Friday, March 7, 2025

Challenges for Imran Khan

Imran Khan anybody and everybody who has a pencil or a key-board to hit upon a clean sheet/screen is offering you the most unsolicited advice on what to do; some go beyond to advice you on what you should not do! There is a Danish proverb, “don’t build to every man’s advice, for truly you will have a house, that is crooked”. Advice is usually received with reluctance. For it is cheap to give counsel, does it cost anything. No. From Aesop’s Fables, we know, “never trust the advice of a man in difficulties” and “distrust interested advice”.

Since 25th July, I resisted the temptation to add my two bits of worthless advice to the growing ‘ocean of advice’ but today I surrendered to temptation. Ethically correct temptation must always be yielded to. I remain cognizant of the fact that many receive advice, but only few profit from it.

Mr. Prime Minister, I have grown in our beloved country listening to three woes, the country is passing through critical times (nazuq Daur), secondly, my religion (God-forbid) is in danger and thirdly “whatever has happened until now is all bad; I have arrived and you (the innocent people of Pakistan), will soon be living in the land of milk and honey”. Every single leader has said this from Islamabad. In the last five decades nothing has changed except that the promised rivers of milk have remained dry and the beehives, to the surprise of the “bees”, have been plundered, leaving them expunged of the reservoir of honey.

Indeed, Imran Khan, your inheritance is not too different than that of your predecessors, except that it is more difficult. Things have not improved but only deteriorated to make your task extremely difficult. The morale is down. You are the only hope. The coffers are empty. The epitaph on the tombstone of the casket of economic inheritance reads, “Bankrupt”. Only financially? No. May I add, morally and ethically too. So you have a multi faceted task at hand.

Mr. Prime Minister you have multifold challenges, as you may be by the minute discovering while sitting on the other side of the table. The advice also can be offered on many fronts but to assist the editors task, for this piece I would restrict myself to economy and finance.
All the years since the decade of the fifties and more recently in the last ten years we have been borrowing like there is no tomorrow. we believe that the lenders would not demand repayment! You have been oft quoting the figure of FCY borrowings at various forums and in public meetings. It is a whopping US Dollars 95 billion. How will we repay this? Beg? that is not your attitude or slogan. Borrow? as you put it, it will cause shame to you (the nation). Steal? again you haven’t learnt that art; in fact, you have no grain in you to even consider it as an option. So, how do we pay back to the lenders?

Mr. Prime Minister, countries like Taiwan, South Korea, Thailand, Singapore, China, Indonesia and most recently Bangladesh have proven that only export led economic initiative gives a substantial GDP growth rate. Export has been the engine of growth of these newly industrialized countries (NIC’s). And look, what we have done to our exports, dwindled from US$ 25 billion to less than 20 billion in just three years. Exports must outstrip imports, the current deficit is bridged by the generous inward remittances of the patriotic and dedicated overseas Pakistanis. The soonest we work on export enhancement the quicker will be our ascent.

Pakistan has notoriously become a consumptive society and there is nothing wrong about it, only if the consumerism is backed by a sound industrial policy that is supportive to consumers’ demand and preference. Since no new industries have been set up, imports have gone up dramatically. It pains to see on the shelves of large and known outlets in the various Malls of the country imported potato chips, cheese, biscuits, etc. Ban them now! The rising import bill is also a consequence of higher oil and commodity prices in the international market. However, the undue haemorrhage of FX reserves can be controlled. It is requested that either you or Asad Umar go through the list of items imported into the country, it will leave you baffled and dazed! A poor nation imports cell phones in excess of over a billion US dollars officially and unofficially. Mr. Prime Minister, you are absolutely right, no nation can stand on its feet that does not heed to the value of sacrifice. Is this country willing to sacrifice for betterment of future generations? Only, time will tell.

Are you aware we have an organisation with the nomenclature of and re-christened in the last decade as “Trade and Development Authority” (TDAP); earlier it was rightly called as Export Promotion Bureau (EPB). This organization has failed miserably in meeting its raison d’être of creation it was meant to promote our exports and find newer markets for our goods and services. Alas! That hasn’t happened. You may want to add this outfit to your list of white elephants! And, where is the Exim Bank ? Still in the works! Why do we delay good and meaningful initiatives?

