Global Media Wars & Hybrid Warfare


China Pakistan Economic Cooperation (CPEC) and One Belt, One Road Initiative (BRI) has been in the line of fire since inception. The battle of narratives has become the bedrock of international politics and social media a powerful tool to fuel this battle. Fake news, biased reports, prejudiced articles and instigating documentaries have been trying to pollute the minds of people against CPEC and BRI.

Western Propaganda

Western propaganda about so called China’s brutal crackdown on the Uighur Muslim minority has been showcased due to various reasons which are not confined to political motivation, economic plans and geopolitical schemes/ dirty-play. China has strongly rejected these claims of the western media and think tanks about Uighur Muslim minority.

Western governments, including those in Europe, the United States, and Canada have been interfering in the domestic affairs of China for specific reasons. Arbitrary detention of Uighurs and other Muslims minorities has become hot topic in various international forums, media outlets, publications and Human Right Organizations. The detention of a city of over one million is totally baseless and humanly is not possible. China’s Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng has already dismissed these and other comments as “politically driven accusations from a few countries that are fraught with biases.”

According to Western media China has detained as many as one million Uighurs in so-called “reeducation centers” and forced them to undergo psychological indoctrination programs i.e. studying communist propaganda and giving thanks to Chinese President Xi Jinping. Chinese authorities have also reportedly used waterboarding and other forms of torture on the ethnic minority.

Vocational & Training Centers

The Chinese government has strongly condemned these claims saying the camps are merely vocational and training centers intended to combat extremism, and detainees are being aught useful and valuable skills. Le, the foreign minister has given similar statements. “This protects the human rights of the vast majority. Western social media is also very active against China and there are various untrue documentaries available. These small films have same patterns of dissemination of information whoopla, i.e. short interview, narration of fake story depicting human miseries along with lot of infographics. The Chinese government has categorically denied these unsubstantiated denunciations. 

Asymmetrical Warfare against CPEC

Many regional countries have been launching asymmetrical warfare campaign against the CPEC including India, Iran and Afghanistan. A special cell has been formed in RAW to sabotage CPEC projects and investments especially in Balochistan through local operatives like Balochistan Liberation Army” (BLA) and Daesh. Iran has also not been supportive to Pakistan in its pursuits of completion of CPEC projects. The southeastern Iranian port of Chahbahar, the terminal point of the North-South Transport Corridor (NSTC) that India is investing in to connect with Central Asia and Russia, is under threat because of Gwadar and CPEC. The joint US-Indian Hybrid War is going on against Pakistan and CPEC via their terrorist proxies of the so-called “Balochistan Liberation Army” (BLA) and Daesh.

CPEC & Hybrid Warfare

Pakistan is under serious threat of hybrid war since the start of terrorism in the country which has been intensified because of the dawn of CPEC. Various hostile regional agencies especially from India and Afghanistan have been operating in the country to derail the activities and projects of the CPEC. Regional agencies have their own sponsored local groups include Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM) and Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) and Balochistan Liberation Army. Pakistan Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa has time and again securitized that Pakistan had been subjected to various threats especially during the last two decades. He said that these days Pakistan is confronting hybrid warfare where focus is shifting to subversion on religious, sectarian, ethnic and social issues which need a comprehensive national response. He emphasized the need to show a greater responsibility to ensure that all the people, especially youth stay aware and steadfast against propaganda onslaught launched through soft offensive.

Attack on Chinese Consulate Karachi

The failed attempt to attack the Chinese Consulate in Karachi on November 24, 2018 is part of Hybrid Warfare. I personally believe that the purpose of this attack was to create tension in Pakistan’s relations with China especially in the context of the successful visit of Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan when both countries signed fifteen agreements. Both sides are making efforts to refute the propaganda against CPEC. Another objective of this attack is to motivate Baloch youth for protests against CPEC. Indian RAW is involved in the training of these insurgents.

