Sunday, February 23, 2025

Science Leads to God-2

“Soon shall We show them Our signs in the universe and in their own selves, until it becomes clear to them that this Qur’an is indeed the truth. Is it not enough that your Lord is a witness over everything?” (Qur’an;41:53); “Verily in the heavens and the earth are Signs for those who believe. (Qur’an; 45:3).

The three great religions based upon Abrahamic tradition believe that God created the universe and governs it as per His laid down rules. The atheists reject such a set of beliefs. In philosophy there are many arguments for the existence of God. The rapid progress in scientific knowledge during last few centuries has opened new windows of knowledge thus giving new dimensions in understanding theology. God is no more a theological, spiritual, metaphysical subject, the science has also started to point towards the existence of God. Islam is the most recent and modern among the revealed religions. Interestingly the conclusions reached by science recently were mentioned 1400 years ago in the last Testament, the Quran which provides theological, philosophical and scientific evidence of the existence of God.

Anyone who endeavors to seek the way to God with an open mind can reach Him rationally and scientifically as being highlighted here. This study is presented in two parts:


(Appeared in the previous issue of DJ)


Principle of Conceptualization of Faith:

Philosophical Arguments:

• Universe Models

Quantum Entanglement


(In this issue of DJ)

Holographic Universe

Religious Arguments

Attributes of God & Science

Proofs of God, Attributes

God, Science & Universe

Allah Has Power Over Everything onclusion

The Design in the Cell

Coordination in Human Body

Heart: The pump of life

The delicate balance in the universe

The Delicate Balance on Earth

Allah is Known Through Reason


Quantum Entanglement: A ‘Type’ of “The God Connection”!
In the previous issue (Part-1), it was explained that Quantum Entanglement is a strange phenomena which helps to understand the mysterious link of electrons with the original creator force; it can be called a link between the Creator and creation. This important aspect is summarized here for purposes of continuity:

When God created the universe and the laws of physics, did He leave a ‘connection’ with all particles and forces within it? It seems there are themes and ‘designs’ in science that seem to repeat and recur in nature. Scientists and theologians have long wondered about the ‘dualism’ in particles and forces in the universe, nature, and morality. For example, matter and antimatter, positive and negative charges, male, female, good and evil, etc.

“And of everything We have created pairs that you may be mindful.” (Quran;51:49).

When the atomic theory became the dominant theory of matter around the turn of the last century, the model of Neils Bohr, of hard round particles orbiting the atomic nucleus was compared to the planetary system of our sun. The same theme is recurrent in galactic structure and the orbits of stars, star clusters, and gasses. It seemed that a basic structure was promulgated from the very smallest objects to the very largest.

We have since seen that the atom is much more complicated and that the objects orbiting the nucleus are not ‘hard’ and definite, but are both particle and wave in their structure. The nucleus itself is very complex and the once hard objects that we call neutrons and protons are actually made up of ‘quarks’ and other nebulous subatomic particles.

In religion we have a belief that in order to communicate with God, a person enters into a state of consciousness that we call prayer. Through prayer, a spiritual connection is made to God and He hears our thoughts and we receive assurance that He acknowledges our wishes. Is there a similar “type” in the physical world for that connection? “It was We who created man and We know what dark suggestions his soul makes to him: for We are nearer to him than (his) jugular vein.” (Qur’an;50:16)

The idea in quantum entanglement is that every particle in a particle-antiparticle pair is in instant communication with the other particle, regardless of how far apart they are. It is a phenomenon that was experimentally proven, just recently, by scientists in Geneva Switzerland, in 2008. In this experiment a single particle – antiparticle pair was sent streaming away from the source in opposite directions, and they were detected when they were about 20 miles away from each other. The ‘entanglement’ phenomenon was proven when a ‘detection’ of one particle instantly produced an identical change in the other particle. This ‘instantaneous’ transmission of information defies Einstein’s theory of relativity and the speed of light. A calculation was made that determined that the speed of this experiment was at least 10,000 times the speed of light and perhaps was instantaneous.

The size of the particles of this discussion are at the subatomic level, far below the ‘microscope’ level. Some scientists think that at this level there is a universal ‘connection’ that transcends space/time and allows all particles to be ‘in contact’ with every other particle in the universe in a way that we have yet to understand. Below the ‘quantum’ or Planck level, the definitions of space and time become obscure and tend to blur. If all particles are somehow connected below the Planck level, it would seem to be saying that we all have a universal connection to each other and perhaps that is the medium through which prayer is channeled? That much is pure speculation, but if God created all the physical laws and the universe in such a way that He is never out of touch both spiritually and physically, and is omnipresent everywhere at once, it confirms what Christians, Jews & Muslims have always said about His presence and the ease with which we are in touch with Him. It means that He knows every thought, every event, and everything that happens in the universe. It also says that no matter how far you travel, or how much you transgress His will, He is always near. Science has evolved various models to understand universe:

The Holographic Universe
Since traveling faster than the speed of light is tantamount to breaking the time barrier, this daunting prospect has caused some physicists to try to come up with elaborate ways to explain away Alain Aspect’s findings. It has also inspired others to offer even more radical explanations including that of the Holographic Universe!

The implications of a holographic universe are truly mind boggling. Aspect’s findings imply that objective reality does not exist, that despite its apparent solidity the universe is at heart a phantasm, a gigantic and splendidly detailed hologram. To understand why a number of physicists, including David Bohm made this startling assertion, one must first understand a little about holograms.

A hologram is a three-dimensional photograph made with the aid of a laser. To make a hologram the object to be photographed is first bathed in the light of a laser beam. Then a second laser beam is bounced off the reflected light of the first and the resulting interference pattern — the area where the two laser beams superimpose is captured on film. When the film is developed, it looks like a meaningless swirl of light and dark lines. But as soon as the developed film is illuminated by another laser beam, a three-dimensional image of the original object appears!

The three-dimensionality of such images is not the only remarkable characteristic of holograms. If a hologram of a rose is cut in half and then illuminated by a laser, each half is still found to contain the entire image of the rose. Indeed, even if the halves are divided again, each snippet of film is always found to contain a smaller but intact version of the original image. Unlike normal photographs, every part of a hologram contains all the information possessed by the whole! The “whole in every part” nature of a hologram provides us with an entirely new way of understanding organization and order. For most of its history, Western science has laboured under the bias that the best way to understand a physical phenomenon, whether a frog or an atom, is to dissect it and study its respective parts. A hologram teaches us that some things in the universe may not lend themselves to this approach. If we try to take apart something constructed holographically, we will not get the pieces of which it is made, we will only get smaller wholes.

Extensions of the Same Source: This insight suggested to some scientists including David Bohm another way of understanding Aspect’s discovery. Bohm believed the reason subatomic particles are able to remain in contact with one another regardless of the distance separating them is not because they are sending some sort of mysterious signal back and forth, but because their separateness is an illusion. Bohm suggested that at some deeper level of reality such particles are not individual entities but are actually extensions of the same fundamental something!

Beyond Cause and Effect
Quantum Entanglement (discussed in part-1, brief above) seems to throw out the whole notion of cause and effect, as we know it! It is possible for a particle to interact with another particle in such a way that the quantum states of the two particles form a single entangled state. The definition of an entangled state is that it is not entirely independent of the other’s state. Its state is dependent on another’s state in some way. Given this dependency, it is a mistake to consider either state in isolation from the other. Rather we should combine the states and treat the result as a single, entangled state.

Space and Time
When pairs of particles are generated by the decay of other particles, naturally or through induced collision such as at CERN [The European Organization for Nuclear Research (French: Organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire)] or Fermi Labs, these pairs may be termed “entangled”, in that such pairs often necessarily have linked and opposite qualities i.e. of spin or charge. The assumption that measurement in effect “creates” the state of the measured quality goes back to the arguments of, among others: Schrödinger and Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen concerning Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and its relation to observation. Quantum Entanglement does underline the fact that quantum particles really do only have a range of probabilities on the values of their properties rather than fixed values. And while it seems to contradict Einstein’s theory of special relativity, which says nothing can travel faster than light, it’s increasingly likely that entanglement challenges our ideas of what space and time really mean!

Now once we relate this latest scientific information with God and His known attributes a clearer picture emerges.

