Sunday, February 23, 2025

Amr bin Al-Aas (rta)

Amr bin Al-Aas (rta) was born in a very rich high-class family of Makkah. His father, As bin Wa’al, owned a business of perfume trading, by joining which Amr (rta) had the opportunity to travel to neighboring countries and gain great experience of dealing with different people. Already in his young age, Amr (rta) established friendly relations with many kings and governors both in Arabia and beyond its borders.

Educated in childhood, which was a rare case in those times, Amr (rta) possessed high mental capabilities. He had insightful and sharp thinking and the gift of sound planning. Amr (rta) also received excel­ lent military training and was always ready to stand up for the interests of his tribe.

At the time when Muslims were severely persecuted by the Quraish leaders, Amr (rta) was among those who did all they could for stopping the spread of Islam. When the torture and harassment of Muslims reached their heights, the Prophet (saw) permitted his followers to migrate to Abyssinia in Africa, where they would be able to live peacefully under the protection of Christian king Najashi, who was famous for his good sense of justice.

Upon hearing this news, the Quraish leaders became furious. Feeling that this group could eventually become dangerous, the Quraish decided to send a delegation to the king Najashi for requesting him to expel Muslims. It was decided that Amr (rta) was the best choice for heading this delegation, since he had personal friendly contacts with the king and was known for his excellent negotiation skills. However, the hopes of the Quraish were in vain – after listening to what the delegation of Amr (rta) and the fugitive Muslims had to say, king Najashi not only refused to the hand over Muslims but also promised to them his protection for as long as he would live. At this point, for the first time Amr (rta) realized that his excellent negotiation skills were useless. It seemed as if any higher power was protecting Muslims and turning the situation in their favour.

Amr (rta) and other Quraish leaders also did all they could for stopping the migration of Muslims to Madinah. They even made a plot to kill the Prophet (saw); how­ ever, thanks to Allah (swt), he managed to escape and reached Madinah safely.

After Muslims had settled in Madinah, Amr (rta) convinced the other leaders to wage a war that would finally stop the spread of Islam. They gathered an army of one thousand fully armed soldiers. The battle took place at Badr, where with the help of Allah (swt), Muslims defeated the Makkans.

Although Amr (rta) was impressed by the victory of Muslims, he was not ready to give up so easily and began preparations for another war. Makkans were so determined to revenge their defeat that even some of the Quraish women set out for this battle, which took place at Uhud. Despite their little number, also this time Muslims were very close to victory, when an unexpected turnaround happened. Feeling the approaching victory, the archers, whom the Prophet (saw) had asked to protect the backs of the Mujahideen, left their positions and hurried for collecting the war booty. Amr (rta) together with Khalid bin Waleed (rta) used this mistake of Muslims and immediately attacked the Mujahideen from behind. This successful attack brought the victory in the battle of Uhud into the hands of the Makkans.

This victory did not, however, bring an end to the spread of Islam. The newly established Muslim state continued to flourish. Soon, the Quraish realized that they have to wage yet another war on Muslims. A huge army of ten thousand soldiers set out for Madinah under the leadership of Amr (rta). Upon reaching Madinah, they were surprised to see that a wide trench prevented them from reaching the city. Amr (rta) and his soldiers stayed at the outskirts of Madinah for nearly one month but were not able to enter the city. Finally, in deep humiliation, they had no other choice but to return to Makkah.

The repeated failures made Amr (rta) realize that Muslims were backed by some higher power. Although impressed by Islam, Amr (rta) was not yet ready to become a Muslim – his arrogance and the pride of the Quraish stood in the way of accepting Islam. He knew that eventually Muslims would triumph over their enemies. With this awareness, Amr (rta) decided to leave Makkah, before Muslims would arrive there – he set out for Abyssinia, hoping to live under the protection. Of king Najashi. If Muslims would establish a tyranny in Makkah, he would be saved from it. If, however, the Muslim rule would be favourable, he would safely return to Makkah.

Amr (rta) and his companions arrived to the court of Najashi with expensive gifts for softening the king’s heart. As they entered the court, they saw the ambassador of the Prophet (saw) leaving. Amr (rta) fired up with anger of revenge and asked the king to let him kill the ambassador. To Amr’s ion, Amr (rta) also finally felt ready to become a Muslim. He immediately pledged allegiance to Islam on the palm of the king Najashi. Having done this, Amr (rta) left for Madinah, so that he could swear also on the hand of the Prophet (saw) himself.

On the way to Madinah, Amr (rta) met Khalid bin Waleed (rta) and ‘Uthman bin Talhah (rta), who were also traveling in the same direction and for the same purpose. After all the efforts he had done for extinguishing the light of Islam, Amr (rta) was embarrassed to enter the presence of the Prophet (saw). Having said the Kalimah, Amr (rta) asked the Prophet (saw) to ask Allah (swt) for forgiveness of his past sins. The Prophet (saw) replied that such prayers were not necessary, as Amr’s (rta) embrac­ing of Islam has already washed away all his previous sins.

The warm welcome of Muslims filled the heart of Amr (rta) with much love for the Prophet (saw) and his companions. From that day on, he wholeheartedly devoted all his efforts to the cause of Islam. After being selected by the Prophet (saw) to destroy idol Sawa, Amr (rta) went to its temple and crushed the idol into pieces. Thanks to his excellent diplomacy skills, Amr (rta) successfully convinced Abd and Jeefer, the two brothers who ruled Oman at the time, to enter Islam, thus bringing also this country under the rule of Muslims.

At the time of the Prophet (saw), Egypt was widely known for its beautiful greenery and rich fertility. The country had become not only the core or world’s trading markets but also the center of culture and civilization in general. Amr (rta) was sent for conquering this splendid country and introducing its inhabitants to Islam. Upon entering Egypt, Amr (rta) decided to avoid open battlefields. Instead, his strategy was to siege the key places of the country, advancing city by city throughout Egypt. Amr (rta) completed his con­quest of Egypt in the 20th year A.H.

After the conquest of Egypt, Amr (rta) was appointed as the ruler of this country. The year he arrived there, the waters of the river Nile did not rise during the season as it used to happen every year. Egyptians believed that the Nile had a will of its own. This is why every year they threw a beautiful girl wearing rich dress and jewelry into the Nile, hoping to please the river this way. Right after sacrificing the girl, the Nile used to fill with waters. Amr (rta) was very angered by this cruel tradition of Egyptians. He asked Caliph Umar (rta) for advice in this situation. The Caliph sent a letter addressed to the river Nile, in which he requested the river to fill with waters, if it was flowing by the will of Allah (swt). Amr (rta) threw this letter into the Nile, and during that same night, the Nile flooded twice the level of previous floods.

Amr (rta) ruled as the governor of Egypt till the 43rd year A.H. He made Egypt into a strong country, known for its justice, freedom and equality. Amr (rta) passed away on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr and was buried in Egypt.

The article is based on Mahmood Ahmed Ghandafar’s book “Commanders of the Muslim Army (Among the Companions of the Prophet (saw)” and was originally published in “Hiba” magazine.

“Hiba” is a Muslim lifestyle magazine with a vision to build strong homes. It is a non-profit venture, with its content revolving around knowledge, solutions and values. Established in 2004, “Hiba” has benefited over 53,000 reader’s internationally via www.hibamagazine .com.

Laila Brence
The author is the Senior Editor of "HIBA" magazine and Editor of

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