Role of NDS & RAW

These militants have links both with NDS of Afghanistan and RAW of India and the names of these militants were on lists of missing persons. The fact of the matter is that most of the missing elements are actually not missing but have gone on training abroad mostly in Afghanistan. The attempt to attack Chinese Consulate in Karachi was planned at a time when the Baloch insurgency was at low ebb and it was an effort to revive Baloch insurgency on the direction of their foreign masters on the pretext of Baloch grievances. The preliminary investigations conducted by Pakistani security forces revealed that the attack was designed by banned terrorist organization Baluchistan Liberation Army (BLA) and facilitated by the Indian RAW.

Planning and Development Minister Khusro Bakhtiar

Despite secretive operations of regional agencies and crusade against propaganda, Pakistan and China have maintained highest levels of mutual trust and respect. Planning and Development Minister Khusro Bakhtiar said the trade deficit between China and Pakistan would reduce with the economic zones being set up after the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) becomes operational. The economic zones would help increase exports, which would in turn decrease the trade deficit. He said China and Pakistan would also start working jointly on the agriculture sector next month. China, he said, would also provide $1 billion grant to Pakistan in next three years, while around 100 Chinese investors would visit the country to explore investment opportunities in various sectors.

First & 2nd Phases of CPEC

Pakistan and China have so far been successful in completing first phase of CPEC mainly focusing on energy and infrastructure projects. The second phase of CPEC relating to industrial development in Pakistan including modernization of Gwadar port is under discussion and initial implementation. As per long-term plan by 2020, CPEC would take an initial shape addressing major challenges to Pakistan’s economic and social development and boosting economic growth for both countries. By 2025 it is expected that most of the CPEC projects would be completed with the industrial system fully operational contributing to socio-economic development of Pakistan. The smooth implementation of CPEC and Pakistan’s success in the war against terrorism are two game changers which are not liked by enemies of Pakistan.

CPEC Strategic Assets & Hybrid warfare

The enemies of Pakistan and their agencies have launched a full-fledged Hybrid warfare against Pakistan’s strategic assets. CPEC has become our strategic asset which would provide a new window of opportunity for Pakistan and for the rest of the region in terms of greater regional connectivity, socio-economic integration, energy & food security and the last but not the least, reduction of poverty in the days to come. 

Hybrid warfare: A Military Strategy

Hybrid warfare is a military strategy that employs a blend of kinetic operations and subversive efforts to destabilize an adversary. It may also be defined as a non-linear or non-traditional war. Pakistan Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa is right about the multiple security challenges the country is facing. The Hybrid threats not only derive from religious extremism, but also from political and economic deprivation amongst the ethnic communities in Balochistan, Gilgit-Baltistan and even in Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Pashtun Tahafuz Movement & Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP)

The rise and popularity of Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM) is also part of Hybrid Warfare (HWF). The movement which formerly was known as the Mahsud Tahafuz Movement (MTM), created a lot of problems portraying itself as a social movement for Pashtun human rights, based in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan. Definitely it has some support from some hidden hands such as CIA and NDS. The Movement rose to prominence in January 2018 when during its protests it raised slogans against the Pakistan Army and the State of Pakistan. Pakistan has tackled the situation in a very careful way and by using some innovative means has managed to weaken the strength of the group. Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) a so called religious party which has also been bolstered by allegedly foreign support from regional agencies for bashing the armed forces of Pakistan. 

The hybrid warfare makes it difficult to locate enemy as it wages war through non-state actors. It is the enemy beyond borders. It may use cyber, ethnic, religious or any section of the society to cause anarchy and unrest and the country thereby achieving its goal in the long term. Propaganda warfare and economic warfare are also part of hybrid warfare.

CPEC-Related Propaganda

There is a need that Pakistan’s security agencies, academia and think tanks create awareness on these issues especially CPEC-related propaganda and adverse activities of non-state actors. There is also an urgent need to address the grievances of local population through development governance and enhancing employment opportunities for the locals in the CPEC projects. It is need of the hour that cultural of security must be institutionalized in the general masses to counter the propaganda of regional agencies. Wars have become expensive in terms of blood and money/ treasure. Hybrid Warfare has become the new fundamental truth which has driven military strategists to search for a quick and inexpensive path to victory in battle.

