Sunday, February 23, 2025

Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI): A Strategic Asset

According to latest report of the American Crime News (2015) Pakistan leading spy agency Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) has been once again ranked the best in the world. It has been among the best for so many years due to its efficiency, productivity and swiftness. It has been consist of so many unsung heroes who laid their lives for the protection of country.

Safety & Security of the Country
It has been rigorously working for the safety and security of the country in literally every way possible. Due to its professional utility and importance it has become one of the main strategic assets of Pakistan.

Premium Intelligence Agency
ISI is Pakistan’s premium intelligence Agency (IA) having great record of success against its competitors. It was founded in 1948. It was structured to be manned by officers from the three main military services, and to specialize in the collection, analysis and assessment of external intelligence, either military or non-military. It outperformed others in Afghanistan, Iran, Bosnia, India and USSR. In the line of duty it even confronted the US and achieved its desired goals.

ISI’s Basic Responsibilities
Prominent security experts outline the basic features of any intelligence agency which are not confined to collection of data, analysis and exploitation of information and intelligence. In case of Pakistan ISI provides complete security shield and has the ability for offence in case of any danger to country and its important organizations. ISI is a government agency responsible for the collection, analysis, and exploitation of information and intelligence in support of law enforcement, national security, defence and foreign policy objectives.

Means & Modes of Information Collection
ISI’s means of information gathering are both overt and covert. It may include espionage, communication interception, cryptanalysis, cooperation with other institutions, and evaluation of public sources. It assembles and propagates of the information and uses it after thorough intelligence analysis or intelligence assessment.

The latest ranking is given below as:

Sr. NoName of the Spy AgencyName of the CountryDossier
1Inter Service Intelligence (ISI)PakistanThe major aim of the agency is to protect national interests and pay heed to the matters of political and social importance, while also advising the military in taking appropriate counter-measures.
The strongest and best intelligence agency, functioning in the most deceptive and invisible fashion. It works in the shadows to neutralize threats to the country and protect our most valuable assets.
2Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)USAIt has three stated functions: obtaining and analyzing data on foreigners, working with and for propaganda and public relations, and finally, covert operations at the direction of the President. The CIA has been notorious in the spying/ intelligence world for their bold practices and high-profile assassination “attempts” both successful and unsuccessful.
3Secret Intelligence Services (MI6)UKIt was created prior to World War I to primarily keep a close eye on the activities of the imperial German government. MI6 has since been heavily involved in major conflicts of the 20th and 21st centuries. MI6, in conjunction with the CIA, effectively toppled several regimes, most notoriously in Iran in 1953 and Congo in 1961.
4Ministry of State Security (MSS)ChinaIt is accountable for intelligence gathering, counter-terrorism operations and foreign intelligence. It gathers information about the enemies of Communist Party of China.
5Federal Security Services (FSB)RussiaFSB is the main security agency of Russia. The main job description of FSB is to collect intelligence, protecting national interests, and taking counter-terrorism steps to enhancing the nation’s security.
6The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations (MOSSAD)IsraelIt is one of the globe’s oldest and most active intelligence agencies. It is responsible for intelligence collection, counter-terrorism and various covert operations. It is a civilian wing that no government sector has any influence over with the agency reporting directly to the Head of State.
7Direction Generale De La Securite Exterieure (DGSE)FranceIt was also formed (somewhat) recently replacing the old SDECE in 1982,. It was made quickly responsible for gathering intelligence, as well as keeping track of any espionage activities against French national interests.
8Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)CanadaThe CSIS is patterned after the CIA and MI6. It is a civilian agency completely detached from the military or police.
9Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW),IndiaMuch of R&AW’s energy has been focused on its neighbors Pakistan & China.
10Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS),AustraliaIt is responsible for collecting intelligence, undertaking counter-intelligence and mainly coordinating with other agencies overseas. It has been subjected to extreme scrutiny over the years after 1994 in which people claimed that the agency was holding thousands of secret files on ordinary citizens.
Source: American Crime News (2014-15)

National Survival & Intelligence Services
Gathering intelligence and information by means of espionage has been a key element to the survival of nations ever since their existence. Romans, Chinese, Egyptian and even Iranian had very strong intelligence traditions.

Changes in Intelligence Agencies (IAs)
With the passage of time, there has been a major change in the way Intelligence Agencies (IAs) work ever since the evolution of technology and the unthinkable amount of advances in the way people live their everyday lives. Furthermore, the role of intelligence agencies has changed dramatically; Intelligence agencies are not mere data collection and analysis units anymore, they are full-fledged covert armies, called upon to take action when no one else can. From staging coups to stopping nukes, these agencies have done it all.