Attributes of God & Science
The Attributes, Words and Signs and Mercies of Allah are manifest in His Creations, and can never be fully set out in human language, however extended human means may be imagined to be. However all that is mentioned about Allah’s attributes, whether briefly or in detail and affirmatively or negatively, based on Qur’an, and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are final, some are also mentioned in the Bible. Allah has most perfect attributes; Allah can be called by any name, signifying the attributes of perfection suitable to Him. Traditionally in Islamic traditions 99 Names are attributed to Allah (though the number is not fixed), some are also mentioned in Bible. Some Islamic attributes of God are: The Creator (Al-Khaliq), The Master, The Lord of Universe (Rab-ul-Ala’min),), The Owner of All Sovereignty (Malik-al-Mulk), The Timeless (As-Sabur), The One, The Unique, Manifestation of Unity (Al-Wahid), The All Knowing, The Omniscient (Al-`Alim), The All Seeing (Al-Basir), The All Aware (Al-Khabir), The King, The Sovereign (Al-Malik), The Almighty, The Self Sufficient (Al-Aziz), The Powerful, The Rightful (Al-Bari’), The Fashioner of Forms (Al-Musawwir), The Majestic (Al-Jalil), The Answerer (Al-Mujib), The Strong (Al-Qawaie), The Producer, Originator, and Initiator of All (Al-Mubdi, Al Badi’), The Magnificent (Al-Majid), The One, the All Inclusive, The Indivisible (Al-Ahad), The Self Sufficient, The Everlasting (As-Samad), The All Beneficent (Ar-Rahman), The Most Merciful (Ar-Rahim), The Lord of Majesty and Generosity (Dhu-al-Jalali wa-al-Ikram), The Incomparable, The Originator (Al-Badi). Some of His attributes are explained briefly:-

The Creator
He is the Supreme Creator:” He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth. (Qur’an;6:101). Allah has no equal because His Attributes are perfect: “There is nothing whatsoever like unto Him. He is the All-hearing, the All-seeing” (Qur’an;42:11); “no slumber or sleep seizes Him” (Qur’an;2:255), because His life is perfect and eternal. Bible also mentions: “Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary, his understanding is Unsearchable.” (Isaiah;40:28).

Allah knows, but not as human knows; He has power, but not as human have power. He is a thing, but unlike other things; by saying “thing,” it is intended merely to affirm His reality. He has neither body nor substance, neither accidental property nor limit, neither opposite nor like nor similitude. A human being requires some material to make something i.e. a carpenter requires wood, nails, tools and other material to make a table. God Most High creates things out of nothing and He has knowledge of them in pre-eternity, before their creation.

The Lord

Cherisher & Sustainer (Lord) of All the Worlds
Allah is The Sustainer’ (Rabb) of all the worlds. “Praise be to Allah the Cherisher and Sustainer (Rabb al- a’lamen) of the Worlds” (Qur’an;1:2); “Then praise be to Allah, Lord of the heavens and Lords of the earth, the Lord of the Worlds.” (Qur’an;45:36); “Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and He shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.” (Psalms;55:22).

Omnipotent, the Wise
He is Omnipotent: “He is the Supreme Authority over His servants; and He is the Wise, the Aware.”(Qur’an;6:18 ). Allah is not living with His creatures on earth, but He is closer to humans than their jugular vein: “It was We who created man and We know what dark suggestions his soul makes to him: for We are nearer to him than (his) jugular vein.” (Qur’an;50:16). It implies that Allah knows more truly the innermost state of human feeling and consciousness than does their own self; “Hast thou not seen that Allah knows all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth? There is no secret conference of three but He is their fourth, nor of five but He is their sixth, nor of less than that or more but He is with them Wheresoever they may be;…” (Qur’an;58:7); “Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?” (Psalms;139:7).

Allah possess absolute & infinite knowledge: “He Alone has the keys of the unseen treasures, of which no one knows except Him. He knows whatever is in the land and in the sea; there is not a single leaf that falls without His knowledge, there is neither a grain in the darkness of the earth nor anything fresh or dry which has not been recorded in a Clear Book.” (Qur’an;6:59); “Allah alone has the knowledge of the Hour, sends down rain, and knows what is in the wombs (a blessing or a curse). No soul knows what it shall earn tomorrow, and no soul knows in what land it shall die. Surely, Allah is All-knowing, All-aware” (Qur’an;31:34). The Qur’an points to the rich sources of knowledge in the whole universe. “..The knowledge thereof is with my Lord in a Record. My Lord never errs nor forgets” (Qur’an;20:52); “ For a man’s ways are before the eyes of the LORD, and he watches all his paths.” (Proverbs;5:21).

The First and the Last
The Evident and The Immanent: According to Qur’an: “He is the First and the Last the Evident and the Immanent: and He has full knowledge of all things.” (Qur’an;57:3); “They shall perish, but thou shalt endure: yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed: But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end.” (Psalms;102:26-27). God is Evident in so far as there is ample evidence of His existence and providence all around the universe. On the other hand, God is Hidden in so far as human intellect cannot grasp His essence nor can He be seen in the present world. “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” (RSV;Revelation;1:8). The Bible also mentions, God as Invisible (Job;23:8-9) and Un-searchable (Job;11:7; 37:23;Psalms; 145:3; Isaiah; 40:28).

God is Not Similar to His Creatures
“There is none like unto Him” (Qur’an;112:4); “..there is none like me in all the earth.” (Exodus;9:14).

The Merciful
The Mercy of Allah is the one of the grandest themes of the Qur’an. To contemplate these boundless gifts of God. “When those who believe in Our revelations come to you, say: “Peace be upon you. Your Lord has decreed mercy upon Himself. If anyone among you commits evil because of ignorance and thereafter repents and mends his ways; you will find Allah Forgiving, Merciful.” (Qur’an;6:54 & 85:14). God’s attribute of Mercy is also highlighted in Bible at Exodus;34:6-7 and many other places: “The earth, O LORD, is full of thy mercy: teach me thy statutes.” (Psalms;119:64); “Therefore turn thou to thy God: keep mercy and judgment, and wait on thy God continually.” (Hosea;12:6); “For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee.” (Isaiah;54:7); “But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,” (Ephesians;2:4).

He helps all with justices and fairness: “The fact is that Allah is your Protector and He is the best of all helpers.” (Qur’an;3:150); “Rest assured that Allah does not wrong anyone even by an atom’s weight. If someone does a good deed He increases it many fold and also gives an extra great reward on His own.” (Qur’an;4:40). He is Sustainer of humanity whether believers or non believers and all other creatures: “We bestowed on all – these as well those – out of the bounties of your Lord; the bounties of your Sustainer are not confined.” (Qur’an;17:20). He answers the prayers: “Call on Me; I will answer your (Prayer)…!” (Qur’an;40.60). It is mentioned in Bible: “Touching the Almighty, we cannot find him out: he is excellent in power, and in judgment, and in plenty of justice: he will not afflict.” (Job;37:23). On the Day of Judgment He will judge among His people. He is the Doer of what He wills. True knowledge based on clear proof and indisputable evidence acquired by experience or experiment or by both.

He Does What He Wills
To Him belongs the Kingdom of the Heavens and the Earth, He does whatever He Wills:“ Whenever He intends a thing, He needs only to say: “Be,” and it is.” (Qur’an;36:82); “There is nothing whatever like unto Him, He is the All-hearing, the All-seeing. To Him belongs the keys of the Heavens and the Earth. He enlarges and restricts provisions to whom He wills. Surely He has knowledge of everything” (Qur’an;42:11-12); “He creates what He pleases. He gives, to whom He wills, females, and He gives, to whom He wills, males, or He couples them, males and females; and He makes whom He wills barren. Surely, He is the Knowing, the Powerful” (Qur’an;42:49-50). Despite being All Powerful, God does not wrong the mankind: “Lo! Allah wrongs not mankind in aught; but mankind wrong themselves.” (Qur’an;10:44).

Subtle, Unfathomable, The All Aware
Allah is Latif, fine, subtle, so fine and subtle as to be invisible to the physical eye; so fine as to be imperceptible to the senses; figuratively, so pure as to be above the mental or spiritual vision of ordinary men but at the same time He is aware of all things. It is beyond the capability of human eye to see God In this world, Allah says: “Vision cannot perceive Him, but He perceives all vision. He is the Subtle, (Latif, Incomprehensible), the All-aware” (Qur’an;6:103). Bible also confirms that God can not bee seen (John;1:18, 1Timothy;6:16, Exodus;33:20). God Most High will be seen in the Hereafter, visible to the believers in Paradise with their corporeal vision as mentioned in Qur’an: “Upon that day (Day of Judgment) some faces shall be radiant, gazing upon their Lord”(Qur’an;75:22-23). “Behold, I go forward, but he is not there; and backward, but I cannot perceive him; on the left hand I seek him, but I cannot behold him; I turn to the right hand, but I cannot see him.”(Job;23:8-9).