False Narrative

Hybrid Warfare (HWF) engineers a completely false narrative of “democratic freedom fighters” resisting a “tyrannical, incompetent and corrupt” regime. Ongoing Western Holy Media War (WHMW) against China on the issue of Uighur Muslim minority is nothing but projection of false narrative. It could mean a synergized campaign of disinformation, terrorism, cyber-attacks on digitally dependent communication networks, criminal activities, proxy sponsorship, rebellion, insurgency, or anything like that.

CPEC & China

Pakistan through the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) guarantees China’s strategic freedom and flexibility in the face of the United States’ naval threats and nullifies all the trouble that it is causing along its southern maritime borderlands. Therefore, the US has a grand interest in disrupting, controlling, or influencing the Silk Road and CPEC.

CPEC & Regional Agencies

Unfortunately, Pakistan is rife with historical, ethnic, religious, socio-economic, and geographic differences which could be manipulated by the US and Pakistan’s arch-rival India to engineer violence and set a hybrid war scenario in motion. The forces of evil and followers of destruction have been trying harm the sovereignty of Pakistan but it has been our Armed Forces and Secrete Agencies (ISI, MI, IB) which dismantled their dangerous designs.

There is an urgent need to work together to ensure that the top leadership, both civil and military, remains credible. It will help us beat back hybrid assaults against CPEC and the state of Pakistan.

CPEC & Western Media

The western campaign against CPEC gained momentum after US Defence Secretary James Mattis remarked that CPEC would traverse ‘disputed territory’ (meaning Gilgit-Baltistan) and former US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson questioned the financial structure of projects under China’s Belt and Road Initiative. US opposition to CPEC was confirmed when in July 2018 the current Secretary of State Mike Pompeo argued that an IMF financing program for Pakistan should not be used to repay Chinese ‘bond holders’ and banks. The US stance was interpreted widely as part of its strategic confrontation with China (spanning trade, technology and the South China Sea) and an additional point of pressure to secure Pakistan’s compliance with American demands on Afghanistan.

Financial Time (2018)

The Financial Times published an article titled ‘Pakistan rethinks its role in Xi’s Belt and Road plan’, printed the day after the Chinese foreign minister’s visit which created concern even at the highest level between Pakistan and China. Collateral damage was controlled with the prompt visit of China by COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa. The commerce ministry immediately issued a strong rebuttal stating that there was “complete unanimity” between China and Pakistan on CPEC’s future direction and affirmed the Pakistani government’s commitment to CPEC.

Wall Street Journal (December 2018)

The Wall Street Journal also published an article asserting that Pakistan is ‘pressing’ China ‘to realign the goals’ of CPEC ‘to take on poverty-alleviating initiatives and build factories’. China has consistently expressed readiness to reflect the priorities of the PTI government for social infrastructure and poverty alleviation projects. An agreement to make these and other adjustments has now been finalized and signed.

CPEC & BRI: New Model of Regional Connectivity & International Cooperation

The new model of regional connectivity and international cooperation is being carried forward in shapes of BRI and CPEC which is probably the most discussed subject around the globe and in spite of its criticism by the USA and some other disbelievers there seems a consensus about the transformational role of both these mega-economic projects.

Objectives of BRI

China’s National Development and Reform Commission in conjunction with China’s Foreign Ministry and Commerce Ministry announced and narrated the objectives of this grandiose initiative (BRI). It clearly enunciated partnership premised on the idea of sharing the benefits among the countries under the umbrella of BRI and CPEC.

Persistent Campaign against CPE & BRI

At the same time a persistent campaign by the countries and elements inimical to BRI and CPEC has also been going on with the often professed claim that the participating countries will ultimately become debt slaves of China. The spurning of Chinese loans by Malaysia is also preferred as an argument in support of their claims. Even in Pakistan certain lobbies have also been supporting that argument and expressing reservations about economic benefits of CPEC.