Intelligence Cycle
Mark Lowenthal (2002), in his textbook on intelligence and policy, suggests that the word ‘intelligence’ can be analysed in three different ways. First, as a process, of collecting, analysing and delivering to the ‘consumers’ such as policy makers or operational commanders. This is often called as the ‘intelligence cycle’. ISI also follows its own indigenous intelligence cycle. If knowledge is power it can also be deduced that intelligence is a form of power itself and more precisely ISI is the hub of real power.

ISI’s Imperative Role
ISI plays an imperative role in the smooth governance of a country. It is liable to cumulate, examine and desecrate data and intelligence. It is helpful in reinforcement of law, national security, defense systems and foreign policy targets. Its methods of data collection may vary and include both the covert and overt techniques. Some of these techniques namely include under-cover operations, cryptanalysis, breakthroughs in communication and formation of an alliance with another organization. ISI emblems the country’s defense mechanism, strengthens it and make it dynamic.

Concept of Special Forces (SF)
In the present world, no country is ready to compromise on its defense. Therefore, military forces are always looking to improve their training and equipment. Over the years, Special Forces (SF) have seen radical changes in both training and the military gear they carry. ISI has vision and will to execute these targets.

Secret Agency Correlation with Safety, security and stability
Safety, security and stability are the three main concerns of a country. It promotes peace. It upholds political system. It smooths governance. The secret, spy or intelligence agencies are responsible for these actors of survival and productivity. Dawn of power politics, conspiracy theories and concept of strategic depth has already polluted the basis of internationalism. It forces the essential role of secret agencies. Moreover, sad the past decades 9/11, Iraq 2003 and, the 7/7 bombings in London changed the concept of IAs.

Historic Perspectives
Role of IAs has never been negated in any type of war. During World Wars (WW) I & II, the allied forces remained successful in number of operations because of timely receipts of information and clandestine operations. However, after WW-II U.S launched agency CIA against KGB. During Cold War period both the agencies remained dagger drawn against each other.

Evolution of Strategic Intelligence Analysis (SIA)
Most of changes occurred in the aftermath of World War II. During the World War II, countries could not gather intelligence as quickly as they would have liked and that had adverse effects. The evolution of Strategic Intelligence Analysis (SIA) that began during World War II through the Korean War occurred to protect the safety of the public of respective nations. Strategic intelligence analysis is for the formulation of strategy, policy, and military plans and operations at national and theatre levels. It is during the strategic intelligence analysis process that a strategy is planned to “furthers one’s advance towards goals by suggesting ways to accommodate and/or orchestrate a variety of variables”. ISI has its own SIA traditions and methods which are unique and systematic.

America’s National Strategy
World War II, experienced dramatic changes in America’s National Strategy also and June 1940 marked the “break in America’s conception of its role in the world”. During this time America saw the Nazi’s move towards the control of the “Continent from the Arctic Circle to the Pyrenees” and if the Royal fleet was sunk, then Germany may have been able to control the entire “eastern side of the Atlantic.

Pakistan’s Strategic Rivalry
Our strategic rivalry with India has forced us to form a strong intelligence network in shape of ISI, the icon of professionalism, devotion and determination. ISI saved our national ambitions i.e. desire to achieve socio-economic prosperity, maintain security and stability in the country, secure strategic assets and cushions. It has on the front line and safeguards the country from any internal or external threats of terrorism. It has already foiled so many missions/activities of terrorists.

ISI and US’s National Security Agency (NSA)
Due to its strategic importance and utility, every country and secret agency has been bashing ISI. Now the US’s National Security Agency (NSA) allegedly blamed ISI for tapping 55 million phone records. Every country has the right to defend its strategic assets. Data collection and counter check to any kind of terrorist activities do not fall in the category of unlawfulness. According to WikiLeaks US has been rigorously engaged in snooping/spying of European Union (EU) so called closest ally of it for so many years.

ISI and War against Terrorism
Pakistan has been trapped in vicious circle of deadly terrorism since 9/11. Our secret agencies especially ISI, Intelligence Bureau (IB) and Military Intelligence (MI) played decisive role to break the network of terrorists and their facilitators. Technological warfare has already widened the war theater and effectiveness of ISI has successfully secured the mother and land also. Its cyber wing thwarted economic terrorism by using different tools and means of technological expertise. So, Privacy International (2015) is baseless and has no substance.

ISI IP Monitoring System and COE (Common Operations Environment)
Surveillance is a complicated issue. Domestic surveillance needs to understand “IP Monitoring System” and COE [Common Operations Environment] in order to counter the activities of terrorism, money laundering (economic terrorism), snooping and the last but not the least, marinating of national security intact. The ISI needs world’s most powerful surveillance programmes” The scope and scale of the said programmes that the ISI is justified and proportionate even by the country’s own rules.

Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif
Chief of the Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif appreciated the role played by the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) in national security and lauded the contributions, sacrifices of its officers and men towards strengthening the defence of the motherland.

Chief of the Army Staff General Raheel Sharif directed the country’s intelligence agencies including the ISI to adopt a more proactive approach in order to counter the moves of the hostile spy agencies that are trying to destabilise Pakistan. It came a day after the foreign ministry said that Indian military intelligence agency, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) was using Afghan soil to fuel terrorism in Pakistan.

“The chief of the army staff emphasised the need for more proactive and coordinated role of intelligence agencies for an effective counterterrorism campaign and to counter hostile agencies’ moves to destabilise Pakistan,” says a statement issued by the military’s media wing, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR).

General Raheel also underscored the need to further coordinate and synergise a combined civil-military intelligence effort at the national level by providing all agencies requisite support and ever developing modern intelligence techniques, the ISPR said.

When briefed on the number of terrorist acts pre-empted by the intelligence agencies and successful intelligence-based operations, Gen Raheel appreciated ISI’s role in preventing numerous terrorist acts, it added. “The army chief said most of the achievements and successes of the intelligence agencies go unnoticed but their accomplishments for the defence of the country are phenomenal which deserve due recognition and acknowledgment.”

Gen Sharif asked the ISI chief to follow a more proactive approach while gathering intelligence pertaining to the military operations going on in the various volatile areas of the country.

Pakistan’s civil and military leadership asked Afghanistan’s top leaders during a recent visit to Kabul to stop RAW from using the Afghan soil for terrorist activities in Pakistan. “Pakistan conveyed its concerns to Afghanistan that the Indian spy agency must not use Afghan territory to create instability in the country. Now all the culprits involved in the recent terrorist and massacre have been arrested.

ISI and City of Lights, Karachi
Now ISI being the leading spy agency along with other secret organizations is spearheading a campaign to wrest control of the city of lights, Karachi. According to many international reports, crimes have been controlled. Murders have been minimized. Incidents of terrorism, kidnapping, extortion, china cutting and economic terrorism have been sliced. Counter terrorism and insurgent operations of ISI and other intelligence agencies has successfully restored peace in the city. Ongoing operation in Karachi is as good as famous military/force operations in so many Latin American countries against paddlers, smugglers, land grabbers and of course criminal gangs.

ISI & Afghan Intelligence National Directorate of Security (NDS)
The Afghan government has signed an agreement with Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) on mutual cooperation to fight terrorism. The agreement will also allow ISI to train and equip the Afghan Intelligence National Directorate of Security (NDS) personnel. Moreover, the Afghan intelligence and ISI will jointly interrogate the detained insurgents.

ISI and other Secret Agencies
No army can fight without the support of an efficient secret agency which collects and assesses information in a most reliable manner. Since 9/11, the role of ISI has been further increased to protect the country from external and internal threats, while fighting war against terrorism. Pakistan has been facing multiple subversive acts being conducted by secret agencies like American CIA Indian RAW and Israeli Mossad which have been creating unrest in our country on massive scale. Recent confirmed reports of RAW involvement in KPK, Balochistan, and other parts of the country along with massive penetration of foreign agents along with sophisticated weaponry, suicide attacks and targeted killings have further increased the role of ISI within the country.

ISI and Conspiracy Theories
Many conspiracy theories tagged ISI as friend/sympathizers of Afghan Taliban and cross-border terrorism in Afghanistan. Under the pretext of these false allegations, US top officials started bashing to ISI. The government of Pakistan flatly refused and afterwards, a blame game was started. There are certain rogue elements within the organization which are pursuing their own personal agendas. While in a large organization where operatives in the field have a degree of initiative, it is not beyond the realm of possibility that there can be occasions where some individual or individuals would overstep their mandate for which a professional and disciplined organization is bound to take corrective actions and make the individuals accountable but to claim that there is a concerted campaign by certain individuals who do what they please without any checks and balances is not justified.

ISI and unjust Demands of CIA/USA
It was due to the rejection of American undue demands by former ISI chief and his positive performance to protect the national interests of the country that with the tactical support of CIA, RAW and Mossad accelerated subversive acts in Pakistan, especially targeting ISI sub-headquarters, located in Lahore, Multan and Peshawar besides attacking the personnel of the agency at various places. At the same time, Islamabad continued its counter-terrorism and intelligence sharing cooperation with America. In this regard, ISI captured a number of renowned Al Qaeda commanders in Pakistan, and foiled many terrorist attempts through pre-arrests of the militants.