Belief in God, His names, and His attributes instils in the individual the love and glorification of God that result in obeying God’s instructions and avoiding His prohibitions. These are the means of achieving ultimate happiness in this life and the hereafter for both the individual and the society: “Whoever, male or female, does righteous deed, while believing, We shall assuredly grant him a goodly life, and We shall reward them according to the best of their deeds” (Qur’an;16:97).

Scientific evidence leading to God, through 4 Attributes
While keeping metaphysics and spirituality aside, the four primary physical attributes are being considered here that may help to describe God to any believer or disbeliever in scientific terms:

(1)Eternal, independent of time, (2)Omnipresent, found everywhere, (3)Omnipotent, all powerful and (4)Omniscient, all knowing. If these primary attributes are found in one Power and are proved scientifically then that power is God.

Heisenberg came to the conclusion that quantum events cannot be predicted. All freed electrons behave as if they are being influenced by an outside variable or force, Uncertainty Principle. In Signal Travels Farther & Faster than light by Malcolm W. Browne, a force was found connecting two freed electrons and proved to be Eternal, was present within our time yet was not involved with the flow of our time. This Eternal force connects to all freed electrons. Every particle that releases energy connects to this Eternal force.

Everything beyond our solar system that is visible is made of stars, which all release freed electrons, light, radiation etc. This shows that this force to also be Omnipresent everywhere in the universe.

In an experiment by Russian scientists it was found at that laser photons displayed awareness (knew) when a DNA molecule was added into the vacuum. The photons/electrons collected around the DNA stand and began to change the order of the DNA, changing it to what is desired. After the DNA was removed and the laser turned off the excess photons remained in the position resembling the DNA for over 22 minutes. This simply proves that this force to be Omnipotent, all powerful. It is common observation that we see everything to be so complex, complex environments, complex galaxies and the complexity of nature and life itself. If this force created everything from nothing, we know that energy cannot be created, shows this force to be Omnipotent. Visual evidence is seen in the distance of stars and galaxies across the universe.

According to the first law of thermodynamics energy cannot be created or destroyed. Then where did all the energy in this universe come from? Does it have something to do with this same force being timeless? The force was able to use freed electrons to manipulate DNA, showing what this force can do on a tiny scale. What can this force do to freed electrons on a large scale? Is the universe expanding from dark matter or this Eternal Force?

Since the universe is full of freed electrons, one can only imagine what this force could do if it used to work as one single entity. Possibly how the whole universe was created in six eons.

This data implies that all freed electrons in combination or as a collective to be: Omnipotent, all powerful. This is self evident from the size and distance of galaxies that can be seen across this universe.

In the Double Slit experiment mentioned earlier (part-1), light a freed electron showed that it was observant of its surroundings. It knew when it was being watched and knew when it was not. It showed simple means of intelligence by reacting to visual stimuli. The first bit of evidence that showed this force to be, Omniscient. In the STI [Self thinking Interface] Device created by Physicist Roger R.Vogelsan in the early 70’ proved that there is ultimate knowledge in the FORCE which connects to all freed electrons. This FORCE knows everything its Omniscient.

Hence the claim; “Science proves that God is real and His existence is scientifically proved”, is not unscientific.

Let’s recapitulate:
1) God is Eternal: The twin-photon experiment by Dr. Nicholas Gisin verified by later experiments found photons, freed electrons to be connected to this Force. Nothing can go faster that light except this One Force.
2) God is Omnipresent: This force connects to all freed electrons in our universe. Freed electrons are created when matter is converted into energy. This force is everywhere even beyond our universe. This force is found to be everywhere in our universe’s past, present & future which we call time as time does not applies to this force. He creates time.
3) God is Omnipotent: All powerful. We observe galaxies at the furthest reaches of the universe. Not hot gas which first theorised but old galaxies. How can the light now be reaching us and show old galaxies at the furthest extents of the universe? If light has a speed limit, then how did distant galaxies form long before the universe was said to have begun? This force again shows that it is Omnipotent and Timeless.
4) God is Omniscient: All knowing. Physicist Roger R.Vogelsang found with his STI Device that not only could this force read thoughts and knew all things in the past and future but have knowledge of everything past, present and future. Hence, the claim “God is Eternal, Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient, scientific evidence confirms it” is not exaggerated.

Scientific Facts in Quran on Universe
History records many miracles performed through Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) but Allah in His Divine wisdom provided Qur’an, the ever living sign (miracle) through Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), which anyone can read by himself, to discover that Qur’an is the true word of Allah, the last book of guidance, light and wisdom for the humanity till eternity. Islam encourages reasoning, discussions and dialogue. The Qur’an provides reason and rationale for the purpose, creation and existence of universe. It is the living sign of God and truthfulness of His last messenger, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Allah says: “O mankind! Verily there hath come to you a convincing proof (Qur’an) from your Lord: for We have sent unto you a light (that is) manifest. Then those who believe in Allah and hold fast to Him soon will He admit them to Mercy and Grace from Him and guide them to Himself by a straight Way.”(Qur’an;4:174-175).

The Qur’an contains more than six thousand ayaats (‘Signs’), each verse (ayah), of Qur’an is a sign from the Lord, which speaks of the greatness of its originator. It is a historical fact that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was ‘Ummi’ i.e. unlettered (illiterate) (Qur’an;7:157). Revelation of Qur’an in Arabic, unmatched in its eloquence and beauty, through the mouth of un-learned (Isaiah;29:12) prophet is miraculous.

The prophesy of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and Qur’an (word of God, i.e. ‘words in his mouth’) is mentioned in Bible at Deuteronomy; 18:18,19. The universal challenge of Qur’an to produce even one ayah (verse) like Qur’an (Qur’an;2:23) is yet to be answered. This is the only scripture in the world which is available to the humanity in its original revealed form and will continue to be as such because Allah has taken responsibility to guard it (Qur’an;15:9) . It is the only scripture which is memorized by thousands of Muslims of all ages, nationalities, categories and professions (doctors, engineers, scientists, clerics and common people) the world over from last fourteen centuries, hence is transferred from generation to generation accurately. It is the most recited book in the world.

Qur’an is not a book of ‘science’, but a book of ‘signs’ (ayaats), there are more than a thousand verses of Qur’an referring to various subjects of science, such as astronomy, physics, geography, geology, oceanology, biology, botany, zoology, medicine, physiology, embryology as well as general science, mostly unknown to humanity at the time of its revelation, fourteen centuries ago. Some verses related with universe are mentioned here:

“Soon shall We show them Our signs in the universe and in their own selves, until it becomes clear to them that this Qur’an is indeed the truth. Is it not enough that your Lord is a witness over everything?” (Qur’an;41:53)

“Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of Creation) before We clove them asunder? (Big Bang) We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?” (Qur’an;21:30)

“Moreover He Comprehended in His design the sky and it had been (as) smoke: He said to it and to the earth: “Come ye together willingly or unwillingly. “They said: “We do come (together) in willing obedience.” (Qur’an;41:11)

“Who hath created and further given order and proportion” (Qur’an;87:2).

“And it is We Who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We Who are steadily expanding it”. (Qur’an, 51:47)

“That Day We will fold up heaven like folding up the pages of a book. As We originated the first creation so We will regenerate it. It is a promise binding on Us. That is what We will do.” (Qur’an, 21:104)

“They do not measure Allah with His true measure. The whole earth will be a mere handful for Him on the Day of Rising the heavens folded up in His right hand. Glory be to Him! He is exalted above the partners they ascribe!” (Qur’an, 39:67)

“He Who created the seven heavens in layers. You will not find any discrepancy in the creation of the All-Merciful. Look again-do you see any gaps? Then look again and again. Your sight will return to you dazzled and exhausted!” (Qur’an, 67:3-4)

“Do you not see how He created seven heavens in layers, and placed the moon as a light in them and made the sun a blazing lamp?” (Qur’an, 71:15-16)

“No! I swear by the planets-that recede, that ride their course [and] hide themselves.” (Qur’an, 81: 15-16)

“Your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six eons and then settled Himself firmly on the Throne…” (Qur’an, 7:54). When a six-eons period of time is calculated according to the relativity of time, it equates to six trillion days. That is because universal time flows a million million times faster than time on Earth. Calculated in terms of years, 6 trillion days equates to approximately 16.427 billion years. This is within the estimated range for the age of the universe.