Transformational Role of CPEC & BRI

Nevertheless the fact remains that both BRI and CPEC have transformational role in lifting the economic profile of the region and beyond. World Bank’s director Macroeconomic, Trade and Investment Caroline Freund said that BRI and CPEC were playing important role for promoting intra-regional trade by building infrastructure. On the debt burden he said “we are concluding a detailed study about BRI but our initial assessment shows that debt has not become a major problem for loan recipient countries under this mega initiative. It stands at around 5 per cent of total loan portfolios of 71 countries of BRI” The Chinese Deputy Chief of Mission in Pakistan Lijian Zhao also shared that the misconception of debt trap levelled against BRI proved to be a lie through the work done by the World Bank. He revealed that BRI had generated 200000 jobs out of which 75000 were created in Pakistan through CPEC adding that Pakistan was the largest recipient of FDI from China and the largest trading partner with the help of CPEC. Moreover, according to Finance Ministry reports the country’s GDP has increased at a noticeably steady rate of 2.5 percent after the implementation of CPEC. Propaganda of a debt trap comes at a time when CPEC has addressed the critical bottlenecks in energy and infrastructure and both nations have agreed to deepen the base of this initiative.

Chinese loans to Pakistan constitute only 6.3 percent of its total debt liabilities and therefore belie the argument of the detractors and the US that the current economic crisis was attributable to the growing Chinese loans.

Real Facts about Loaning of CPEC

Being prominent regional expert on CPEC & BRI I know that most of the CPEC projects, particularly pertaining to energy sector with an estimated cost of $ 34 billion are direct investment with no debt liability at all. The loans given on the infrastructure projects were advanced on much lower than rates charged by the international lending agencies. It is estimated that more than 3000 MW of electricity has already been added to the system through the energy projects initiated under CPEC which means they have already started contributing to the national economy. The rest would be completed by the end of 2019 leading to an addition of 10,600 MW to the national grid with all the accompanying potential and benefits for growth of industry and other development projects. The infrastructure that will be built under CPEC including roads and railway tracks will also provide tremendous impetus to the growth process and make Pakistan a hub of regional economic activity.

CPEC: A Flagship Project of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)

CPEC, a flagship project of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is blamed for causing a debt trap and economic woes for Pakistan. It has become obvious that some countries are now trying to play their political cards to prevent the wave of Chinese investment under the BRI which has started producing tangible results in Pakistan and other nations.

Accusing CPEC of being a debt trap for Pakistan is only a failed attempt to mislead the public who are the real beneficiaries of this flagship project and guarantor of all-weather strategic relationship. The misleading campaign against Chinese investment is another form of protectionism triggered by Western countries; however it is not affecting the smooth implementation of CPEC projects. The figures released by China and Pakistan about the huge amounts invested in CPEC projects have shown the reality to the world and proved the claims of the Western mindset to be false.

The government of Pakistan is committed to pursuing the strategic relationship with China to new heights. Pakistan has clarified that the country has only received $6 billion as a concessional loan under CPEC with the interest rate of 2.29 percent with a grace period of seven years and a repayment period of 25 years. It must be noted that the debt repayments will start in 2021 with about $300-400 million annually and gradually peak to about $3.5 billion by fiscal year 2024-25.

Pakistani Ministry of Finance (December 2018)

As per the data released by the Pakistani Ministry of Finance, 18 percent of the foreign debt belongs to Paris Club and 42 percent of the external debt was taken from multilateral financial institutions. The loans received under the CPEC framework accounts to only 10 percent of the total foreign debt and it also offers lower interest rates than other commercial bank loans. The same kinds of figures were released by the Chinese embassy in Islamabad, who has reacted smoothly to the false and baseless claims of the Western mindset about the alleged debt trap for Pakistan regarding the CPEC framework.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi during his visit to Pakistan also clarified that the figures regarding debts that “47 percent of Pakistan’s debt stemmed from the IMF and the Asian Development Bank (ADB).”

