The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has made great strides against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). It has already initiated legal, political, economic and strategic measures to marginalize the ISIS in the region and around the globe. Its “Anti-Terrorism Strategy” has been rated the best to fight against looming threat of terrorism.
Saudi Arabia’s “Anti-Terror Law” has further strengthened its resolve against ISIS and it’s diversified but integrated measures in the fields of banking and finance have diminished the chances/incidents of “money laundering”. Its overall administrative and economic policies have reduced the chances of “terror financing” in the country. Its recently concluded mega military exercise named “Western Thunder” has been termed as the best war tactics in the region to fight against any internal as well as external security threat.
Most recently, in the concluded meeting of Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) in Istanbul Turkey once again endorsed the Saudi Arabia’s meaningful policies, programs and laws to fight against the ISIS that has become the looming security risk/threat to the entire region and the world alike. OIC also warned Iran for its expansionist gestures and conspiratorial moves/motives to destabilize the GCC and MENA especially in Bahrain, Yemen, Jordan, Somalia, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya and the last but not the least, Syria.
On the philosophical front, Saudi Arabia was the first Islamic country to initiate “Dialogue between Civilizations” in order to reduce misconceptions and misperceptions about Islam and Muslims. It was the first Islamic country which donated more than $100 million to establish an anti-counter terrorism center.
The Head of Human Rights Commission (EU) blasted Iran for its continued infiltration, conspiratorial and proxy war in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), especially Bahrain, Lebanon, Libya, Kuwait and Yemen. He also blamed Iran as the off-spring of ISIS in Iraq because of its massive involvement in the government of Noor AL-Maliki. Iran dictated Noor’s government and his anti-Sunni policies which resulted in mushroom growth of ISIS. Moreover, it has already been revealed in many international journals, magazines and media that Iran and Syria support and nurture ISIS to cleansing Sunni in the region. So far Iran did not take any appropriate military action against the onslaught of the ISIS in Iraq which confirms its secretive understanding and like-mindedness with them.
On the part of Saudi Arabia, its strategic formation/coalition of 34-Islamic States has already proved it is another bold step to cope with the widespread menace of ISIS in the region. Its military alliance with Turkey to start “strategic strikes” against ISIS in Syria shows its strong political commitment to fight against ISIS. Its ongoing battel in Yemen was started to restore the legitimate government of the disposed President. Many international intelligence reports and international mass media have indicated “heavy Iranian” involvement in the domestic affairs of Yemen due to which humanity is now at risk and weaker factions of the society are in miserable condition.
Most recently, Saudi Arabia also announced to send its troops on the soil of Syria in order to speed-up fight against ISIS. All these diversified but integrated efforts and policies are a clear indicator of its resolve against the ISIS.
In order to curb terrorism within its borders, domestically Saudi Arabia promulgated a new counterterrorism law titled the “Penal law for Terrorism crimes and financing of Terrorism” which was ratified by the then custodian of the Two Holy Mosques late King Abdullah Abdul Aziz Al Saud after being approved by the cabinet, following the initial proposal by the Interior Ministry and advisory Shura council. This was a major step against terrorism and it marked the beginning of a new phase in the Kingdom’s counterterrorism strategy. The law and decree were meant to curb jihadi operations on Saudi soil as well as counter non-jihadi dissidence, its legal measures showed strong political will and determination to fight against terrorism.
The new law provided the necessary tools to control Saudis wishing to join civil wars and stem the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah and ISIS within the country. Moreover, Saudi preachers had also been put on notice to prevent and discourage young men from going to war, which is a direct violation of the teachings of Islam. In continuation of the new counter terrorism law, the government of Saudi Arabia designated the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist group along with two Shiite groups i.e. Hezbollah and the Houthi movement in Yemen as well as two Sunni formations, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and the al-Qaeda affiliated al-Nusra front.
The royal decree/new counter terrorism law was based on protecting national security” and that extremists have had been “extremely harmful to public tranquility and the state has no choice but to seek to confront this.”
Declaring the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization would become an effective means to prosecute individuals who plot and execute violent attacks against innocents. Due to its strong political commitments, Saudi Arabia’s counter strategy is now one of the most successful case studies in the Gulf cooperation council (GCC) and Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and also around the globe.
The new counter terrorism law defined terrorism and provided for tough penalties for fund givers, terrorists and related organizations. Moreover, the new law defined terrorism as any criminal act that “destabilizes the society’s security or the state’s stability or exposes its national unity to harm.” It also stated that terrorist acts included disabling the ruling system or “offending the nation’s reputation or its position.
