Letters to the Editor (Dec-2013)

It will be a privilege to publish letters from readers about articles written in previous issues or giving suggestions. No letter will be printed which indulges in personalized attacks or is meaningless in the context of DJ


Dear Editor,


It is an irony of fate that the most hated man in Pakistan is appointed as AMIR of TTP. Should we consider this as an Opportunity for Pakistan to reconsider our priorities for war on terrorism? Mullah Fazlullah is an uneducated MULLAH who did not receive any formal education. He was a lift operator on chair lifts in Ayubia and later in MALAM JABA, Swat. He came to the limelight after he married the daughter of Sufi Muhammad. He took over the role of Sufi Muhammad after the latter was jailed in D I KHAN for his actions in Afghanistan after 9/11. Mullah Fazlullah made use of the FM RADIO in Swat effectively by targeting the women and used to appeal to them to encourage their men to join his movement for enforcement of sharia in SWAT, MALAKAND and DIR. This was in the early days of GEN Pervez Musharraf’s rule but the authorities as usual did not take notice of his activities.

Thereafter due to the indifferent attitude of local Administration in SWAT he continued to gain favor of the locals which eventually led to the Taliban take over in SWAT in 2007/2008. He escaped to Afghanistan after the Army operation in SWAT in 2009.

He was soon facilitated by the Afghan Intelligence Agencies to organize a force for operations in Dir, Bajaur and SWAT inside Pakistan. The Karzai Government has since been behind all the actions against the Pakistan Army, the latest being the cold blooded murder of Gen Sana Ullah, a colonel and other five soldiers. One cannot also rule out the role of Indian/Afghan Intelligence agencies in getting him nominated as the AMIR of TTP. Mullah Fazlullah does not enjoy such a support in the TTP Shura/other factions especially in WAZIRISTAN/ Orakzais to have him elected on merit.

A silver lining in this scenario is that Mahsuds, Wazirs and Orakzais of TTP will never accept a semi-literate man from SWAT as their AMIR, eventually it will divide the TTP. The time is not far when another man from WAZIRISTAN may be elected as the next/new AMIR of TTP. This could be a sponsored move by the Indian and Afghan Intelligence Agencies to control the TTP operations from Afghanistan. A semi-literate person cannot be expected to control TTP from out of Pakistan, irrespective of the financial and other support by Afghanistan/India. This move will create serious problems for withdrawal of NATO forces from Afghanistan.

Pakistani leadership must make use of this opportunity to negotiate with the Taliban for peace in Pakistan. Pakistan must stick to her earlier decision to have dialogue with the Taliban of North and South Waziristan only. No Dialogue/negotiations to be held with TTP with Mullah Fazlullah as their AMIR. However Pakistan Government and Pakistan Army must be fully prepared to meet the new challenge/terrorism activities which are soon going to start under the New Amir. PTI/KP government must reconsider withdrawing the Army from SWAT/ MALAKAND. Negotiations can only be successful if the same are held from position of strength. This has been proved over the last 150 years while dealing with the insurgency.

USA/ CIA are also advised to carry out a realistic and fresh appraisal of the situation for her relations with PAKISTAN. Pakistan alone can facilitate the NATO forces. USA/CIA can carry out another Drone attack inside AFGHANISTAN to kill Mullah Fazlullah to prove her support to Pakistan. The Pakistan government should convince the USA to stop drone attacks inside Pakistan but carry out the same inside AFGHANISTAN in Nuristan to kill the New TTP leadership. USA should show sincerity in order to facilitate the dialogue process with TTP of North and South Waziristan. This is the only way forward which will facilitate the peaceful withdrawal of NATO forces from Afghanistan. Giving a role to INDIA against Pakistan interest will create serious problems for peace in south Asia.

Lt Col Muhammad
Shahbaz Thuthaal (Retd)


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