.14 Establish Environmental Thinkers forum in all institutions and departments at every level.
6.15 Encourage use of Environment as common subject for Peace and Interfaith harmony.
6.16 All religions are environment caring. People of all faiths be co-opted in environmental endeavours.
6.17 Adopt simple and natural lifestyle.
6.18 Develop green thinking, green economy, green offices, green buildings etc.
6.19 Religious leaders need to be environmentally oriented.
6.20 Mountain peaks, lakes and other recreational spots must be made pollution free.
6.21 All environmental Issues must be managed on principles of science, technology, engineering, health, socially acceptance, economically viability and sustainable development.
6.22 Environmental degradation is Pakistan’s number one enemy. It must be tackled with required financial, technical, administrative, management and political resources.
- Hussain, M., Mumtaz, Environmental Degradation: Realities and Remedies, Ferozsons (Pvt) Ltd, Lahore 1998
- The Environ Monitor
- UN and Pakistan Environmental Reports