Black Holes: “And I swear by the stars’ positions-and that is a mighty oath if you only knew”. (Qur’an, 56:75-76), “When the stars are extinguished”, (Qur’an, 77:8), “[I swear] by Heaven and the Tariq! And what will convey to you what the Tariq is? The Star Piercing [the darkness]!” (Qur’an, 86:1-3)

The Skies with ‘Woven’ Orbits: “By heaven furnished with paths;” (Quran; 51:7)

“Allah is He Who raised up the heavens without any support – you can see that – and then established Himself firmly on the Throne. He made the Sun and Moon subservient, each running for a specified term. He directs the whole affair. He makes the Signs clear so that hopefully you will be certain about the meeting with your Lord”. (Quran; 13:2)

A Red Rose in The Sky: The Rosette Nebula: When the Heaven shall be cleft asunder, and become rose red, like stained leather. (Quran; 55:37)

The Sun Will Expire after Some Time: And the sun runs to a fixed resting place. That is the decree of the Almighty, the All-Knowing. (Quran; 36:38)

“It is We Who have created you. Why, then, do you not accept the truth? Have you ever considered that [seed] which you emit? Is it you who create it? Or are We the Creator?” (Qur’an, 56:57-59)

The complex process of pregnancy from conception till childbirth, discovered recently is accurately narrated in Qur’an;23:13-14.

It is found that the Qur’anic information on science does not conflict with the established scientific facts. It may go against certain scientific hypothesis or theories, which are not based on facts as many a times, the science retracts its position.

The scientific facts mentioned in Qur’an have been discovered during last few centuries. But science has not advanced to a level where it can confirm every statement of the Qur’an referring to scientific information. According to Dr. Zakir Naik; suppose 80% of all that is mentioned in the Qur’an has been proved 100% correct, while for the remaining 20%, science makes no categorical statement, since it has not advanced to a level where it can either prove or disprove these statements. With the limited knowledge through science available today, one cannot say for sure whether even a single percentage or a single verse of the Qur’an from this 20% portion is wrong. Thus when 80% of the Qur’an is 100% correct and the remaining 20% is not disproved, logic says that even the 20% portion is correct. [The details of scientific facts mentioned in Qur’an have been deliberated upon in the book ‘Qur’an and Science’ by Dr. Zakir Naik & “The Bible, The Qur’an and Science” by Dr. Maurice Bucaille, a French doctor]. How an unlettered person brought up among the most backward desert Arabs, away from the centers of civilization and knowledge, could accurately provide the scientific information mostly discovered recently? It is God, the Creator alone Who could provide so accurate scientific information. Consequently as the scientific information mentioned in Qur’an is true then, by inference the other metaphysical information mentioned in Qur’an (correspondingly also in Bible) like; existence of God, angels, eschatology (death, judgment, heaven, hell, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind) must also be true. Humanity has much more to learn from Qur’an if they ponder over it (Qur’an;38:29).

Allah says: “This Book (Al-Qur’an) which We have sent down to you (O Muhammad) is highly blessed, so that they may ponder upon its verses and the men of understanding may learn a lesson from it.” (Qur’an;4:82).

It is amazing; there is no doubt that Qur’an is a living miracle manifesting the existence of The One Creator, Allah.

More from Science and Quran
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) is a Turkish author as well as an Islamic creationist. He established “Science Research Foundation” in 1990 and also promotes Islam through moral, spiritual, cultural and scientific knowledge and information. A selection from his work on scientific proofs of existence of God is being presented:

The proofs of God’s existence pervade the entire Universe
“Verily in the heavens and the earth are Signs for those who believe. (Qur’an; 45:3).

“Soon shall We show them Our signs in the universe and in their own selves, until it becomes clear to them that this Qur’an is indeed the truth. Is it not enough that your Lord is a witness over everything?” (Qur’an;41:53).

Extraordinary Equilibrium and Harmony in Universe
Once we look around, we find that the universe is filled with matchless manifestations of God’s creative artistry. All the delicate balances and structures on Earth are manifest signs of our Lord’s infinite might and power. There is no doubt that one’s responsibility at this point is to be aware that God created all this flawless order in the ideal manner to support human life, to reflect on that fact and to turn to Him with a sincere heart and serve Him alone.

Every one of the vast number of planets, large and small, in the universe represents a critically important component of a huge order. Neither their location in space nor their courses are haphazard; on the contrary, they have been specially determined with countless details, whether known to us or not, and created for a specific purpose. In fact, a change in the position of the planets alone, just one of the countless factors in the order in the universe, would be sufficient to demolish all the interconnected balances and lead to total disorder. However, these balances never go wrong and the perfect order in the universe continues uninterrupted. This is the flawless creation of Omnipotent God.

Our hearts make it possible for all the blood in our bodies to flow around it 1000 times in a day. This pump continues working non-stop 24 hours a day. In order for this pump to meet the body’s needs it has to start working using its own electrical system and to produce enough energy to raise an average-size car 1 meter off the ground in a 1-hour period. It is Almighty God Who makes this extraordinary system His instrument in allowing us to live over the whole course of our lives.

Every detail in the human body is planned, with a system constructed on the most delicate balances. We can consider the delicate system in the ear, our hearing organ, as an example of this. An ear that could hear more sound would not constitute an advantage for us; on the contrary, it would be most uncomfortable. Let us think. There is no unbearable sound among all the sounds we hear. The reason for this is the perfectly functioning creation in the ear. Like all the other organs in the human being, the ear possesses just those properties that are needed. For example, the limit of perception known as the “threshold of sound” in the human ear has been arranged for a specific purpose. Imagine what would happen if our ears were more sensitive… Were it not for this system we would have to hear all kinds of uncomfortable sounds.

Allah Has Power Over Everything
Allah, the Creator of everything, is the sole possessor of all beings. It is Allah Who heaps up the heavy clouds, heats and brightens the Earth, varies the direction of the winds, holds birds suspended up in the sky, splits the seed, makes a man’s heart beat, ordains photosynthesis in plants, and keeps planets in their separate orbits.

People generally surmise that such phenomena occur according to “the laws of physics,” “gravity,” “aerodynamics,” or other physical factors; however, there is one significant truth these people ignore: all such physical laws were created by Allah, the only possessor of power in the universe.

Allah rules all the systems at any moment in the universe, regardless of whether we are aware of them, or if we are asleep, sitting, walking. Each of the myriad of processes in the universe, all essential to our existence, is under Allah’s control. Even our ability to just take a small step forward depends on Allah’s creation in countless minute details, including Earth’s force of gravity, the structure of the human skeleton, the nervous system and muscular system, the brain, the heart, and even the rotation speed of the Earth.

He Planed and Decreed
Attributing the existence of the world and of the entire universe to sheer coincidence is complete delusion. The exquisite order of the Earth and the universe completely contradicts the possibility of formation through coincidence, and is, rather, a clear sign of Allah’s infinite might.

For instance, the Earth’s orbit around the Sun deviates only 2.8 mm in every 29 km from the right path. If this deviation were 0.3 mm longer or shorter, then living beings all over the Earth would either freeze or be scorched. While it is virtually impossible for even a marble to revolve in the same orbit without any deviation, the Earth accomplishes such a course despite its gigantic mass:

“…Allah has appointed a measure for all things…” (Quran;65: 3).

In effect, the splendid order in the universe is maintained as a result of fantastic systems that depend on highly delicate equilibriums.

Some people hold the perverted belief that Allah “created everything and then left them on their own.” However, any event, taking place in any area of the universe, occurs solely by Allah’s Will, and under His control:

“Do you not know that Allah knows everything in heaven and Earth? That is in a Book. That is easy for Allah.” (Quran;22: 70)

It is very important to grasp this fact for someone who strives to come near to Allah. The prayer of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, quoted below is a very good example of this:

“O Allah: All the Praises are for You: You are the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth. All the Praises are for You; You are the Maintainer of the Heaven and the Earth and whatever is in them. All the Praises are for You; You are the Light of the Heavens and the Earth. Your Word is the Truth, and Your Promise is the Truth, and the Meeting with You is the Truth, and Paradise is the Truth, and the (Hell) Fire is the Truth, and the Hour is the Truth. O Allah! I surrender myself to You, and I believe in You and I depend upon You, and I repent to You and with You (Your evidences) I stand against my opponents, and to you I leave the judgment (for those who refuse my message). O Allah! Forgive me my sins that I did in the past or will do in the future, and also the sins I did in secret or in public. You are my only God (Whom I worship) and there is no other God for me (i.e. I worship none but You).” (Al-Bukhari)

The Design in the Cell
There are about 100 trillion cells in the human body. Some of these cells are so tiny that even 1 million of them together hardly cover a space as large as the pointed end of a pin. Despite this, however, the cell is by far the most complex structure mankind has ever encountered, as is also agreed by the scientific community.

“And if ye would count the favour of Allah ye cannot reckon it. Lo! Allah is indeed Forgiving, Merciful.” (Quran 16:18)

Containing many secrets hitherto undiscovered, the cell of a living thing also constitutes the greatest impasse for the theory of evolution. That is because the cell is one of the most striking pieces of evidence that human beings and all other living beings are not the products of coincidences, but are created by a Creator.