Pakistan has negotiated the projects with China under the CPEC framework as per its financial capability of handling the repayments. Both countries are very aware about the importance of their strategic relationship, which is vital for development, peace and stability of the region. The negotiated CPEC framework falls under the real vision of Chinese President Xi Jinping describing that all projects carried forward under the BRI reflect mutual and meaningful.

Concluding Remarks

China Pakistan Economic Cooperation (CPEC) and One Belt, One Road Initiative (BRI) have been termed as the engine of “global growth” and “regional integration” through greater socio-economic prosperity, regional cooperation, financial integration, policy coordination and above all strong political will among the member countries of CPEC and BRI. Both have merged as new chapter in globalization, economic integration and meaningful interaction.

CPEC and BRI are the most ambitious geo-economic visions in recent human history. Spanning more than 70 countries it can claim to cover more than two-thirds of the world’s population. It could include Chinese investments approaching $3-4 trillion. Both plan to strengthen hard infrastructure with new roads and railways, soft infrastructure with trade and transportation agreements, and even cultural ties with university scholarships and other people-to-people exchanges. In all these ways, when much of the West is looking inward, China is connecting with the world.

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) are mega projects of the 21th century. Both are pioneers of regional connectivity, icon of socio-economic prosperity, leaders of energy and food security, instruments of reduction of poverty, tools of generation of new jobs and above all agricultural revolution. It protects the rise of “Asian Century” and discourages “virtual colonization” and above all national protectionism. It institutionalizes new model of prosperity and productivity and human survival. It is the dawn of independent economic thinking through which even political survival may also be attained and subsequently sustained without the support of the West in the days to come.

Both CPEC and BRI are drivers of global economy and effective tools to eradicate poverty and generate employment. China spends significant resources organizing CPEC & BRI events, promoting succeed stories of CPEC & BRI stories, and conducting other outreach. Recognition of both mega visions within and outside China has been growing. Chinese state media claim that global awareness of the BRI has tripled between 2014 and 2017, increasing from 6 percent to 18 percent in a survey of 22 countries. 

China’s holistic approach of human development is now paying its dividends. Strategic partners like Pakistan, where CPEC BRI-flagship project has successfully entered into its 2nd phase of development. Chinese infrastructure loans have helped persuade some countries, including the Philippines and Cambodia, to reevaluate military or diplomatic ties with the United States. China is also forging ties with countries further west, particularly those in Central and Eastern Europe. China’s “16+1” framework brings together a diverse set of countries in the region, many of whom have little in common other than their interest in doing business with China. These and other developments suggest the BRI is producing political dividends.

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is not China’s Marshall Plan Those suspicious of the project are blinded by an outdated, cold war mindset. BRI and CPEC follow the principle of achieving shared growth through discussion and collaboration. Bottom of Form

Since its inception, the BRI has financed infrastructure projects in 112 countries. It is a modern-day version of the Marshall Plan, America’s reconstruction effort after World War II, which created a foundation for enduring economic and diplomatic alliances. China’s strategy is bolder and government friendly. In the West, it is feared that the BRI is an extension of efforts by the Communist Party of China (CPC) to undermine the security and economic architecture of the international order. China’s growing largesse, Western countries worry, comes largely at the expense of international institutions and American influence.

China and Pakistan have made strides particularly in electricity and infrastructure projects in the first three-year phase of their cooperation under the multi-billion dollar China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Beijing is also pushing more vigorously for the removal of irritants in the implementation of existing projects. Beijing is annoyed at the Sindh government for slow progress on Karachi Circular Railway, which it considers critical for the city’s prosperity.

The payment of outstanding tariffs for the operational energy projects is a source of irritation for China. The two sides agreed to have scientific planning and amicable negotiations to address the issues arising from energy cooperation and create a common panel under the joint working group on energy for monthly formal and informal communications and consultations.

On the industrial side, China asked Pakistan that the Board of Investment (BOI) should act as lead agency for industrial development and ensure land, energy, taxation, customs, law and other services from the relevant departments to deal with land prices, park development models and infrastructure services. Rashakai in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Dhabeji in Thatta and M3 in Faisalabad have been selected as special industrial zones for the first phase of development. They will promote Chinese investments in key industries, like textile, petro-chemical and iron and steel.

