Sunday, October 6, 2024

From the Editorial Desk (July – 2015)

Pakistan and China have been enjoying extremely close and mutually beneficial relations since 1951 when diplomatic ties were established between the two. During Beijing’s period of international isolation in the 1960s and early 1970s, Pakistan, that was one of the first countries, and the first Islamic state, to recognize the People’s Republic of China in 1950, remained a steadfast ally. Friendship between the two is proverbial, having withstood the test of times to the chagrin of many; today their ties have grown into a deep understanding of each other’s problems and a relationship that has fostered deep sentiments of affinity and cooperation. Since the late 1990s, economic concerns have gained prominence alongside the military-strategic aspect of the relationship; specifically, trade and energy have taken precedence and economic co-operation has accelerated with a free-trade agreement and China’s assistance in the development of Pakistan’s infrastructure. In 2012, two-way trade exceeded US$12 billion. The visit to Pakistan in April this year of the Chinese President, Xi Jinping was described as being of “game-changing” proportions in relation with the region’s developing geo-strategic landscape. The Chinese President oversaw agreements on pipelines, power plants and various other projects as part of a massille US$46 billion joint development programme that will greatly help Pakistan in stabilising its economy and ushering in a new era of prosperity for its people. There are high expectations within Pakistan that this programme will end a chronic energy crisis and help transform the country into an economic hub in the region.

What is amazing is that the foundations of this exceptional friendship were laid at a time when Pakistan was a member of western military pacts! No wonder this all-weather strategic partnership is viewed with envy and, at times, petty jealousy by some regional and international powers. For the benefit of readers I am reproducing my article titled ‘ONE BELT, ONE ROAD’.

As experiences go, the short time I spent in 1970 in the Karakoram Highway KKH (Karakoram Highway) Flight (4 Army Aviation Squadron) under the command of Major (later Major General) HUK Niazi, SJ in the high mountains was one’s expectations and lives on in my memory for more reasons than one.

Piloting an Aloutte-3, the BMW of the air at that time, the sheer beauty of the landscape was breathtaking. The extreme weather conditions, which do not really set in till November notwithstanding, navigating the high peaks and valleys of the Karakoram is always a hazardous venture. Every morning was a new adventure, combining infinite trust and confidence in both the machine and oneself. The new places to visit and the new faces to add to your friends, for a young man, were an exultation of enjoying freedom in a totally different dimension. Passing over the wreckage of the Russian MI-6 was a constant reminder of the inherent dangers of flying in such different terrains at high altitudes; the downside hit me only a few months ago with the tragedy at Naltar.

Working with the soldiers of the two People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Divisions constructing the KKH north of Gilgit was the icing on the cake. During early morning one could see them walking from their base camp in the hundreds in their distinctive grey uniforms to the road heads. Blasting their way through the sides of the mountain accidents invariably accidents happened boring into the rocks and tapping in the explosives manually. Heli-lifting their casualties to the base hospital was not a pleasant job. The bloodstains on my flying overall a red badge of their courage and fortitude. The sacrifice and commitment of the thousands and thousands of nameless Chinese soldiers who worked on the KKH is beyond description, What are the right phrases to praise those who died attempting to make the road possible? One rarely witnesses such a display of duty and sacrifice, it was a privilege to be in the company of such brave and selfless men.

Why were the Chinese determined to build this road from “nowhere” to Pakistan? Those who had seen Urumchi and Kashgar than would not be wrong to believe that this was a futile exercise. “You Pakistanis are stupid, you think in terms of 5-10 years; we Chinese think 50-100 years ahead,” said my interpreter. Repeated ad nauseam by my very good friend Ambassador Zhang Chun Xiang who himself served as an interpreter on the KKH in the 70s after graduating from Beijing University, 28 out of his 45 years in the diplomatic service were spent in Pakistan. After serving as the Chinese Consul General in Houston, Texas, he returned to become the Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan from 1998 to 2005. With Urdu more fluent than that of most of us, and, get on his wrong side and he can curse freely in Punjabi.

40-50 years later, the dynamics of geopolitics have come to synchronised with the economics of today’s times. From Sinkiang Province across the Karakoram into the plains of Pakistan to Gwadar the vision of the road is slowly but surely coming to full fruition. While the eastern alignment is the government’s preference, the Army is determined to making the western alignment possible by the 870 kilometres’ venture undertaken in a crash programme by the FWO.

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is critically necessary, far more than any other economic initiative. A lifeline of consequence for Pakistan’s destiny, it is a game-changer that can lift our people out of poverty and the misery that goes with it. A perennial critic of any govt, one must laud the present regime for ensuring that a dream is being converted into a reality. Acknowledging the single-minded determination of Mian Nawaz Sharif as the driving force, Minister for Planning Ahsan Iqbal must be given kudos, along with some of his cabinet colleagues like Sartaj Aziz for pushing the CPEC for all its worth. Despite having a great need for this road-based opening to the world, for some reason the Chinese showed no enthusiasm for pursuing the CPEC during the PPP tenure, delaying it by 8 years.

To give my views about the likely security issues on what the Chinese call the ‘One Belt, One Road’ project, I was invited to Beijing by the “National Institute for Strategic Communication” (NISC) to Beijing. Over the three days I had the unique honour of explaining the security threat perception along the CPEC alignments, both the eastern and western ones, to a select audience that was clearly enthusiastic about the investment opportunities along the economic lifeline. A part of Peking University, NISC is a policy planning body that harmonises the various organs of the People’s Republic of China on a common platform for a common purpose. Mr. Zhang Chongqing, Standing Deputy Chairman of the China Group Companies Association (CGCA), hosted the well-attended session last Friday. Including more than 200 companies, mostly public but also private, CGCA is dedicated to enhancing their capacities for commercial business, both within China and outside. Speakers included Dr. Hu Yuandong, the head of UNIDO in China, Ms. Yu Dan, the secretary general of the CGCA and Ma Yang Xiaodong of the NISC.

Concluding a number of meetings on Saturday, for the panel discussion on Sunday at Beijing University my hosts were Dr. Manli Cheng, Dean of the NISC and Dr. Weijia Wang. Both gave extensive briefings on the CPEC. Ambassador Zhang was invited to give his personal recommendations, followed by a lucid and crisp briefing from Ms. Pen Yong Chin Director Overseas Operations China State Construction Engineering Corporation. Mr. Liu Dianfeng of China Mobile Pakistan spoke with conviction about the Zong success story in Pakistan and potential Chinese investment thereof.

China’s trade with India has increased manifold but the persisting mutual suspicions about their geopolitical relationship remain. While previously the Chinese were never vocal, Indian’s opposing the CPEC tooth and nail has aroused their anger. The Chinese made it clear that they would spare no efforts or tolerate any opposition to make the CPEC a success. By South Asian standards of decision-making, the speed with which both the CGCA and NISC decided to open up representative offices to function in Islamabad and Karachi (and a few days thereafter in Lahore) in less than 30 days immediately was staggering, a clear indication of the Chinese commitment.

One can spout lip-service rhetoric until kingdom come, finally we are seeing the practical realisation of our dreams. Our economic destiny can be force-multiplied by Pakistan’s “Gold Coast”, It is indeed fortunate that it coincides with the Chinese single-minded determination of making the One Belt, One Road successful.

Ikram Sehgal
The writer is a defence and security analyst, he is Co-Chairman Pathfinder Group, Patron-in-Chief Karachi Council on Foreign Relations (KCFR) and the Vice Chairman Board of Management Quaid-e-Azam House Museum (Institute of Nation Building).

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