Revenues must exceed expenditure, this is a basic economic premise. The tax collection is in disarray. Does it require some special knowledge of molecular physics or nuclear science to collect taxes? All transactions in the economy that are meant to be within the confines of tax-net happen right under our noses and yet we fail to nab the transgressors and hence consistently fail to meet revenue targets. I personally abhor concepts like “tax-efficient “, ”tax avoidance”, etc., because they are meant to give grace to the ignoble act of not paying the due taxes. We lack the “Will” to impose and collect taxes. Mr. Prime Minister, every single citizen of this blessed land has a unique ID number, “the CNIC”. Through a simple IT program that can be developed in the backyards of Karachi or Lahore, all transactions of each individual can be captured on to a Central Data Base be it purchase of plot, car, or settlement of travel invoices, etc. It can be done easily but since we lack the resolve to do we keep criticizing that the tax net is stagnant, with only the salaried class as its singular hostage! All those who have a life-style that is out of step with their declared and legitimate revenue streams ought to be asked and challenged. Do it. Catch them. Question them. They must clarify and convince.

Railways can be a major revenue generator. I have faith that our Sheikh Sahib is far more shrewd and competent, than the “Laloo” of the neighbourhood. Sheikh Sahib, the nation will wait to see you lecturing too at the prestigious Harvard University on how you managed and changed the face of Pakistan Railways. Mind you, Laloo has done it already! Sheikh Sahib, a great challenge lies ahead.

There will be many, Mr. Prime minister who would be filling your space with intent to de-rail you from your objectives. Be mindful of them. For example, they will drag and provoke you to take action against former President (Dictator, in their parlance). They would appeal to you to accelerate the treason proceedings against a former Commander-in-Chief of our beloved armed forces, etc. I am certain you have begun to read books, biographies and history; I remind you to re-call the famous remark of Napoleon’s foreign minister, Talleyrand, “Treason is a matter of dates”. Please remain consistent, no more U-turns, as you are portrayed by the opposition towards your goals and objectives. “The art of statesmanship is to foresee the inevitable and to expedite its occurrences”. (Talleyrand again!). Recognise the dirt in silk stockings that will be thrown your way. Stay clear of it.

Mr. PM you stole the heart of even your die-hard critics and opponents with your inaugural speech and the address to the nation on Sunday night (July 25, 2018) ; the aberration of the speech you made on the floor of the house can be forgiven as an impulsive reaction to the inappropriate behavior of some parliamentarians. But that you spoke from the heart, in the other two speeches, is acknowledged by all. It struck the right chords. You reminded many of ZAB’s charisma.

The innocence of proclaiming to build a “state of Medina” type of government/ country has to be backed now with seen-able action. The electorate will soon get restless, if there is inaction. The thought is noble. The task is uphill. The challenge is arduous.

As pointed out recently, by a TV analyst/ journalist, wherein he said most aptly that we as a nation sent the highest number of people for pilgrimage and yet we boastfully sit at rank 160 in the comity of nations on the “index of honesty”. So to replicate the governance standards of the city state of Medina, please remain mindful that the 200 odd million are not Medinites they are us. We have amongst us The wily. The arrogant. The corrupt. The deceptive. The conceited. It is best not to shy from admitting what and who we are!

As Prime minister of 200 million people, your core team should be of at least 200 people who are die-hard, honest individuals honesty, may I remind, in isolation way not mean much to undo the failures of past decade, it must be coupled with “competence”. It is imperative that you kill nepotism and favouritism. Each according to ability and not according to need. The socialist era is dead and gone. Scrap quota and other such outdated practices that negate the principle and concept of ‘equal opportunities for all’. I am certain that like most of us, you have faith too that largely Pakistanis are honest and competent. Give this lot a chance. It is a leader’s job to untangle the cob-webs of doubts, uncertainty and ambiguity. IK, your clarity of thought and action is critical for good governance.

All politicians inherit a legacy, most end up in its management. A few redirect the course of the Nation’s Vessel, they are called “Leaders”. A leader has to take people where they would not go by themselves. You, Mr. PM will not be classified by history as a leader by mere assumption of an office. Leadership is about what you would do. John Quincy Adams is reported to have remarked, “If your action inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more, you are a leader”.

Imran Khan, do make it a habit to share with the nation, at least once in a quarter, your challenges, aspirations, goals, your directions, your expectations; also please elaborate by sharing your joys and achievements. In doing so, you will change the morale of the Nation. No despondency, only hope must prevail. IK, the Prime minister has it in him to make Pakistan climb up the charts on the ‘Index of Happiness’.

Good Luck God Bless.

Courtesy: THE NEWS

Sirajuddin Aziz
The writer is a banker & free lance contributor.

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