Prime Minister Imran Khan has now prioritised four key areas under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) for the next couple of years and ordered the groundbreaking of at least three special economic zones (SEZs) before end-June this year.

CPEC is a collection of several projects. China has invested $62 billion in infrastructure, power generation, fiber-optic connectivity, railways, airports and industrialization. Power generation projects have contributed around 11,000 megawatts to the national grid. Some ongoing projects will be completed in the very near future and meet total demand for electricity.

Development of the Gwadar port is partially completed and in partial operation. After construction finishes, it will become the only deep-sea port with a 500 million cargo capacity in this part of the world, revolutionizing trade patterns. Industrialization has yet to be started under CPEC where Chinese industry will move into Pakistan, meet the demand of the domestic market and reduce import bills. It will reduce pressure for foreign exchange in Pakistan. Around 70,000 new jobs have been generated under CPEC projects for Pakistan, and it is expected by 2030 there will be around two million new jobs created. China has extended its support to training our youth, especially in technical and vocational education.

In my view both mega projects are not debt trap as projected by the western media which has its own vested interests. On the contrary, CPEC is contributing 2.5 percent in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Pakistan due to which after the visit of Prime Minister Khan both countries have agreed over further expansion of the CPEC. Currently, 15 energy projects in Pakistan, with a total capacity of 11,110 megawatts are planned as a priority, of which, 11 are under construction or in operation with a total capacity of 6,910 MW. Moreover, around 7000 Pakistani citizens are working in various projects of CPEC.

CPEC & BRI have become a success story within a period of five years. It is hoped that CPEC will improve Pakistan’s competitiveness internationally and link it with more countries than it is doing business with at present. It will create a huge space for foreign direct investment in the country’s export industries.

Various reports of the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), Security Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) and Planning Commission of Pakistan have already dismissed and denied the claims of the western media and its lobby in the country that CPEC has nothing to do with country’s deteriorating external accounts or weak economic conditions. Furthermore, all the regulatory bodies have also reconfirmed that CPEC is not a debts trap to Pakistan. According to Ministry of Finance (November 2018), foreign exchange reserves are more than adequate and debt servicing burden manageable. Its debt and debt servicing projections for the periods (2018-19) to (2022-23) has shown declining debt servicing ratios. The added burden of CPEC debt as well as repatriation of profits on investment would not create any pressure and is quite manageable.

BRI was announced in 2013, aiming at connecting China by land and sea to Southeast Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East, Europe and Africa. China has pledged $126 billion for BRI, largely investments in infrastructure. Through continuous networks of highways, railways, ocean routs and ports it will revolutionize the world economy and trade.

Despite US rigorous ongoing media propaganda against the CPEC and BRI, the World Bank has offered timely praised for BRI in its most recent report, saying that, BRI is an ambitious bid to reshape global trade by lending money for infrastructure projects in countries across Eurasia which will significantly reduce shipment times and trade costs”, reducing trade costs between 1.1 and 2.2 percent for the world as a whole, and 1.5 and 2.8 percent for participating Belt and Road nations.

Affected by the western media there is hue and cry in some countries like Maldives, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Kenya, Zimbabwe and other African countries labeling BRI as a “debt trap”. Empirical analysis of these countries national economies clearly shows that domestic economic problems are the real reasons of their high ratios of debts and not the BRI because it stands for development and not debts. It consists of prosperity and not prosecution. It speaks about progress, prosperity and connectivity. The western media is also trying to defame the CPEC and BRI by using/ misusing so called “Islamic Card” which needs to be removed through close liaison with Chinese authorities. Western media constant relaying of small documentaries about Uighur Muslim minority is a planned distortion of information to tarnish relations of China with Islamic World (IW). 