In order for the cell to survive, all the basic components of the cell, each performing many vital functions, have to be intact. If the cell came into existence by evolution, then millions of its components had to simultaneously exist in the same place and they had to come together in a particular order and plan. Since this is utterly implausible such a structure has no explanation other than “creation.”

The English mathematician and astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle made a comparison in one of his interviews published in Nature magazine dated November 12, 1981. Although an evolutionist himself, Hoyle said that the odds that higher life forms might have emerged in this way was comparable to the odds of a tornado sweeping through a junkyard assembling a Boeing 747 from the materials in it. This means that it is not possible for the cell to come into being by coincidence and therefore, it must definitely have been “created”.

To gain some understanding of the awe-inspiring structure of the cell, it will be enough to examine just the structure and functions of the membrane enveloping these cellular organelles.

The cell membrane is an ambient cover for the cell, yet its duty is not limited to it. This membrane both regulates communications and relations with neighboring cells and deftly coordinates and supervises the entries and exits to the cell.

The cell membrane is so thin, at just one hundred thousandth of a millimeter, that one can detect it only under an electron microscope. The membrane resembles a double-sided endless wall. On this wall, there are doors making entry to and exit from the cell possible and receptors allowing the membrane to recognize the extracellular environment. These doors and receptors are made of protein molecules. They are located on the cell wall and meticulously check all the entries and exits to the cell.

What are the accomplishments of this thin structure made up of unconscious molecules such as fat and protein? That is, which features of the membrane lead us to call it “conscious” and “wise”?

The primary duty of the cell membrane is to enclose the cellular organelles so as to keep them intact. However, it has a far more complex function than this. It supplies the substances vital for the continuity of the cell and its functions from the extracellular environment. Outside the cell, there are countless chemical substances. The cell membrane recognizes the substances essential for the cell and only lets them in. It acts very economically and never allows in more than what the cell needs. Meanwhile, it detects harmful wastes in the cell right away and, without losing any time, discharges them from the cell.

Another function of the cell membrane is to instantly transmit the messages, which are received from the brain or any other part of the body via hormones, to the center of the cell. To perform these functions, it has to know all the activities and developments taking place in the cell, keep a list of required or excess substances, keep stocks under control and act under the guidance of a superior memory and decision-making skills.

The cell membrane is so selective that without its authorization, not even a single substance in the extracellular environment can pass through the cell doors, even by chance. There is not even a single unnecessary, purposeless molecule in the cell. Exits from the cell are also strictly checked. The duty of the cell membrane is vital and it does not permit even minor errors. The entry of a wrong or harmful chemical substance into the cell, the supply or discharge of a substance in excess amounts or failure to discharge waste products on time, or as required, mean the death of the cell.

If the first living cell had come into existence by coincidence as evolutionists claim, and if just one of these properties of the membrane had not been fully formed, then the cell would certainly have disappeared in a very short time. Which “coincidence”, then, formed such a “wise” mass of fat?… Let’s ask another question, which by itself refutes the theory of evolution straight away; does the “wisdom” displayed in the aforementioned functions belong to the cell membrane?

Keep in mind that these functions are not carried out by a human being or a machine such as a computer or robot under man’s control, but are merely in a cover enclosing the cell, which is made up of fat mixed here and there with various proteins. We also need to consider that the cell membrane, which can handle so many complex tasks flawlessly, has no brain or center of thinking.

It is obvious that such wise patterns of behavior and a conscious decision-making mechanism could not have been caused by the cell membrane itself, which is a layer made up of fat and protein molecules. This also holds true for all other cellular organelles. These organelles do not even have a nervous system, let alone a brain to think and make decisions with. Despite this, however, they accomplish incredibly complex tasks, make precise calculations and take vital decisions. That is because each one of them obeys the orders of God, Who created them flawlessly and sustains them. In the Qur’an, the fact that everything acts in compliance with the command of God is stated:

“It is God Who has created seven heavens, and earth as many. His commandment descends through them, so that you may learn that God has power over all things and that God encompasses all things with His knowledge.”(Qur’an, 65:12)

The Human Body
Elaborate processes taking place in the bodies of living things are impressive examples that help us to grasp Allah’s might. For instance, at every moment, your kidneys filter your blood and extricate those harmful molecules to be excreted from the body.

This screening and elimination process, which can be carried out by a single kidney cell, can only be accomplished by a giant haemodialyser (artificial kidney). A haemodialyser was consciously designed by scientists. A kidney, however, does not sense, or have a decision-making centre, nor the faculty of thought. In other words, an unconscious kidney cell can accomplish tasks that otherwise demand an elaborate thinking process.

It is possible to encounter millions of such examples in living beings. Molecules, composed of unconscious matter, perform tasks so remarkable they would otherwise suggest consciousness. The consciousness apparent in these cases though is, of course, of Allah’s infinite wisdom and knowledge. It is Allah Who created the kidney cells, as well as the molecules discussed, and Who orders them to accomplish their respective tasks. In the Qur’an, Allah informs us that He constantly sends down “commands” to the beings He created:

“It is Allah Who created the seven heavens and of the Earth the same number, the Command descending down through all of them, so that you might know that Allah has power over all things and that Allah encompasses all things in His knowledge.” (Qur’an;65: 12)

Clearly, Allah, Who created everything in the universe, is surely able to bring the dead to life:

“Do they not see that Allah-He Who created the heavens and the Earth and was not wearied by creating them-has the power to bring the dead to life? Yes indeed! He has power over all things.” (Quran;46: 33)

Coordination in Human body
In the human body, all the systems simultaneously work in a coordinated way and in full harmony for a definite purpose, namely, to keep the body alive. Even the smallest movements we do everyday, such as breathing or smiling, are outcomes of perfect co-ordination in the human body.

Inside human body is an incredibly complicated and comprehensively coordinated network that operates without stopping at all. The purpose is the continuance of living. This coordination is particularly visible in the locomotive system of the body, because, for even the smallest movement, skeletal system, muscles and nervous system must work in perfect collaboration.

In order to perform a coordinated act, first, the organs involved in this act and their inter-relations should be known. This information comes from the eyes, the balance mechanism in the internal ear, muscles, joints and skin. Every second, billions of pieces of information are processed, evaluated and new decisions are taken accordingly. Man is not even aware of the processes accomplished in his body at dizzying speed. He just moves, laughs, cries, runs, eats and thinks. He spends no effort in performing these acts. Even for a faint smile, seventeen muscles have to work together at the same time. In order to be able to walk, fifty-four different muscles in the feet, legs, hips and back must work in co-operation.

The perfection of the co-ordination of the body will be better understood with the following example. In order just to lift the hand, the shoulder has to be bent, the front and rear arm muscles – called “triceps” and “biceps” should be contracted and relaxed, and the muscles between elbow and wrist have to twist the wrist. In every part of the act, millions of receptors in the muscles pass on information immediately to the central nervous system about the position of the muscles. In return, the central nervous system tells the muscles what to do in the next step. Of course one is not aware of any of these processes, but just wishes to lift one’s hand, and does it right away.

What happens in case of a problem in this co-ordination? Different expressions might appear on our faces when we want to smile, or we might not manage to talk or walk when we want to. However, we can smile, talk, walk anytime we want and no problems occur, because everything mentioned here is accomplished as a result of the fact of Creation which logically requires “ infinite intelligence and power “.

For this reason, man should always remember that he owes his being and life to his Creator, God. There is nothing for man to be arrogant or boastful about. His health, beauty or strength is not his own work, and it is not given to him eternally. He certainly will become old and lose his health and beauty. In the Qur’an, this is stated as:

Anything you have been given is only the enjoyment of the life of this world and its finery. What is with God is better and longer lasting. So will you not use your intellect?” (Surat al-Qasas: 60)

Heart: The pump of life
Allah has created us and bestowed upon us with infinite number of favours. If man looks in his own body he will realize the extent of kindness of God. He will find his organs working 24 hours per a day, 7days per a weak without tiredness to keep his life. Allah says in Quran

“If ye would count up the favours of Allah, never would ye be able to number them: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Quran 16:18)

“Verily, We created man in the best stature (mould)” (Quran 95:4)

Journey to the heart
The heart is one of the most important organs in the entire human body. It really works as a pump, composed of muscle which pumps blood throughout the body, beating approximately 72 times per minute of our lives. The heart pumps the blood, which carries all the vital materials which help our bodies function and removes the waste products that we do not need. For example, the brain requires oxygen and glucose, which, if not received continuously, will cause it to lose consciousness. Muscles need oxygen, glucose and amino acids, as well as the proper ratio of sodium, calcium and potassium salts in order to contract normally. The glands need sufficient supplies of raw materials from which to manufacture the specific secretions. If the heart ever ceases to pump blood the body begins to shut down and after a very short period of time will die.