In order to further strengthening of its strides towards a better society, judicial system, accountability, transparency, and crime control parameters, the council of ministers passed the new counter terrorism law. It further defined terrorism as any act with a criminal motive that directly or indirectly undermined public order and the state’s security and stability, or endangered national unity.

The terrorism law once again confirmed the rejection and condemnation of terrorism, regardless of its source, motivations or objectives by the kingdom and can be seen as the kingdom’s contribution and cooperation in international efforts against terrorism, financing terrorism, and its active commitment and implementation of international resolutions issued by the UN Security council with regards to combatting terrorism. Saudi Arabia has also effectively participated in regional and international meetings to discuss the issue of combatting terrorism, and criminalizing terrorist acts and those who support it based upon false Islamic rulings. Saudi Arabia took action to develop and strengthened its counter-terrorism organizations and agencies, along with all security agencies involved in counterterrorism operations.
The new counter terrorism law reflected Saudi Arabia strong political commitment to fight against terrorism, extremism and fundamentalism. It provided necessary legal cover to different organs of the state against terrorism. It also outlined different guidelines against money laundry, corruption and financial scams. It upheld the importance of systematic monitoring and supervision of in and out flows of funds to charitable entities in the country, region and around the globe. It streamlined the functions of secret agencies. It expedited the judicial proceedings and upholds the rule of law.
It is a fact that the national narrative varies from time to time and from country to country and special circumstances require special sets of actions and Saudi Arabia new law of counter terrorism is a concrete effort of its government to combat terrorism, extremism, sectarianism and fundamentalism. Saudi Arabia new “Penal law for Terrorism crimes and financing of Terrorism” demonstrates that the war on terrorism must be fought and won at home as well as abroad.
Handling this menace and to prevent future radicalization in the society law enforcement agencies/ officials at all levels of government must work together, sharing information and resources needed both to arrest and prosecute the individuals responsible and to detect and destroy terrorist cells before they can strike again. The preachers of evil and darkness are engaged in destroying elements of peace and sagacity from societies. So, the new law of Saudi Arabia is a giant leap to curb the ill designs of terrorists from within the country, the region and from the world.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the champion of anti-terrorism’s regional as well as global drives. It is now epicenter of anti-terrorism economic measures, strong political commitment, legal decrees, and the last but not the least, military operations to eliminate the evil designs and inspirations of ISIS and Iran. It has now become the hub of strategic policies, programs and alliances to cope with ISIS and all other terrorist hatcheries.
Domestically, Saudi Arabia started rigorous surveillance on different charities and funding organizations to stop money and support of ISIS, if any. It implemented some programs in secondary schools that demolish the extremism ideas. It launched giant projects to protect its borders.
Saudi Arabia is also committed to implementing a UN Security Resolution targeting the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and the Al-Nusra Front. It was among the first countries that sensed the danger of ISIS & other jihadi groups in Syria and warned the world about it.
It is now crystal clear that due to the US’ biggest military blunder the ISIS was born from the ashes of the Iraq war. It served as a breeding ground for extremism and terrorism. Europe should also accept responsibility for marginalizing ethnic and religious minorities by practicing housing and employment discrimination.
On its part, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has a strategic balance of military strength to crush extremism and with programs on interfaith dialogue through the King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue and government support of the OIC.
Most recently, in its special edition, Time Magazine named Crown Prince Mohammed bin Naif as one of the “100 Most Influential People” former US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said: “He plays an indispensable role protecting the Kingdom founded by his grandfather. He decimated Al-Qaeda in Saudi Arabia, penetrating plots, cracking down on funding and promoting deradicalization. It once again reconfirms Saudi Arabia’s strong political will to fight against terrorism and extremism in and beyond country.
According to Saudi Interior Ministry (April, 2016) in a disguised manner outside parties are now trying to instigate revolt against the Kingdom’s leadership through fake social media accounts under Saudi names and fabrication of information. Images of brutal massacres committed by the Syrian regime were posted online alleging that these were the result of the bombings by the Arab Coalition on “civilians” in Yemen. Moreover, these people/parties/groups/factions are also promoting deviant and atheistic ideas.
On the contrary to this, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia always stood for equality, humanitarian assistance, peace and harmony. Its ongoing military engagement in Yemen is to liberate the Yemeni people from infiltrators and Houthis (Iranian backed faction) and restore the real government. Its Syrian drive is to cope with the wings of expansionists and safe people from an unpopular and tyranny ruler. It has no personal or hidden agenda.
In the near past, Saudi Arabia has been involved in fighting ISIS in a supportive role with the United States. In that capacity, it has declared its intention to send its fighter jets and ground troops to Turkey’s Incirlik Air Base to fight the Syrian regime and ISIS. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is committed to fight against the common enemy of humanity and regional peace i.e. ISIS.