ISI Invisible Mechanism
ISI has its invisible mechanism it castigated the anti-Pakistan plot of the so many countries including US India and Israel. ISI successfully out-rooted a private network of the CIA in the country. Black-water has been black-listed.

Armed Forces of Pakistan and ISI
Armed Forces of Pakistan and ISI defeated foreign sponsored war on terror in FATA and Swat which is highly appreciated. According to different reports, RAW, CIA, RAAM and Mossad from 2005 onwards tried their best to destabilize Pakistan. Weapons like Kalashnikovs, MI-4 American rifles, Israeli sniper rifles, 12.7mm, 14.5mm and 107mm guns, mortars, pistols, RPG-7s, grenades, explosives, equipment like, remote control sets, jamming devices, sophisticated telephone and wireless sets, bullet proof and suicide jackets, kits, and currency of different countries have been provided to the militants. Terrorist have been sent to Pakistan through Indian training camps located at Afghanistan. But Armed Forces of Pakistan and ISI stood tall and defeated the ill designs of its enemies.

Almost four divisions of force have been involved in elimination of militancy in FATA and Swat area. The forces came all out to undertake Operation Rah-e-Rast and her soldiers set the gallant examples while clearing Swat, Dir, Buner, Kanjoo, Shangla and other areas.

ISI unveiled the foreign agenda and fully supported security forces in eradication of terrorists. While addressing in-camera session former ISI Chief loudly mentioned that 112 check posts of the allied forces as opposed to the 812 of the Pakistani forces on the vast border of Afghanistan.

Concluding Remarks
Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) is an invisible warrior. With very meager resources it has successfully proven its superiority while defeating CIA, RAW and Mossad. U.S. has been forced to resolve Afghan issue as suggested by Pakistan and its intelligence Agency. It is indeed a strategic asset to nation.

ISI is a superior intelligence agency to protect the national security. It not only copes with foreign anti-state elements, but also fights the psychological warfare including internal enemies. ISI is the prime institution of country’s defence and trustee of national security and solidarity which has always rendered invaluable services for the defence of the motherland. It is indeed the first line of defence. It is Pakistan’s formidable force multiplier. It defends Pakistan against any aggression and is fulfilling its patriotic duty.

ISI has been professional and strong, countering every threat from other intelligence agencies. It has great efficiency and success rate, using unique and one of its kind tactics. It broke the backbones of TTP and BLA. It has been indulged in so many overt and covert operations. Its stealth oriented operations gather great success. It promotes and strengthens national security. It has destructive tactics but never engaged in any direct war or confrontation which shows its high success rate.

Chess Board of international power politics and regional rivalry has become more complicated and confused. Friends and foes are inter-changed. Chess board of power politics does not mere consists of horses, elephants and castles. It has now been transformed into psychological warfare, cyber espionage, economic terrorism (Cuba, Iran, Iraq), media wars (Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Brazil) human rights allegations (China, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia) through the soft landing of domestic NGOs and human right organizations and gender discrimination propaganda (most of the Latin American & African Countries). Snooping, IP Monitoring System and Common Operations Environment needs to be rigorously institutionalized.

ISI is a secret agency which works under the supervision of the government. It is not state within the State as labeled by Western Countries because it is accountable to Prime Minister. All the conspiracy theories prompted by Western Media and its facilitators in the country have no valid reason to bash ISI but just to discredit the valuable services of ISI. ISI is a living reality and first line of defense to our country.

The US has now publicly acknowledged that Pakistan’s ongoing operation in its tribal areas has destroyed the infrastructure of terrorist groups which include Afghanistan’s deadliest insurgent outfit, the Haqqani Network.

ISI has not been subordinated to the will of any outside intelligence agency. ISI is a Pakistani asset whose prime responsibility is to defend the national security interests within the parameters laid down by the Pakistani government.

Mehmood Ul Hassan Khan
Mehmood-Ul-Hassan Khan holds the degrees of MPA (Management & Marketing) and Journalism (Development & Public Relations) From the University of the Punjab. Lahore. He Is research scholar. Did Various Courses relating To banking, law and HRM Contributed articles on Banking Economics (Pakistan & International) , Geo - Strategic issues (regional & global) with especial reference to south East Asia, Middle East and Central Asia, Current affairs, Comparative international power politics and diplomacy in various local and foreign newspapers, Journals and departments like, BBC Asia Network, MMN, USA, Journal of world Affairs and New Technology, USA and AIDS AND BEHAVIOR USA.

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