The heart is essentially a muscle (a little larger than the fist). Like any other muscle in the human body, it contracts and expands. Unlike skeletal muscles, however, the heart works on the “All -or-Nothing Law”. That is, each time the heart contracts it does so with all its force. In skeletal muscles, the principle of “gradation” is present. The pumping of the heart is called the Cardiac Cycle, which occurs about 72 times per minute. This means that each cycle lasts about eight-tenths of a second. During this cycle the entire heart actually rests for about four-tenths of a second.

Construction of Heart
The heart is made up of four different blood-filled areas, and each of these areas is called a chamber. There are two chambers on each side of the heart. One chamber is on the top and one chamber is on the bottom. The two chambers on top are called the atria (say: ay-tree-uh). If you’re talking only about one, call it an atrium. The atria are the chambers that fill with the blood returning to the heart from the body and lungs. The heart has a left atrium and a right atrium.

The two chambers on the bottom are called the ventricles (say: ven-trih-kulz). The heart has a left ventricle and a right ventricle. Their job is to squirt out the blood to the body and lungs. Running down the middle of the heart is a thick wall of muscle called the septum (say: sep-tum). The septum’s job is to separate the left side and the right side of the heart.

Heart structure
The atria and ventricles work as a team — the atria fill with blood, then dump it into the ventricles. The ventricles then squeeze, pumping blood out of the heart. While the ventricles are squeezing, the atria refill and get ready for the next contraction. So when the blood gets pumped, how does it know which way to go? Well, your blood relies on four special valves inside the heart. A valve lets something in and keeps it there by closing think of walking through a door. The door shuts behind you and keeps you from going backward.

Two of the heart valves are the mitral (say: my-trul) valve and the tricuspid (say: try-kus-pid) valve. They let blood flow from the atria to the ventricles. The other two are called the aortic (say: ay-or-tik) valve and pulmonary (say: pul-muh-ner-ee) valve, and they’re in charge of controlling the flow as the blood leaves the heart. These valves all work to keep the blood flowing forward. They open up to let the blood move ahead, then they close quickly to keep the blood from flowing backward.

It’s Great to Circulate
You probably guessed that the blood just doesn’t slosh around your body once it leaves the heart. It moves through many tubes called arteries and veins, which together are called blood vessels. These blood vessels are attached to the heart. The blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are called arteries. The ones that carry blood back to the heart are called veins.

The movement of the blood through the heart and around the body is called circulation (say: sur-kyoo-lay-shun), and your heart is really good at it — it takes less than 60 seconds to pump blood to every cell in your body.

Your body needs this steady supply of blood to keep it working right. Blood delivers oxygen to all the body’s cells. To stay alive, a person needs healthy, living cells. Without oxygen, these cells would die. If that oxygen-rich blood doesn’t circulate as it should, a person could die.

The left side of human heart sends that oxygen-rich blood out to the body. The body takes the oxygen out of the blood and uses it in your body’s cells. When the cells use the oxygen, they make carbon dioxide and other stuff that gets carried away by the blood. It’s like the blood delivers lunch to the cells and then has to pick up the trash!

The returning blood enters the right side of the heart. The right ventricle pumps the blood to the lungs for a little freshening up. In the lungs, carbon dioxide is removed from the blood and sent out of the body when we exhale. What’s next? An inhale, of course and a fresh breath of oxygen that can enter the blood to start the process again. And remember, it all happens in about a minute!

For every beat of your heart you should thank your God on this great favour and submit your will to him.

Allah has created us and bestowed upon us infinite number of favours. If man looks in his own body he will realize the extent of the kindness of God. He will find his organs working 24 hours per a day, 7days per a weak without tiredness to keep his life. Allah says in Quran:

“If ye would count up the favours of Allah, never would ye be able to number them: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Quran 16:18)

“Verily, We created man in the best stature (mould)” (Quran 95:4)

The Delicate Balance In The Universe
God has created this world with astonishing balance in all of its components. This delicate balance prepared the universe to fit the life of the mankind, and this reality implies that man came to this earth to do a mission which is worshipping the creator of this magnificent universe. Chem. Gamal Abdel-Nasser reviews that: ‘How each detail in this universe could affect our existence if it was not at the delicate balance, it exists now.’

Allah says in the holy Quran:
“Behold! in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of Night and Day, there are indeed Signs for men of understanding * Men who celebrate the praises of Allah standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and contemplate the (wonders of) creation in the heavens and the earth, (with the thought): “Our Lord! not for naught hast Thou created (all) this! Glory to Thee! Give us salvation from the penalty of the Fire” (Quran 3:190-191)

The Basic Forces
The basic forces of matter and the universe are astounding. They could not have come into existence by accident. There are several basic forces in nature which would destroy the universe—or not let it form—were it not for the delicate balance within each of them.

Gravity is the weakest force in the universe, yet it is in perfect balance. If gravity were any stronger, the smaller stars could not form; and, if it were any smaller, the bigger stars could not form and no heavy elements could exist. Only “red dwarf” stars would exist, and these would radiate too feebly to support life on a planet.

All masses are found to attract one another with a force that varies inversely as the square of the separation distance between the masses. That, in brief, is the law of gravity. But where did that “2” [square] come from? Why is the equation exactly “separation distance squared”? Why is it not 1.87, 1.92, 2.001, or 3.378; why is it exactly 2? Every test reveals the force of gravity to be keyed precisely to that 2. Any value other than 2 would lead to an eventual decay of orbits,—and the entire universe would destroy itself!

Another example would be the inverse-square law, which is often mentioned in connection with the redshift and the visibility of quasars. According to this law, light diminishes exactly according to the square of its distance from the observer, not 1.8, .97, or some other fraction, but exactly 2.

Nuclear force
It is the nuclear force that holds the atoms together. There is a critical level to the nuclear force also. If it were larger, there would be no hydrogen, but only helium and the heavy elements. If it were smaller, there would be only hydrogen, and no heavy elements. Without hydrogen and without heavy elements there could be no life. In addition, without hydrogen, there could be no stable stars. If the nuclear force were only one part in a hundred stronger or weaker than it now is, carbon could not exist—and carbon is the basic element in every living thing. A 2 percent increase in the nuclear force would eliminate protons.

Electromagnetic force
Another crucial factor is the electromagnetic force. If it were just a very small amount smaller or larger, no chemical bonds could form. A reduction in strength by a factor of only 1.6 would result in the rapid decay of protons into leptons. A three-fold increase in the charge of the electron would render it impossible for any elements to exist, other than hydrogen. A three-fold decrease would bring the destruction of all neutral atoms by even the lowest heat—that found in outer space.

If there is any change in the delicate value of electromagnetic force, any type of matter will not exist. It is of interest that, in spite of the delicate internal ratio balance within each of the four forces (gravitation, electromagnetism, and the weak and strong forces), those four forces have strengths which differ so greatly from one another that the strongest is ten thousand billion billion billion billion times more powerful than the weakest of them.

It should also be noted that evolutionists cannot claim that these delicate balances occurred as a result of “natural selection” or “mutations”! We are here dealing with the basic properties of matter. The proton-to-neutron mass ratio is what it has always been—what it was since the Beginning! It has not changed, it never will change. It began just right, there was no second chance! The same with all the other factors and balances to be found in elemental matter and the physical principles governing it.

Proton to neutron ratio
A proton is a subatomic particle found in the nucleus of all atoms. It has a positive electric charge that is equal to the negative charge of the electron. A neutron is a subatomic particle that has no electric charge. The mass of the neutron must exceed that of the proton in order for the stable elements to exist. But the neutron can only exceed the mass of the proton by an extremely small amount—an amount which is exactly twice the mass of the electron. That critical point of balance is only one part in a thousand. If the ratio of the mass of the proton to neutron were to vary outside of that limit—chaos would result.

The proton’s mass is exactly what it should be in order to provide stability for the entire universe. If it were any less or more, atoms would fly apart or crush together, and everything they are in—which is everything! would be destroyed. If the mass of the proton were only slightly larger, the added weight would cause it to quickly become unstable and decay into a neutron, positron, and neutrino. Since hydrogen atoms have only one proton, its dissolution would destroy all hydrogen, and hydrogen is the dominant element in the universe. A master Designer planned that the proton’s mass would be slightly smaller than that of the neutron. Without that delicate balance the universe would collapse.

Photon to Baryon ratio
A photon is the basic quantum, or unit, of light or other electromagnetic radiant energy, when considered as a discrete particle. The baryon is any subatomic particle whose weight is equal to or greater than that of a proton. This photon-to-baryon ratio is crucial. If it were much higher than it is, stars and galaxies could not hold together through gravitational attraction.

