Monday, March 31, 2025

From the Editorial Desk (January-2014)

Dear Readers,

This DJ issue is dedicated to one of my flying instructors who died recently in Canada. Cal Patrick Tierney was no ordinary individual, both as an instruc­tor and a human being he was outstanding. A very clear and upright person, he was an excellent profes­sional and a very good friend. An extract from the dedication of my book “Leave the Army Alone” pub­lished in 2007. “Thinking I would never come back alive the CO Logistic Flight Eastern Command Maj (Later Brig) Liaquat Bokhari had lied through his teeth, and he was supported by others. He made a state­ment on oath that I had been inciting mutiny and rebellion among the Bengali Soldiers in Army Aviation detachment Dhaka from March 12, 1971 onwards, and that my actions from Mar 23 to Mar 25 were specially very “suspect” and I had attempted lo hijack a helicopter. I had left Dhaka for West Pakistan on March 12, 1971 and only reached Dhaka on a proper “movement order” on 10 days “joining time” on Mar 27, 1971. On Mar 28 Patrick Tierney asked me to do a hovering check on an Alouette-3 even though I was on leave. After the “hovering check” I realized there was some tension in the Crew Room. How can you serve with such congenital liars and thieves like Bokhari who took away most of my music collection during my incarceration in India and who have no qualms about the consequences of their blatant falsehood? I had requested Maj Patrick Tierney that I wanted to go Joydebpur and he got permission for weapons for my batman and myself from Bokhari as the CO. How could I take the weapons from the Quarter Guard on my own without the CO’s permission? And I was stupid when I did not name Bokhari when asked how I got an SMG and a pis­ tol out of the Quarter Guard. Luckily for me this blatant liar’s misstatements got me off the hook,” unquote. It is difficult to find men of the same quality and calibre as Patrick Tierney, may he rest in peace! Some of the frustrations one feels at this deterioration in the ranks of the khakis, redeemed somewhat in the past few years because of combat experience, finds elucidation in my recent article, “NOTHING IS SACRED”, reproduced for the benefit of readers.

Spurning advice across the board not lo return to Pakistan and face a myr­iad number of legal problems, Musharraf successfully managed by default lo put the Army as a whole into the dock.

Musharraf and his close aides, Lt Gens Mahmood, Aziz, Usmani, etc com­mitted an “offence against the State” in Oct 1999. Condoned by the Supreme Court (SC), it was still a violation of the Constitution which all soldiers take an oath to uphold and protect. Was this in good faith to save the country from impending chaos or a desperate measure meant lo save their own necks because of the Kargil episode? Like Kargil all the other Corps Commanders and Principal Staff Officers (PSOs) in GHQ knew nothing about Oct 12, 1999 till the coup actually took place. There was grudging support for Musharraf ‘s “fait accompli” countering his sacking, Mian Nawaz Sharif sending Gen Jahangir Karamat home in Oct 1998 was not appreciated by the Army rank and file. The abysmal state of the economy, corruption, bad governance, etc were used lo justify the coup by Musharraf’s lot “as saviours of the nation”. Funnily enough, no one raised any protest in the streets.

The irony is that the perception of rampant corruption prevalent was mostly because of the excesses of the previous PPP regime. Billions of rupees were taken as loans from the nationalized banks without proper collateral, with no intention of returning them. The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) initially did an excellent job targetting the corrupt, unfortunately close associates of (then) NAB Chairman Lt Gen Muhammad Amjad, himself an honest person, enriched themselves by extorting money manipulating the awful practice of granting “plea bargains”. “NAB can regain its credibility targetting those “living beyond one’s means” investigating these “patriots” as well as the fabulous wealth of some successors of Amjad like Khalid Maqbool and Muneer Hafeez. Formed in 2002, Musharraf “King’s Party” (PML (Q)) consisted of a whole bunch of politi­cians on NAB initiated Exit Control List (ECL).

