Over the last few decades Pakistan has gone through a major paradigm shift, both within its strategic placement within the region and with its allies all over the globe. Some of the major breakthroughs that the country has experienced is its increased presence as the “Underdog” in world politics- as the key player in the war on terror. Even with a formidable security, being the world’s fourth or fifth largest army and the only known Islamic Nuclear Power, the country is struggling to maintain regional dominance due to its alleged allegiance to the Dollar.
Post 1947 , the country forged its map as an independent unified nation for the Muslims in the sub-continent eyeing the Islamic Republic, however some other events took shape that would change the history of this country and lead to its fall from grace. The nation is dominated by its Sunni population and a significant Shia minority making it the 7th most populous country in the world. Having a nuclear arsenal makes it a powerful state, but its state within a state policy makes it vulnerable to proxy wars and a safe haven for other power-driven Muslim states like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, Libya and Egypt. Then there are other non-Muslim super powers like China, Germany, Russia and the United States who wield influence and fund proxies in and out of the country pitting the country against the India-Israel nexus. The war on terror brought huge capital gains for the government of this country and magnified the Armed Forces while the people of the country were deprived tremendously on peace and stability.
Weapons of war, illegal smuggling, a weak immigration policy and poor border controls fuelled by high corruption within the country has damaged its economic artery as non-friendly states like India and Israel have managed to infiltrate the internal political, legal and financial system damaging the country from inside – the enemy within. There are obvious enemies and hidden foes, disguised as friendly nations. Under the radar, Pakistan is a victim of changes that could lead to a civil war. Crimes against civilians are rising leading the country towards disintegration, including journalists, lawyers, doctors, teachers and children suffering the most vicious attacks ever witnessed in its history. The legal system has almost fallen to pieces, as deception and defection remains on the rise from within, weakening the already destabilized justice system.
With one of the highest crime rates in the world, Pakistan also has one of the lowest conviction rates. Actual crimes are underreported and the press is also influenced by corruption. Legally, we stand nowhere as long as the law provides legal and constitutional cover to crimes and perpetrators. Under the previous government in 2008, a moratorium was enforced where no one was put to death. This kind of constitutional amendment actually hurts the legal system, making it weak and dysfunctional as the legal order is threatened and criminals roam free and find new ways to flee the system and flag it to failure. Reputational risk remains a threat to the country as its Global Image is being slowly tarnished as an unsafe country while the government has lost its writ and is under powered.
Firstly, what is happening here is a territorial dispute for regional dominance based on religious division fuelled by sectarianism. Many powerful countries stand to win from this situation in Pakistan as nations constantly thrive on perpetual wars to ensure hegemony and strategic interests to stay intact, at the expense of Pakistan. Money is the only currency that works and oil rich nations use oil and liquid dollars as negotiable instruments to lure politicians driven by greed and bureaucrats within Pakistan. Not surprisingly, even the Armed forces are not exempted from this menace. Conventional weapons, financial aid packages, social developments programs, trade incentives, development schemes, tax incentives and much more is on the table to ensure that the arms race continues meeting foreign political ambitions inside Pakistan.
Secondly, there is a clear lack of a proper foreign policy mandate by the government. Using the Islamic symbol of unity and faith, some hidden powers that previously remained invisible are now being seen in clear light, having used their financial might ensuring a stronger footprint and decision making power. They are seriously flawed nations non-democratic, non Islamic, non secular and non complaint to any legal or ethical laws that apply. Who is the hidden enemy? Do we breed our own demons or are we importing evil from elsewhere?
History has taught us nothing. We must first learn about motive. Israel was formed in 1948 through CIA supporting its creation as a protective body a year after Pakistan s independence. The fall of Dhaka was another conspiracy by India. Hence American proxy wars were initiated in the region right from the very start fuelling the illegal nexus that started this war on terror. It was a deeper conspiracy against Muslims, much more severe than the 9/11 conspiracy. A close analysis also highlighted Saudi Arabia as one of the biggest allies of the USA, while maintaining control of power within Pakistan. Iran was countered and sanctioned along with Syria to further cut off support to Pakistan while China was ignored as being inferior, a mistake that has led to a larger loss for the West in recent years. What Iran and Pakistan had in common was a mutual recognition of Israel as a non-entity from formation to current existence.