The Anthropic Principle In The Universe
Many other relations, distances, and factors are crucial to life as we know it. Scientists recognize that there is a strong quality running through nature all about us, that enables life to exist on our planet. This is called the “anthropic principle.” It appears that water, atmosphere, chemicals—were all perfectly designed for living things to exist, and, in special sense, for mankind to exist.

This is quite obvious to any thinking individual who is willing, without prejudice, to consider the things of nature in our world and outside of it.

There are many other examples that could be cited in nature which require the most delicate of balancings in order for the stars, planets, life, and mankind to exist.

The Universe must have those properties which allow life to develop within it at some stage in its history.

The distance of the moon from the earth
If it were much closer, it would crash into our planet, if much farther away, it would move off into space. If it were much closer, the tides that the moon causes on the earth would become dangerously larger. Ocean waves would sweep across low-lying sections of the continents. Resultant friction would heat the oceans, destroying the delicate thermal balance needed for life on earth.

A more distant moon would reduce tidal action, making the oceans more sluggish. Stagnant water would endanger marine life, yet it is that very marine life that produces the oxygen that we breath. (We receive more of our oxygen from ocean plants than from land plants.) Why is the moon so exactly positioned in the sky overhead? Who placed it there? It surely did not rush by like a speeding train, then decide to pause, and carefully enter that balanced orbit.

if the delicate balance in this vast universe is violated it will not exist as it is. This obligates us to thank our God who bestows upon us with this delicate balance so that we can live in this universe.

Allah says in Quran “Lo! We have created everything by measure” (Quran 54:49)

Delicate Balance and Human Existence
God has created this world with astonishing balance in all of its components. This delicate balance prepared the universe to fit the life of the mankind, and this reality implies that man came to this earth to do a mission which is worshipping the creator of this magnificent universe. So let’s review how each detail in this universe could affect our existence if it was not at the delicate balance, it exists now.

Allah says in the holy Quran:
“Behold! in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of Night and Day,― there are indeed Signs for men of understanding * Men who celebrate the praises of Allah standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and contemplate the (wonders of) creation in the heavens and the earth, (with the thought): “Our Lord! not for naught hast Thou created (all) this! Glory to Thee! Give us salvation from the penalty of the Fire” (Quran 3:190-191)

The Delicate Balance on Earth
The earth is a living planet where many complex systems run perfectly without stopping at all. When compared to other planets, it is evident that in all its aspects the earth is specially designed for human life. Built on delicate balances, life prevails in every spot of this planet, from the atmosphere to the depths of the earth.

Exploring only a few of the millions of these delicate balances would be sufficient to show that the world we live in is specially designed for us.

One of the most important balances in our planet is revealed in the atmosphere that surrounds us. The atmosphere of the earth holds the most appropriate gasses in the most appropriate ratio needed for the survival not only of human beings, but also of all the living beings on the earth.

The 77% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 1% carbon dioxide as well as other gasses readily available in the atmosphere represent the ideal figures necessary for the survival of living beings. Oxygen, a gas that is vital for living beings, helps food to be burned and converted into energy in our bodies.

If the oxygen quantity in the atmosphere were greater than 21%, the cells in our body would soon start to suffer great damages. The vegetation and hydrocarbon molecules needed for life would also be destroyed. If this quantity were less, then this would cause difficulties in our respiration, and the food we eat would not be converted into energy. Therefore, the 21% oxygen in the atmosphere is the most ideal quantity determined for life.

Earth, A Living Planet
No less than oxygen, other gasses like nitrogen and carbon dioxide are also arranged in the ideal quantity for the needs of living beings and the continuity of life. The amount of nitrogen in the atmosphere has the ideal ratio to balance the harmful and burning effects of oxygen. This ratio represents the most appropriate value required for photosynthesis, which is essential for life’s energy supply on the earth. Moreover, the amount of carbon dioxide has the most appropriate value that is needed to maintain the stability of the surface temperature of the earth and to prevent heat loss especially at night time. This gas, comprising 1% of the atmosphere, covers the earth like a quilt and prevents the loss of heat to space. If this amount were greater, the temperature of the earth would increase excessively, causing climatic instability and posing a serious threat against living beings.

These proportions remain constant thanks to a perfect system. The vegetation covering the earth converts carbon dioxide to oxygen, producing 190 billion tons of oxygen every day. The proportion of other gasses is always kept constant on the earth by the help of interconnected complex systems. Life is thus sustained.

In addition to the establishment of the ideal gas mixture required for life on the earth, the mechanisms needed to preserve and maintain this order are created alongside with it. Any break in the balance, though instantaneous, or any change in the ratios even for a very short time period, would mean the total destruction of life. Yet, this does not happen. The formation of these gasses in the atmosphere just in the amount people need, and the constant preservation of these ratios indicate a planned creation.

At the same time, the earth has the ideal size in terms of magnitude to possess an atmosphere. If the mass of the earth were a little less, then its gravitational force would be insufficient and the atmosphere would be dispersed in space. If its mass were a little greater, then the gravitational force would be too much and the earth would absorb all gasses in the atmosphere. There are an incredibly high number of conditions required for the formation of an atmosphere such as the one our world currently has and all of these conditions should exist altogether to be able to talk of life.

The creation of these delicate proportions and balances in the sky is mentioned in the 7th verse of Surat ar-Rahman:

“He erected heaven and established the balance.” (Qur’an, 55:7)

The majority of people spend their lives without being aware of the delicate balances and subtle adjustments in the gas composition of the atmosphere, the distance of the world to the sun or the movements of planets. They are ignorant of the great significance of these balances and adjustments to their own lives. However, even a minor deviation in any one of these arrangements would create very severe problems regarding the existence and survival of humankind.

There are many other balances established on earth for the continuity of life:

For instance, if the surface gravity were stronger than its current value, the atmosphere would retain too much ammonia and methane gasses, which would mean the end of life. If it were weaker, the planet’s atmosphere would lose too much water, and life on earth would be impossible.

The thickness of the earth’s crust constitutes another one of the delicate balances in the earth. If the earth’s crust were thicker, too much oxygen would be transferred from the atmosphere to the crust and this would have severe effects on human life.

If the opposite were true, that is, if the earth’s crust were thinner, volcanic and tectonic activity would be too great to permit life on earth.

Another crucial balance for human life is the ozone level in the atmosphere. If it were greater than its current value, the surface temperatures would be too low. If it were less, surface temperatures would be too high, and there would be too much ultraviolet radiation at the surface.

In fact, the absence of even a single of these balances would set the end to life on earth. However, Allah has created the universe with infinite wisdom and power and designed the earth especially for human life. Despite this fact, the majority of people lead their lives in total ignorance of these events. In the Qur’an, Allah reminds people of His blessings in the 13th verse of Surat al-Fatir:

“(Allah) makes night merge into day and day merge into night, and He has made the sun and moon subservient, each one running until a specified time. That is Allah, your Lord. The Kingdom is His. Those you call on besides Him have no power over even the smallest speck.” (Qur’an, 35:13)

It is sufficient to look at the millions of dead planets in space to understand that the delicate balances required for life on earth is not a result of random coincidences. The conditions essential for life are too complicated to have been formed ‘on their own’ and at random, and these conditions are specially created for life alone.

These balances we have briefly described so far are only a few of the millions of intricate, interrelated balances and orders established so that people can live in peace and safety on the earth.

Examining only a part of the balances and harmony on the earth is enough to comprehend the superior being of Allah and grasp the existence of a planned creation in every detail of the universe. It is no doubt impossible for a person or any other living being to build such an enormous balance and order. Nor are the components of this order such as atoms, elements, molecules, and gasses capable of establishing an order based on such intricate and extremely delicate calculations and measurements, and such fine tunings. This is because activities like planning, ordering, arranging, calculating, and proportioning can only be realized by beings that possess wisdom, knowledge and power.

The Exalted Being Who orders, plans and balances the entire universe to be fit for life of human beings on a planet like earth and Who sustains it with dramatically delicate measures and balances is Allah, Who has Infinite Wisdom, Knowledge and Power.

In the Qur’an, it is stated that those people who are able to realize these facts are only ‘people with intelligence’:

In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are Signs for people with intelligence: those who remember Allah, standing, sitting and lying on their sides, and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth: “Our Lord, You have not created this for nothing. Glory be to You! So safeguard us from the punishment of the Fire.” (Qur’an, 3:190-191)

Allah is Known Through Reason
Take a look around you from where you sit. You will notice that everything in the room is made: the walls, the upholstery, the ceiling, the chair where you sit, the book you hold in your hand, the glass on the table and countless other details. None of them happen to exist in your room of their own accord. Even the simple loops of the carpet were made by someone: they did not appear spontaneously or by chance.

