Letters to the Editor – Dear Ikram ul Majeed Sehgal

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Energy Crisis

The following letter was sent to the then PM S.Y.R. Gillani which seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. Maybe the PM in the making Mian Nawaz Sharif might happen to read it and take the measures suggested to deliver what he and his younger brother have been promising to the nation: Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)

“H’able Makhdoom Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani Sb.
(Please read now: Mian Nawaz Sharif)

A.O.A.You may be aware that electricity load shedding has brought the country to the brink of an abyss. The writing on the wall is there for everybody to read and take immediate, repeat immediate, drastic and emergent steps, before the situation explodes to a point of no return. In fact, the country has now reached a defining moment.

In this regard, now as an all powerful Prime Minister it is high time that you may take personal charge of the looming crisis. For your consideration, I take this opportunity to submit the following proposals to stem the rot of the current electricity crisis of Pakistan.

1) Impose total country-wide ban on use of air-conditioners in all official, public and private offices and residences (which includes the offices and residences of the President, P.M, Governors, C.Ms and state guest houses with no exceptions, even for foreign guests). We should not forget that in the 60s the Indian government imposed a nation-wide ban on serving dinner to combat the severe food shortage.

2) Order the closure (strictly) of all shops and offices after 6 P.M. Remember, every Watt saved is Watt generated.

3) Order the prohibition of every type of decorative lighting in the country.

4) All TV channel transmissions and cable services must be ordered to be closed at 9 P.M. throughout the country.

5) The services of Police, Rangers, F.C and Armed Forces may be acquired to detect and permanently disconnect the electricity connection of all those premises that may be getting electricity through illegal means. These premises, under no circumstances be allowed electricity connection in the future. Remember, there is more than 30% (latest NEPRA losses figures are at 40%) electricity theft in the country and civilian agencies can never overcome this problem.

6) Order the immediate one hour advancement of clocks and five days working in a week.

7) Order the immediate maximum facilitation to all and sundry, installing and using Solar energy at their premises, like as in India, bank loans are given for Solar energy at 4% interest rates. Our customs department charges tax on one pretext or the other on Solar energy equipments, although the government has declared it as tax free. This matter should be resolved once and for ever.

Wishing you all the success in your endeavours to serve the country in a manner to be remembered in the annals of the history.

Na Samgho Gay To Mit Jao Gay Aay Pakistan Walo,
Tumharey Dastan Tak Na Ho Gy Dastano mein.

Syed Nayyar Uddin Ahmad

Dear Ikram ul-Majeed Sehgal

Successful Politicians
Churchill while defining politics and politicians had said that a successful politician was the one who promised moon and stars to his electorate before the elections and after being elected to the power could explain to them as to why he couldn’t do all that he had promised. MNS has certainly grown up to qualify for that category of successful politicians. He has so far taken to explain only one issue that of the energy and load shedding as to why it can’t be solved sooner as promised and one would have to wait and see what he will have to say about the other many many ‘moons’ and the ‘stars’ that the Shareef brothers had so enthusiastically promised to the masses – the poor naïve masses who believe in such “successful” politicians who take them time and again for a big ride.

Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)

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Currently Chairman of a Group of 5 companies, Col (Retd) Riaz Jafri writes as a freelancer when he needs to get away and relax from work and business. Joining the 7th PMA Long Course in 1951 he was commissioned in the Corps of Signals in March 1953, taking voluntary premature retirement in 1977. During his Army career he was instructor in various Schools for 13 years, 2 I/C of a Scouts Battalion Frontier Corps, fought in the 1965 war at Lahore where he was cited for SJ and awarded Imtiazi Sanad, Platoon Commander and Company Commander PMA during 1965/1969, promoted to Lt Colonel in June 1969, GSI-Civil Affairs in Dacca June 1970, GSO-I as well as AQ in an Infantry Division in the Eastern Command and commanded a Signals Battalion in FWO before retiring. Was taken POW in 1971 and was one of the last to be repatriated from India in April 1973. Widely traveled, computers and photography are his main hobbies.


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