CPEC & BRI consist of grand development strategies that focus on connectivity and cooperation on a trans-continental scale. Both have the potential to stimulate global economy. In terms of its scope and scale, there can be little doubt because China is offering befitting propositions to the rest of the world, doling out loans to finance-starved countries.

CPEC & BRI are biblical-size trade and infrastructure endeavor. Both are playing instrumental role in the revival of the 21st century Silk Road which could cost 12 times as much as what the U.S. spent on the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe following World War II. The BRI has the participation of 76 countries from Asia, Africa and Europe, and is poised not only to reshape globe trade but also raise the living standards for more than half of the world’s population.

According to the International Monetary Fund (September 2018), the “BRI has great potential for China and participating countries. It could fill large and long-standing infrastructure gaps in partner countries, boosting their growth prospects, strengthening supply chains and trade and increasing employment.”

It is evident from the various research studies that shipping time may be decrease by an average of 1.2 percent after the completion of the BRI. Countries located in the East Asia and Pacific region are expected to experience the largest gains, with an average reduction of shipping time to other countries in the world of 2.31 percent, including a gain of 4.35 percent with respect to countries in South Asia region and 2.87 percent toward countries in Middle East and North Africa.

It is projected that BRI will increase GDP between 2.6 percent and 3.9 percent on average for countries in “developing East Asia Pacific, which is higher than the expected gains for the world as a whole.

CPEC & BRI stand for greater socio-economic prosperity, regional integration and of course diversity of humanity. Both speak about immense liberalization of economy. Both pursue new economic model of globalization where there is no political compulsion and geopolitical constrains too. Both are mega investment forums which generate remarkable business activities around the globe especially among the BRI countries.

CPEC & BRI draws out new charter of internationalism. Both promote cultural diversity and human dignity. Both enhance financial integration. Both protect environment and implement renewable energies. Some countries have some concerns which are not resultant of BRI but their own fragile economies and weak political systems. 

Western propaganda against BRI & CPEC has now taken an ugly turn. It is now claiming that there are military strings. CPEC is the flagship project of Belt & Road Initiative & purely an economic program which is beyond western thinking of unilateralism & zero sum game. Moreover, there is no provision or agreement for establishing any military installment under CPEC.

CPEC and BRI are blessings to Pakistan. CPEC & BRI would increase connectivity, promote peace and development. The mutual assistance and connectivity are of great importance to peace, harmony and common progress. Banking industry of Pakistan would be benefited more the development and expansion of the BRI in the near future. It is high time for businessmen, investors and private companies of the country to look beyond region and explore the still untapped opportunities provided by the BRI for a befitting proposition because BRI is a global engine of growth and sustainable development. 

Since CPEC and BRI have been in the line of fire from Western media, regional agencies and regional enemies, it is better for Pakistan and China to form a joint security mechanism (JSM) to protect vested interest of both. Formation of media forum comprising of regional experts of CPEC & BRI, economists, strategists, marketing professionals and political scientists to cope with the onslaught of western media and secretive role regional agencies. There must be a special group consisting of all the national agencies (ISI, MI, IB, CTD) to control the harmful activities of regional agencies in the country. CPEC and BRI have become bone of contention in the region as well as in the globe which need to be rationalized by all the member countries. Western media propaganda is based on self-greed whereas; CPEC and BRI have growth orientation. Western media propaganda is comprised of vicious circle of disinformation, bigotry and hatred whereas; CPEC & BRI stand for human development, prosperity and self-respect.

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Mehmood-Ul-Hassan Khan holds the degrees of MPA (Management & Marketing) and Journalism (Development & Public Relations) From the University of the Punjab. Lahore. He Is research scholar. Did Various Courses relating To banking, law and HRM Contributed articles on Banking Economics (Pakistan & International) , Geo - Strategic issues (regional & global) with especial reference to south East Asia, Middle East and Central Asia, Current affairs, Comparative international power politics and diplomacy in various local and foreign newspapers, Journals and departments like, BBC Asia Network, MMN, USA, Journal of world Affairs and New Technology, USA and AIDS AND BEHAVIOR USA.


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