A person who is about to read a book knows that it has been written by an author for a specific reason. It would not even occur to him that this book might have come into being by chance. In the same manner, a person who sees a sculpture has no doubt whatsoever that it was made by a sculptor. And not just works of art: even a few bricks resting on top of one another make one think that they must have been brought to rest just so by someone within a certain plan. Therefore, everywhere where there is an order either small or big a founder and protector of this order must also exist. If, one day, somebody came forward and said that raw iron and coal came together to form steel by chance, which in turn constructed the Eiffel Tower again by chance, would not he and those who believed him be regarded as insane?

The claim of the theory of evolution, the unique method of denying the existence of Allah (by some, while others evolutionists consider that it is not linked with existence or non existence of God), is no different than this. According to the theory, inorganic molecules formed amino acids by chance, amino acids formed proteins by chance, and finally proteins formed living creatures again by chance. However, the probability of a living creature being formed by coincidence is less than the probability of the Eiffel Tower being formed in the same manner, because even the simplest human cell is more sophisticated than any man-made structure in the world.

How is it possible to think that the balance in the world came about by coincidence when the extraordinary harmony of nature is observable even with the naked eye? It is the most unreasonable claim to say that the universe, each point of which suggests the existence of its Creator, has come into being on its own.

Therefore, there should be an owner of the balance visible everywhere from our body to the farthest corners of the inconceivably vast universe. So, who is this Creator that ordained everything so subtly and created all?

He cannot be any material being present within the universe, because His must be a will that existed before the universe and created the universe thereupon. The Almighty Creator is One Whom everything finds existence, yet Whose existence is without any beginning or end.

Religion teaches us the identity of our Creator Whose existence we discover with our reason. Through what He has revealed to us as religion, we know that He is Allah, the Compassionate and the Merciful, Who created the heavens and the earth from nothing.

Although most people have the capability to grasp this fact, they spend their lives unaware of it. When they look at a landscape painting, they wonder who its painter is. Later, they praise the artist at length for his beautiful work of art. Despite the fact that they face numerous originals of that painting the moment they turn around, they still disregard the existence of Allah, Who is the only owner of all these beauties. In truth, not even a lengthy research is needed to understand the existence of Allah. Even if one had to live in a room from the time he was born, countless pieces of evidence in this room alone would be enough for him to grasp the existence of Allah.

The human body so overflows with evidence that it could not be contained in even multi volume encyclopedias. Even giving a few minutes of conscientious thought to it all is enough to understand the existence of Allah. The present order is protected by Allah and maintained by Him.

The world is filled with many living beings, from unicellular organisms to plants, from insects to sea animals, and from birds to human beings. The human body is not the only food for thought. Life abides in every square millimetre of the earth, be it observable by men or not. If you take a handful of soil and look at it, even therein you can discover manifold living creatures with diverse characteristics. The same is true also for the air you breathe. Even on your skin, there are many living creatures whose names are unknown to you. In the intestines of all living beings are millions of bacteria or unicellular organisms that help digestion. The animal population in the world is many times greater than the human population. When we also consider the plant world, we see that there is not a single spot on the earth where there is no life. All of these creatures that are spread over an area of millions of square kilometres have different body systems, different lives and different contributions to the ecological balance. It is preposterous to claim that all these have come into existence by chance with no aim or purpose. No living being has come to exist through its own accord or effort. No coincidental happening can ever result in such complicated systems.

All of this evidence leads us to the conclusion that the universe works with a certain consciousness. What, then, is the source of this consciousness? Surely it is neither the living nor the non-living beings in it. Nor can they be the ones that maintain the harmony and preserve the order. The existence and glory of Allah reveals itself in countless proofs in the universe. In fact, there is not even a single man on the earth who will not accept this evident reality from the heart. Yet they still deny it in iniquity and arrogance though their souls are convinced thereof as stated in the Qur’an.

And they denied them, though their souls acknowledged them, for spite and arrogance. Then see the nature of the consequence for the wrong-doers!). (Surah an-Naml, 14)

Those who read will once more see the indisputable evidence of Allah’s existence and witness that Allah’s existence encompasses all things: the reason knows this. Just as He has created this all-pervading order, He is the One Who also maintains it incessantly.

Science is beginning to see the entire universe as a holographically interlinked network of energy and information. “Science is not the enemy of humanity but one of the deepest expressions of the human desire to realize that vision of infinite knowledge,” “Our capacity for fulfillment can come only through faith and feelings. But our capacity for survival must come from reason and knowledge.” Science, he warned, is not “as resilient as commerce, religion, or politics. It needs careful nurturing.” If humankind ultimately abandons science, it would be “an error that might cost us our existence.” [Pagels].

To the inquisitive mind, the subject of “Scientific Proof of the Existence of God” has gain popularity. The modern scholars have tried to address this issue. Moulana Wahiduddin Khan is one of such Muslim scholars, according to him:

The human knowledge has two different phases—the pre-Einstein period and the post-Einstein period. In the pre-Einstein period, knowledge was confined to the macro or material world, which was observable and measurable. So, it was generally held that everything, which has a real existence, should also be observable. Anything, which could not be observed, had no real existence. This meant that only the seen world was real and what was unseen was unreal or some kind of fiction. This concept created the theory that is generally called logical positivism. It means that the only valid logical argument is one that is demonstrable in material terms; otherwise it is simply a baseless claim, and not a valid argument. But, in the post-Einstein period, in the early years of the 20th century, when the atom was split, the whole situation changed. After the splitting of the atom, matter as a solid substance, disappeared. It was replaced by the micro-world, beyond the atomic world, where everything was reduced to unseen waves – neither measurable nor observable. After this revolution in knowledge, logical or rational argument also changed drastically. This changing situation compelled the philosophers and the scientists to revise logical criteria. It has now become an accepted fact that inferential argument is as valid as direct argument.
Present-day science includes so many things, such as electrons, the law of gravity, X-rays, etc., all of which are non-material in nature. They cannot be observed, but every scientist believes in their existence, for the simple reason that, although we cannot see these things directly, we can see their effect. For example, a falling apple, in the case of gravity, and a photo film, in the case of X-rays. We believe in the existence of all these things, not by observation but by their result, in other words, by way of indirect knowledge or inferential argument. This change in human knowledge also changed the theory of logic. Now it is well established in science that inferential argument is as valid as direct argument. In the pre-Einstein era, unbelievers held that the concept of God pertains to the unseen world. And since no direct argument was available to bear this out, belief in God was held to be illogical and all the relevant indirect arguments were considered scientifically invalid, since they were inferential in nature. But now the whole situation has changed. Nothing is observable. So the existence of anything can be established only by means of inferential argument, rather than by direct argument. If inferential argument is valid with regard to the unseen micro-world, it is also valid with regard to the existence of God. Bertrand Russell, although an atheist, in his book, “Why I am not a Christian”, has admitted this fact. He says that the argument centering on design propounded by theologians to prove the existence of God is scientifically valid. Since ancient days theologians have argued that when there is a design there must also be a designer. As we see that our world is well designed it compels us to believe that there is a designer – that is God.

As Einstein said, “Raffiniert ist der Herrgott, aber boshaft ist er nicht!“ or “The Lord is subtle, but he is not malicious!” And as the mystic Maulana Rumi wrote around 800 years ago, “If you could get rid of yourself just once, the secret of secrets would open to you. The face of the unknown, hidden beyond the universe would appear on the mirror of your perception!”.

Man is invited to explore, the knowledge of science will lead him to God, Allah says in Quran: “Soon shall We show them Our signs in the universe and in their own selves, until it becomes clear to them that this Qur’an is indeed the truth. Is it not enough that your Lord is a witness over everything?” (Qur’an;41:53); “We did not create heaven and earth and everything between them to no purpose. That is the opinion of those who disbelieve…” (Qur’an; 38: 27), “Verily in the heavens and the earth are Signs for those who believe. (Qur’an; 45:3).

Science Leads to God-1:
Science Leads to God-2:

Aftab Khan
Brigadier Aftab Ahmad Khan (R) Is a freelance writer, researcher, and blogger. He holds Masters in Political Science, Business Admin, and Strategic Studies. He has spent over two decades in exploration of The Holy Quran, other Scriptures, teachings & followers. He has been writing for “The Defence Journal” since 2006. He has authored over over 50 ebooks. His work is available at , accessed by over 4.5 Millions. Presently he working on “Islamic Revival” [Tejdeed al-Islam]. He can be reached at
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