This gives us the actual clarity on the “motive” as to why external powers like imperialistic neo-con UK and US governments succeeded to gain external and internal control in Pakistan. In general, whoever commands control power over the government actually is trying to control power over the nuclear controls strategy and eventually the power to manipulate it. The eye cannot see what the mind observes. There is a big change in Saudi foreign policy for Pakistan with its immediate tilt towards India despite undeniable inter-dependency between Pakistan-Saudi economics and politics leading to cooperation and bilateral trade relations. Major financial capital boosters were provided by the Kingdom time and again, helping our foreign exchange reserves, oil reserves, employment for overseas Pakistani labor classes working there. Saudi oil weapons work effectively to pressurize Pakistan in granting them favors in the region against Iran and China where we risk sanctions by the West, if we were to initiate oil imports via Iran to save high import costs and improve border relations. Arabs in general do not want us to have financial freedom as its reduces their influence within the region. This is the reason why some Arabs nations are not in favor of Gwadar flourishing as a port as it will weaken their control over the sea routes like Dubai and Muscat. Riyadh is constantly behind this policy of keeping Pakistan under a constant debt crisis using sister nations like UAE and Bahrain where the House of Saud has significant clout, hence creating hardships for Shia nationals and expats, obviously a major part of the proxy-war policy against Iran.
Today, Islamabad stands as the bounty right between these two nations. Iran with its alliance with Syria and Russia and Saudi Arabia standing with the Arab League backed by the USA, installing their own pawn governments in various countries and increased power funding to them to keep their mouths shut and satisfy their greed and lust for money. For example, Saudis influence in Bahrain is known to all as all disputes between the two have always been mediated through Bahrain and UAE. Not only is Saudi Arabia the biggest importer of arms from the rest, it also is the biggest exporter for crude oil to America. Little is known on how Saudis foreign policy on Israel is shaping up but from our standpoint, anything favoring India’s interest in the region is also valid as being favorable for Israel as it is Pakistan’s arch enemy alongwith India. People who talk about improving trade with India are blind to the facts that there can be no trade between countries that are at war. Kashmir must be independent with little or no armed control of either India or Pakistan. It is time that freedom is given a chance.
All in all, Saudi Arabia’s real face has been transforming quite vividly for us to simply not see the changes in foreign policy. We cannot carry on with sham democratic values as the same people who are corrupt come in rule and take away whatever good is left in this country as they are backed up by their foreign proxy wars. Still we cannot make obvious enemies out of Saudi Arabia. No more fun and games and money minting as over 80 percent population is living under the threat of poverty and insecurity. To attain a country specific benefit, we might actually need to continue being part of this proxy war for now. Eventually, we have to allocate a significant part of the country’s budget to health and education instead of defense as we are a nuclear power and should act like one, with a no-compromise Foreign policy.
We have inherited a rich culture. Future focus must be enforced on making this country livable, secure, financially independent and loan-free. The enemy within Pakistan must be isolated through a constant resolve to fight corruption and ensure rule of law across the board, so that citizens can earn a good living, currency appreciates, exports rise and natural resources are salvaged and secured for all times to come. To know your enemy is to be close to them. So far we must not fail on that one. New elections through a swift interim government must be conducted this year and corrupt officials in the government and other areas must brought under legal justice, including the legal fraternity.
We are a morally intolerant country being run by the corrupt. Sooner than later, the state has to enforce laws already in place whereby citizen rights stand protected and safeguarded. Until a brutal crime is matched by brutal punishment, we will continue to suffer at the hands of violence. Corruption is not the lack of money, it is the abundance of it without accountability. Rise against the enemies of the state. Rise Pakistan.