Musharraf’s strong suit of accountability went up in flames with his enacting of the shameful and obnoxious instrument of disaster, the National Reconciliation Order (NRO) 2007. Negotiating the NRO in 2007 Musharraf’s advisors paved the way for the man most targetted by NAB for corruption to become the President of Pakistan. Thanks to well calculated filibustering by the Supreme Court (SC), he lasted out his entire term. Incidentally, what was Zardari’s quid pro quo reward for Musharraf’s “advisors”? For this indelible black mark on Pakistan’s history and illegal trans­fer of billions of US dollars abroad, they are as much cul­pable as Musharraf! It is pathetic to see the media trumpet­ting the “nine diseases” airing Musharraf’s medical condi­tion, most 70-year olds have no less. Zardari spent years in hospital when in custody, medically certified “dementia” pre­vented him from appearing in Swiss Courts and remember­ing our US $ 60 million he secreted in Swiss Banks.

Musharraf trial in a civilian court for his actions as an Army Chief would set a precedent having grove conse­quences. If a former COAS can be so charged, what remains sacred? This would open o Pandora’s Box, every court in the land will go to town questioning those in uni­form across the board on frivolous issues. To preserve the sanctity of good military order and discipline, no country in the world permits this. On the other hand whoever that per­son may be, they must be held accountable for misusing the authority of their rank and position to make money and/or property for themselves, their relations and friends. They must be dealt with under the Pakistan Army Act.

One would not like to see Gen (Reid) Tariq Majid, full of bluster and arrogance, answer for Lal Masjid in a civilian court or for that matter the Corps Commanders Lahore and Karachi in 2003 running amok in DHAs real estate (my article “Creek City, Bleak City” of Aug 2, 2003). Ghazi still makes a living promoting projects in DHA Karachi, the influence he parlays with former subordinates may not have propriety, it is his right as a “civilian lobbyist”. Kayani established precedence by instituting military enquires against former general officers in the NLC Case and the Railways scorn for their excesses while they were in uniform.

Flash forward to Musharraf’s forcible resignation as President in 2008 when he was given a graceful send-off from the Presidency complete with a ceremonial guard of honour, nobody batted an eyelash when he left the country a year later in 2009, living a life of leisure. His exit took place after an understanding with tho PPP Govt, brokered by Kayani as the Army Chief. There was a second part of that deal, “immunity” under the 18th Amendment for all Musharraf actions, PPP reneged on the second part of the agreement. Knowing that, why did Musharraf come back? Why did Kayani not insist that the PPP honour their agree­ment? Kayani was badly compromised by Asif Zardari mak­ing it a point to publicly enquire about his two brothers’ “welfare”. By foiling to ensure that PPP kept their bargain, Kayani left a ticking time-bomb for his successor. Incidentally (is he settling in Australia?) Kayani usurped the prerogative of the incoming COAS by shuffling favourites (and not so favoured) during his last 30 days, one prime appointment slot was not due for 3 months.

Hating the Army and hated in turn by the entire rank and file, Zardari is extremely cautious when talking about those in uniform in public, putting discretion beyond valour. From time to his venom surfaces. In contrast Mian Nawaz Sharif and Imran Khan are generally very much liked by the Armed Forces, for some unearthly reason they seem hell­bent on baiting the uniformed lot. Egging them on, main­ly using Bilawal as a proxy, Zardari must be laughing him­self sick at their naivety.

It is not fair that the Army Chief, barely 45 days since taking over should be boxed into a corner for reasons not of his making, nor that of the present generation of the Army rank and file. Our soldiers have given (and continue giving) great sacrifices in the ongoing counter-insurgency that they have mostly successfully tackled. To get a sense of their commitment Mian Sahib should visit his soldiers in the combat area, Zardari was cautious enough to never dare visit any army unit as their Supreme Commander. Looking after Army’s discipline and conscious of the feelings of the rank and file while staying loyal to the Constitution, Gen Raheel Sharif has to walk a tightrope. One would request Mian Nawaz Sharif and the Courts not to put this soldier to such on acid test, damned if he will, damned if he won’t.

Musharraf will soon become o footnote to history, charge him under military law or put him on on aircraft now. This country has a great future if Mian Sahib “leaves the Army alone” and concentrates on getting his economic act together, not letting non-issues distract from his effort. The democrats of this country should take another look at the polls which clearly indicate whom the public trusts more.

Murphy’s Law,” if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”!

Ikram Sehgal
The writer is a defence and security analyst, he is Co-Chairman Pathfinder Group, Patron-in-Chief Karachi Council on Foreign Relations (KCFR) and the Vice Chairman Board of Management Quaid-e-Azam House Museum (Institute of Nation Building).

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